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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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The main objective of this study is presenting disciplinary pattern for prevention from crisis through answering two following questions: 1- crisis prevention with disciplinary approach includes which elements? 2- what is the effectiveness of each one of these elements on the crisis prevention process? After studying the literature of this topic based on Rosenthal Theory (2004) concerning that crisis prevention is in accordance with inventive and contingency methods and approaches and using modeling technique will provide more complex perception of dynamisms related to the extension of crisis. The sampling group has been consisted of 25 officers and commanders of police force who were expert in crisis affairs, were selected and their opinions have been compiled via Delphi method and the data were analyzed by principles of fuzzy logics in group decision making in order to reveal the relationships between variables. According to the answers of questions, this research introduces and specifies pre-exploration, prediction and preparation as three main elements in disciplinary prevention process. The effectiveness of pre-exploration is more than two other elements. For each one of the elements, dimensions were determined in order to present applied strategies through their combination and composition for optimum use of research model.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Social discipline plan shall be considered as following actions of all social security plans of police force towards applying public order and peace. The main objective of this research is exploring and identifying the effect of advertisements and public educations of Tehran police department for informing the people of social discipline plan. This study is applied and has been provided via descriptive-survey method and sampling group of this research is consisted of all citizens residing at five districts of Rey (3, 5, 7, 11, 12) for which social discipline plan has been executed. Sampling method is multistage cluster and the data have been compiled according to the researcher made questionnaire. The results of this research indicated that the effects of police advertisements of social discipline plan for increasing the peoples' awareness of the said plan have evaluated well and also there is a significant relationship between advertising content, increasing the peoples' awareness, citizens' fear of police, increasing the citizens' dissatisfaction with police and increasing the critics on police and execution of social discipline plan. Therefore the media has the important role of imaging the police in public thoughts.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Considering the importance of railway due to security and peace for the passengers and transportation affairs among the societies and has been interested by many people, the statesman shall pay attention to this topic. On the other side, whereas in this industry, many components and equipments are used that the lack or defect of which may take the life and property of hundred passengers at risk; thus paying attention to this issue is necessary. The main objective of this research is identifying some factors effective on the thievery of rail equipments of Khorasan Razavi Railway. The type of this research is applied and the data have been compiled via descriptive-survey method. The sampling group is consisted of railway employees and managers and data compilation tool is questionnaire. The results of this study indicate that protective factors including human forces and security facilities and equipments is effective on the control of rail properties thievery and on this ground, some suggestions have been provided such as further motivation of protective factors and presentation of precise and clear plan, appropriate planning according to the proper management and supervision.

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Whereas psychic health is in relation with the emotions, thoughts and behaviors of the man, and indeed provides the growth of mental and communicative growth and cause to the emotional, flexibility and self-esteem growth of the man, thus for recognizing the effect of psychic health in appearance of risky behaviors of the adolescents according to the negative and positive dimensions, 6 contexts of risky behaviors prevalent among the adolescents of Oroumieh County including violence, suicide, using tobacco, alcohol, unsafe materials and sexual behavior have been surveyed and their effect on the social security is explained. This research as respect to the objective is applied and as respect to the methodology is post-event. The sampling group of this study is consisted of 300 girl and boy adolescents within 14 to 19 years old who were selected via multistage cluster random sampling method among the high schools of Orournieh Dist. 1, and the data were compiled via questionnaires of demographic traits, public health, psychological calmness and risky behaviors. The findings indicate that significant difference exists between the adolescents with risky behaviors and those have not risky behaviors in the most negative and positive indices of psychic health. The results of this research indicate that both negative and positive dimensions of psychic health are effective on appearing risky behaviors of the adolescents, and pursuant to which the various aspects of security are threatened.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Whereas the security is deemed as the first and most necessary requirements of human society and the major government task is realizing the justice towards securing the humans, local security is subject to the sufficient attempts for frontiers and frontier-guarding. But, whereas the activity and presence of Pejak and P.K.K. Forces at the borders of West Azerbaijan, and their traffic to the territory of Islamic Republic of Iran, had negative effects on the security of common borders between Iran and Turkey, Iraq and the region, therefore this research has been applied with the objective of specifying the security effects of Pejak and P.K.K Forces on the societal security of West Azerbaijan Province. The extant paper has been applied via descriptive-survey method and its sampling group has been consisted of commanders of frontier police departments, commanders of police teams and their substitutes, commander of legions and their assistants and operations and information of province and legions. Sampling method is stratified random and the data were compiled via questionnaire. The results of this research indicate that the presence and activity of Pejak. V.P.K.K. Juntas at the borders of West Azerbaijan caused to insecurity and reduction of social security of this region.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Crime prevention attracted ever the experts towards a deep and analytical viewpoint on crime occurrence factors. Meanwhile traditional theories of criminology explain the factors that sometimes its accuracy rate is not specified and sometimes omission of them requires time and high cost whilst upon applying some modern criminological and police approaches such as postural prevention strategies and subject-oriented police affairs, in addition to deep survey of crime factors may reduce the crime maximally and continuously. The main objective of this paper is brief etiology of crime and explanation of most strategic preventive analyses. The extant paper as respect to the objective is applied and as respect to the methodology is attribution that benefiting from English resources (main language), the written and translated books and articles and some executed plans has been compiled with the objective of crime prevention. The findings of this paper indicate that upon postural prevention and subject-oriented police affairs, in addition to prioritizing the prevention aspect, via analytical thoughtful strategies such as conducting the daily activities and systematic process of diagnosis, analysis, strategy and evaluation obviate the crime promptly and continuously. The results of this study show that using analytical strategies of crime postural and policing prevention is not limited to the particular or partial range of crimes but prompt prevention of the most serious crimes, determination of prevention priorities, the logic and economic intervention method, execution of an appropriate combination of preventive strategies through systematic and multidimensional diagnosis and analysis and minimizing the necessity of penal legislative are considered as the most important achievements of applying this approaches.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The topic of social security in Iran has a closer relationship on one side with the mass values which is the cause of public correlation and on the other side is in relation with objective factors such as crime, offence and financial ability of the people. National identity sin Iran has been formed based on the religious, national and modem values with the centrality of rationalistic religious values. In this regard, this question is taken into account that principally these two important topics have what relationship with each other. The results of this study which have been gained via analytical-explanative method and collection of library data indicate that mass values including the elements of Iranian national identity is considered as national identity and social security connecting factor. Because on one side mass values are leading to public correlation and consensus in the society and on the other side whereas mass values cause to formation of particular norms in people relationships will amplify the social security because whatever the mass values have higher stability will stabilize the society norms and upon reduction of norm-breaking, social security is amplified.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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By virtue of Article 15 of criminal Procedural Act, the Police Force as the public bailiff of Justice Administration in regular situation is liable for carrying out the special and important duties for order protecting and supplying public security. This force in irregular, extraordinary situations and unrests has important responsibilities in terms of regulations and laws. The objective of this research is surveying the role of police as the public bailiff of Justice Administration in civil unrests. This paper has been provided via library and descriptive-analytical method. The opinions, beliefs and concepts related to this case have been studied and reviewed according to the resources. The data of this paper have been collected by noting. The findings of this research indicate that the duties, regulations and laws enforcing on police force as the public bailiffs of Justice Administration have not been specified clearly in the laws of Islamic Republic of Iran in unrests and have been hinted diffusely in some laws. The officers of police force as the public bailiffs of Justice Administration have not enough awareness of applicable regulations and laws for confronting the unrests in critical situations, thus holding short-term courses, specialized workshops and scientific conferences is necessary for upraising their awareness of the said regulations. The results of this research indicate that no codified law on the duties of public bailiffs of Justice Administration in unrests and special governing powers, limitations, restrictions and peoples' tasks are available and just some diffused regulations have been allocated to this topic. Upon rapider approval of National Security Council's Bill Code may have a comprehensive law in critical conditions for determining the duties of police force and other relative organizations.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The subject of security and the importance of police role and performance for providing the practical and mental beds and fields for its supply in the society is considered as one of the major discourses among the researchers and security and disciplinary societies, thus analysis and survey of internal strategies of police and interacting with the other sectors for better fulfillment of this task towards providing public security for the society is necessary. Today, upon rapid advancement of information technology and internet, internet crimes have been occurred and internet police has been established for defending against computer crimes. The main objective of this paper is studying the effect of internet police on the social and cultural security and combating to computer offenses in different countries. Considering the nature of this subject and objectives, this research type is descriptive-library and reviewing. The sampling group of this research is countries such as Iran, USA, England, China, Australia, France, Saudi Arabia, and Malaysia. Via this method, information resources such as magazines, and reputable internet sites have been used. The results of this research indicate that: 1- Staunch efforts of internet police in different countries had a great role on the social and cultural security, altogether may state the number of countries confronting to internet filtering by internet police in the region and the world is rather considerable. Countries such as France in European Content and countries such as Malaysia, China, Australia and altogether Asia as the biggest continent in the world have the most extensive rate of filtering and censorship tools diversity, 2- internet police in different countries have great effect on the defense against computer crimes and different penalties have been applied for computer offenders, for instance, in Iran 91 days to 1 year imprisonment and an amount of 5 to 20 million Rials as cash penalties; in England, 10 to 20 years prison and in Australia the websites containing criminal contents, for every day activity are fined for 11000 Dollars, 3- Today, through publicity and trans boundary advanced intelligence systems such as internet, using this tool may be very effective on the introduction of different elements of sacrifice and martyrdom culture.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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