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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Komrud village of located on the slope is particularly susceptible to landslides. The slope stability analysis is of special importance because of landslides or slope failures can cause major damages life and financial. In studies to determine the factors and parameters affecting the slope is unstable. According to studies, one of the most important factor affecting landslides in this area is the force exerted by the acceleration of the earthquake. With this approach, the maximum possible acceleration of earthquakes in a 50-year period is estimated at the site. On the other hand, based on studies of the geological is determined profile of the slope geometry, physical and resistance parameters to the landslide susceptible. Then using the modeling software in FLAC 2D 5. 00 elasto-plastic structural models, with failure criteria Mohr – Coulomb, stress-strain behavior of the soil has been examined to pseudo-dynamic method. A base position at the top of the slope is considered and displacement it horizontally to reach the maximum possible acceleration is calculated and recorded. The results of this study indicate that Horizontal displacement followed the landslide, can be occur below the maximum acceleration estimates.

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Ground settlement due to tunneling and the effects of the engineering geological factors on its dimensions and extensions, is a very important problem in shallow tunnel excavation projects in urban areas. Empirical method is one of the usual methods to study this subject. The empirical and dimension-less parameters of VL and k are the most important parameters in relation to this method that are estimated according to engineering geological factors. In this research, the values of these parameters were initially estimated based on preceding studies and the ground settlement was predicted using these estimated values of VL and k. In next stage, the results of predictions were compared with the real (measured) settlements happened due to Abuzar tunnel excavation. As the real settlements are less than the predicted ones, it was concluded that the real VL must be lower than the predicted values or the real k must be higher than the predicted values. With regard to the high dependency of these parameters to the soil cohesion, it seems natural cementation of Tehran alluvia has acted as a factor to increase the soil cohesion and has caused to decrease ground settlement due to excavation of Abuzar tunnel. For validation of this hypothesis, preceding findings about alluvia cementation were reviewed and the results of in-situ and laboratory shear and triaxial tests were compared with together. Then it is concluded that the higher cohesions of in-situ shear tests are occurred due to natural cementation of materials existing in Abuzar tunnel route.

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Soil classification is one of the major parts of geotechnical studies. So assessment of existing methods for soil classification in different areas is important. For soil classification is used in situ and laboratory test results. Sampling and identification tests are laboratory methods for soil classification. CPTu test is in situ method for soil identification and classification, due to accuracy and speed, this test is used widely in geotechnical study today. Many researchers are proposed some charts for soil classifications based on the parameters measured in CPTu test. In this paper for evaluation the performance of these methods, 58 CPTu test results have been used. These tests are related to four areas in southern Iran. The soils are classified by CPTu methods and then they are compared with 372 laboratory soil classification. Research results show the chart proposed by Robertson (1990) which based on Qt, Ft and Bq variables has the best adaptation with the laboratory soil classification in these studied areas. Then according to data obtained from research, proposed a modified charts based on Rf, qt-u0/σ ΄ v, that show 90% adaptation with laboratory soil classification.

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Landslides are natural hazards that make a lot of economical and life losses every year. Landslide hazard zonation maps can help to reduce these damages. Taleghan watershed is one the susceptible basin to landslide that has been studied. In this paper, landslide hazard zonation of the study area is performed at a scale of 1: 50, 000. To achieve this aim, layers information such as landslides distribution, slope, aspect, geology (lithology), distance from the faults and distance from rivers using artificial neural network-based Radial Basis Function (RBF) and perceptron neural network (MLP), has been studied. Principal of RBF method is similar to perceptron neural network (MLP), which its ability somewhat has been identified up to now and there are several structural differences between these two neural networks. The final results showed that the maps obtained from both methods are acceptable but the MLP method has a higher accuracy than the RBF method.

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The Bakhtiari dam has located on Bakhtiari River in province of Lorestan. In order to access the crest of the dam, the excavation of a spiral tunnel is being studied. There are other access tunnels which are branched from this tunnel in different levels and are connected to grout galleries. According to the fact that this tunnel will also be used during the operation of the dam, The correct determination of mechanical parameters of rock masses for tunnel design and stability Analysis is very important. In order to analyse the stability of the underground rock structures, the mechanical and engineering parameters of the rock mass must be known. Accurate rock mass properties can only be obtained from large in situ tests. Such tests are seldom carried out as they are very expensive and time consuming. Sensitivity analysis of parameters can be applied for the optimisation of testing schemes. Sensitivity analysis helps to avoid mistakes due to subjective conjecture. In this article, after the introduction of regional geology and determination critical section on the tunnel path, the mechanical parameters of the rock mass surrounding the tunnel are modelled and analyzed by using FLAC3D software (numerical finite difference method). Parameters conducted in the analysis include the elasticity modulus (E), cohesion of the rock mass (C), friction angle (ϕ ), coefficient of lateral stress (K) and tensile strength (&sigmat). Ultimately, according to the result of numerical modelling and parametric analysis, parameters affecting the stability are prioritized. The result of analysis showed that in this project, tensile strength of the rock mass does not affect the stability of the tunnel, and Also, in order of priority, E, ϕ , C, k parameters are important in design. The amount of fi eld tests for rock parameters can be rationalised according to their sensitivity factors.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The Schmidt hammer provides a quick and inexpensive measure of surface hardness that is widely used for estimating the mechanical properties of rock material such as uniaxial compressive strength and Young’ s modulus. On the other hand, Schmidt rebound hardness can be used for a variety of specific applications. In the mining industries, it is used to determine the quality of rock, which is common practice when constructing rock structures such as those found in long wall mining, room and pillar mining, open-pit mining, gate roadways, tunnels, dams, etc. However, a number of issues such as specimen dimensions, water content, hammer type, surface roughness, weathering, testing, data reduction and analysis procedures continue to influence the consistency and reliability of the Schmidt hammer test results. This paper presents: a) a critical review of these basic issues and b) avaluate the effect of temperature, moisture and uniaxial compressive stress on Schmidt hammer hardness. It was found that water content has a significant effect on the Schmidt rebound hardness (SRH) of rocks. So that increase of water content substantially reduced the SRH of samples. Temperature also had a considerable influence on the SRH. However, relationship between SRH decreases with increasing temperature for tested samples were linear. Also tests results showed that uniaxial loading of samples increases the SRH values.

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Keshavarz Amin | Nemati Mehdi

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In this paper, the bearing capacity of strip footings on fiber reinforced granular soil has been studied. The stress characteristics or slip line method has been used for the analysis. In the selected failure criterion, the orientation of the fibers are isotropic and fibers are not ruptured. Seismic effects have been considered in the equilibrium equations as the horizontal and vertical pseudo-static coefficients. The equilibrium equations have been solved using the finite difference method. The provided computer code can solve the stress characteristics network and calculate the bearing capacity. The bearing capacity has been presented as the bearing capacity factors due to the unit weight of the soil and surcharge. Several graphs have been prepared for the practical purposes. Also, a closed form solution has been presented for the bearing capacity factor due to the surcharge. By the parametric studies, the effects of the geometry and soil properties have been investigated. Results show that the bearing capacity increases with an increase on the average concentration and aspect ratio of the fibers, the fiber/matrix friction angle and the soil friction angle. Furthermore, the extent of the failure zone is increased with increasing the pseudo-static coefficients and decreasing the surcharge.

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