Background and Aim: Family is the center and core of the care. Researchers who work with children with disabilities have shown that effective services are those that are focused on the role of families in treatment. The main aim of this study was to survey an overview of family-centered approach (FCA).Materials and Methods: This study is a review of the national and international databases between 1985 and 2012.Results: Based on the exploration articles and documents, FCA has been advocated across a wide range of professions from health care (physician, nursing, midwifery and etc.), therapy services, early intervention, early childhood education, special and general education. The main essence of FCA includes parental involvement in decision making, collaboration and partnership, mutual respect (family and therapist), acceptance of the family’s choices, support, a focus on strengths, individualized and flexible service delivery, information sharing, and empowerment.Conclusion: The FCA is effective, for children, parents, families, and the service provider. It enhances health care and increases family satisfaction of service delivery system. Perhaps due to the lack of sufficient knowledge and education about FCA, lack of educational materials and training in the medical model, there is limitation in implementation of FCA in Iran.