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Background and Aim: Family is the center and core of the care. Researchers who work with children with disabilities have shown that effective services are those that are focused on the role of families in treatment. The main aim of this study was to survey an overview of family-centered approach (FCA).Materials and Methods: This study is a review of the national and international databases between 1985 and 2012.Results: Based on the exploration articles and documents, FCA has been advocated across a wide range of professions from health care (physician, nursing, midwifery and etc.), therapy services, early intervention, early childhood education, special and general education. The main essence of FCA includes parental involvement in decision making, collaboration and partnership, mutual respect (family and therapist), acceptance of the family’s choices, support, a focus on strengths, individualized and flexible service delivery, information sharing, and empowerment.Conclusion: The FCA is effective, for children, parents, families, and the service provider. It enhances health care and increases family satisfaction of service delivery system. Perhaps due to the lack of sufficient knowledge and education about FCA, lack of educational materials and training in the medical model, there is limitation in implementation of FCA in Iran.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Aim: “Executive function” is a term describing the processes required for conscious control of thought, emotion, and action that have centered role in management of one's day-to-day life. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between executive function and performance on selected linguistic tasks in persons with aphasia (PWA) and left frontal lobe lesions.Materials and Methods: Subjects were 12 right-handed, left hemisphere stroke patients and 12 normal adults as control group. Farsi aphasia test were administered to determine of persence and type of aphasia, as well as auditory comperehension(AC) and naming scors. Wisconsin Card Sort Test(WCST) and Tower Of London(TOL) were used to assess the executive function skills of planning, working memory, mental flexibility, self monitoring, inhibition irrelevant behavior, shifting between concept and action.Results: The control group scored higher than the individuals with aphasia on the executive function tests (P<0.001). In WCST there was not a significant correlation between the AC and category completed (CC) as well as preservative errors(PE). There was a significant correlation between the AC and total errors (TE) (p=0.02). There was a significant correlation between naming and CC (p=0.01) and TE (p=0.005). There was not a significant correlation when comparing the naming and PE (p=0.194). A comparison between naming scores and TOL showed a significant correlation (p=0.009). There was not a significant correlation between AC and TOL (p=0.113).Conclusion: This study showed that individuals with aphasia have cognition disorder, other than language disorder. If they have a good naming ability, patients' performance ontestsof executive function will be better.

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Background and Aim: The target tracking tests is a known method to quantify the performance of the neuromuscular system. It has been used in several studies for evaluation of neuromuscular control strategies. The purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of direction and speed of isometric trunk exertion on the trunk controllability during the target tracking tests in sagittal versus axial rotation torque plane.Materials and Methods: Twenty- two healthy subjects (13 female and 9 male) randomly performed target tracking tasks at levels of 0% to 80% Maximum Voluntary Exertions (MVE) and seven different directions (0o, 30o, 6o …, 180o) in upright standing posture. In this study, the tracking system included a moving target circle, which moved on a straight line in specific direction from 0 to 80% of individual MVE with speed of 5, 6 and 7% MVE/s. The direction of isometric trunk exertion was presented to participants in the real time visual feedback by a computer monitor positioned in front of them. Trunk controllability was determined by computing the control errors (Absolute Value Error from the Target [AVET], Error from the Target Path [ETP] and Error from the Target in the Target Path [ETTP]) during each performance. Analysis of variance was used to test the effect of speed and direction of isometric trunk exertion on trunk controllability.Results: The results have shown that the direction of isometric trunk exertion had significant effect on the AVET and ETTP (p=0.000) while the effect of speed and interaction between direction and speed were not significant. The error decomposition into two independent parts showed that the only direction of exertion on ETTP was significant (p=0.000) and speed of exertion on any of them (ETP and ETTP) was not significant. On the other hand, Borg scale (a simple method of rating perceived exertion) significantly affected by direction (p=0.000) and speed (p=0.000) of exertion during the target tracking tests.Conclusion: According to the findings of the current study, the effect of direction of isometric trunk exertion on the controllability was significant. Trunk controllability was significantly decreased during rotational exertions which may impair trunk neuromuscular coordination, increasing the risk of developing low back pain.

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Background and Aim: The aim of present study was to examine effect of attentional focus on balance performance and EMG activity of athletes.Materials and Methods: The semi-dynamic balance task of 10 gymnasts (22.2±2.09 years old) with 3-5 years of experience in two periods, one in internal focus (focus on leg) and one in external focus (focus on stabilometer plate) was assessed. Postural sways were measuredby Biodexstabilometer and muscular activity of tibialis anterior and soleus muscles were recorded using ME6000electromygram device. Data were analyzed using paired t-test.Results: muscular activity for controlling posture was reduced in external focus condition than internal focus. Postural sways is more in internal focus condition than internal focus.Conclusion: Research findings (enhanced performance and reduced EMG) showed that antinational focus conditions (internal or external) have significant effect on athletes balance performance. In conditions that attention is focused on external feedback and information (rather than focus on body itself) balance is enhanced and requirement to muscular activity will reduce.

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Background and aim: Cerebral palsy is the most common physical disability in childhood. Children with cerebral palsy require long-term therapy for achieving improved motor function. It seems to be a need for treatment and training at home. The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of “handling training” for caregivers at home on the gross motor function of 15-72 months cerebral palsy children.Materials and Methods: In this experimental single-blinded study, 40 children with cerebral palsy (15-72 months old) were recruited from some of Tehran public or private rehabilitation clinics based on pre-determined inclusion criteria, and after matching for child age, type of clinic referred to (public or private), type of cerebral palsy, IQ score, GMFCS level and number of occupational treatment sessions already provided at the rehabilitation clinic. The children were allocated randomly into intervention and control groups. For data collection, a demographic information questionnaire, gross motor function measurement (GMFM66) test and gross motor function classification system (GMFCS) test were used. Data were collected on three occasions: before the intervention, 1.5 months and 3 months after intervention. For intervention, researchers went to the intervention group's homes and explained educations related to handling for caregivers in a 4-hours session. During 3 months, researchers would follow up to implement the intervention. Data were analyzed by one sample k-S, chi-square, independent sample t test, general linear model and analysis of Covariance.Results: There were significant differences in gross motor function of two groups in 1.5 months and 3 months after intervention than before intervention (p<0.001). There were significant difference in gross motor function improvement in pre-post (1.5 months after intervention) (p=0.006) and pre-follow (3 months after intervention) (p<0.001) between two groups and was greater in the intervention group.Conclusion: Handling training on caregivers in home improves gross motor function in 15-72 months old cerebral palsy children.

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Background and Aim: Proprioception is one of the most precise and delicate senses of the human body. It plays an important role in coordination and postural control by protecting the body against trauma and accidents. Although many studies have assessed the effect of fatigue on proprioception in the limbs and the low back region, but a few studies have investigated its possible effect on the cervical region.Material and Methods: Seventeen (8 women, 9 men) young and healthy volunteers were asked to perform the Cervicocephalic Relocation Test (CRT) to the neutral head position by relocating the head on trunk after actively rotating the head to right and left sides, in two conditions; before and after muscular fatigue. Absolute, constant and variable errors were used to evaluate cervical joint repositioning accuracy.Results: Fatigue had no effect on cervical joint position sense, Furthermore no considerable difference was seen between male and female subjects (p>0.05).Conclusion: The results suggest that following isometric fatigue of upper trapezuis muscles, no change is produced in the repositioning accuracy of both sexes. Furthermore, sex had no effect on cervical joint proprioception.

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Background and Aim: Schizophrenia is a severe mental illness encompassing a spectrum of cognitive, social, and emotional impairments. One of the serious problems in schizophrenia is functional dysfunction. Emotional face recognition is an effective component of social functioning. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between negative emotional faces perception and global function in patients with schizophrenia.Materials and Methods: The method of this study was analytical- descriptive. Using convenience sampling method 30 patients with schizophrenia (16 male/14female, 20-45 years old) were selected from Roozbeh Psychiatric Hospital of Tehran University of Medical Science (TUMS) in Tehran, Iran. Their functionswere assessed by Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF), and responses to emotional face perception(N170) were recorded by Event Related Potential(ERP). Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation test and linear regression in SPSS software version 15.Results: Results showed that the mean amplitudes of N170 responses to fearful and angry faces in patients with schizophrenia were significantly correlated with the GAFscores (P<0.001). Besides, the amplitudes of N170 responses to angry faces (as compared to fearful faces) could predicate the %26 of the GAF scores changes by stepwise regression analysis.Conclusion Findings suggested that the functional dysfunction in patients with schizophrenia is due to the deficit in the early stage of facial expression perception.

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Background and Aim: Ankle sprain is one of the most common injury among the athletic injuries. Around 70-80% of these injuries tend to be chronic. Despite extensive clinical and basic science research, the incidence of Chronic Ankle Instability(CAI) has not significantly reduced. Because the causes of CAI is not quite clear, the rehabilitation still deals with great challenges. one of the treatment methods which has been under special attention for this injuries is Kinesio Taping(KT). In this study, effects of three KT methods on performance in athletes with CAI was investigated.Materials and Methods: Thirty male athletes (futsall, football) with CAI participated in this study. The KT was used in three distinct times with three different methods (mechanical, functional and ligament- Tendon Correction) for these people and their short- time effects on functional performance of lower limb was evaluated. This evaluation was done thorough two functional performance test (Star Excursion Balance Test and Figure of 8 Hop Test).Results: In taping with the aim of functional and mechanical correction, functional performance after KT dramatically improved but in taping with the aim of Ligament-Tendon correction functional performance did not change significantly after taping.Conclusion: The result of this study suggests that functional and mechanical correction have the significant effect on functional performance of futsaland football athletes with CAI , the ligament-tendon correction has not significant effect.

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Background and Aim: Athletes from different sport fields are needed to lower extremity dynamic balance for their specific skills. The question can be raised is whether athletes from different sport fields are different in lower extremity dynamic balance? The aim of this study was to compare the dynamic balance of lower extremity of football, handball and taekwondo athletes with functional tests.Material and Methods: Ten football, 10 handball, and 10 taekwondo healthy male athletes with the mean age of 23.83±0.06 years participated voluntarily in this study. The lower extremity dynamic balance was assessed by Shuttle Run test (SR), figure of 8 Hop test (FEH), Side to Side Hop test(SSH) and Agility Hop test (AH). All analyses were conducted using SPSS version 19.Results: The scores of SR, FEH and AH tests were higher in taekwondo players compared to football and handball players (7.11±0.26, 9.86±1.09 and 9.2±1.31, respectively). Football players gained the highest score in SSH test (7.52±0.84). The FEH test score in handball players was higher than football players (9.59±0.94). Statistical analysis showed significant differences between three groups on two tests (SR P=0.03 and AH P=0.01).Conclusion: This study showed that lower extremity function of athletes from different fields of sport may be different. It seems that football and handball players need more agility and speed than taekwondo players for doing their own skills. This issue should be considered in designing the sport specific training protocol for athletes.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Aim: In recent years transcranial stimulations, action observation and motor imagery training have emerged as nonaggressive and attractive choices beside the common rehabilitation treatments for neurologic patients. Mirror therapy using visual feedbacks is one of these newfound methods that its therapeutic effects on impaired upper limb of stroke patients are still under investigation. In this case report, Impact of mirror therapy in treatment of the paralyzed upper extremity in 2 stroke patients will be described.Materials and Methods: Two adult patients with hemiplegia due to cerebrovascular accident and with 1 and 5 years passed since stroke went under 12 sessions of mirror therapy. Each session of mirror therapy lasted 45 to 60 minutes in which patients have been practicing specific exercises under direct supervision of therapist. Patients were evaluated for function and motor recovery level, spasticity, range of motion and power grip before and after one month of treatment.Results: In both individual, function and motor recovery level, active range of motion, and power grip were improved and spasticity just showed a decrease in one of the patient.Conclusion: Mirror therapy for 12 sessions can be beneficial to treatment of affected upper extremity in these two stroke patients.

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