The present paper studies the manifestations of decentration devices in Persian folktale s. As Piaget asserts decentration is a central attribute of children's mind and as Khosronejad has suggested, decentration is manifested through some devices in children's literature. This study is intended to make a new contribution to the independency of children's literature. Following the theory of innocence and experience, Enjavi Shirazi's Folktales are studied through qualitative deductive content analysis. The findings revealed that overstating and happy ending were the devices that proved to be present in all of the folktales., Close up and Wide shot, however, had no manifestation in the studied samples. The findings also revealed 13 new manifestations of decentration: A single scene from two different perspectives, simultaneous scenes, Superficial glance and profound, Chain of events, Burst of Inversions, The Displacement of Hero, Being episodic, Surprisal, Dialogue/Discussion, Labeling, Frame tale, Cumulative tales, Metamorphosis.