Throughout the history and all around the world, ever since the establishment of the rural settlements, some of these communities have been moved to different locations. The reasons for these displacements are diverse and include natural disasters, protection of natural resources, war, development projects and other factors. A review of the documented experiences reveals that in spite of the positive effects of some relocation projects, the settlers were sometimes displeased with its mode of execution. The most important reasons for the dissatisfaction include loss of land, legal disclaimer of properties, the rupture of services and social networks, loss of sources of income, social tensions, problems in the allocation of funds for housing construction in new location, the urban style of design in the overall form of the rural settlement, weakness or loss of cultural identity, traditional patterns of authority and potential for collaboration, obstacles to the participation of the rural dwellers in the relocation process, physical problems in new settlements, and other factors.Islamieh village as part of Shirvan district of Shirvanchardavol township of Elam province is one of villages in which the relocation process was performed due to shortage of space, physical and health considerations.The method of this research is descriptive and analytical, and the relevant data has been collected through field research and observation, complemented with questionnaires and interviews. In this study, several indexes including housing conditions and funds, villagers’ access to some services, evaluation of the rate of participation in the execution of project, the effects of relocation on livelihood, and other factors have been considered. Also, a poll has been carried out among 44 households in the new village. The aim of this paper is a survey of rural dwellers’ opinion in Islamieh village on the relocation plan, considering the physical dimensions of the settlements (housing quality, rural routes and footpaths, management of runoff and sewage), access to services, infrastructure and superstructure, participation of villagers in the project, displacement effect on the livelihood and satisfaction of villagers.The results show that villagers are satisfied with some aspects of the village relocation plan including the location of site, adjustment with neighbors and access to some of the services However, some other aspects, such as the condition of routes and water canals, participation of villagers in the project and effect of the relocation on the livelihood choices have been sources of dissatisfaction among the residents.