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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Monazzami Tabar Javad

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Background and objectives: Noshahr city has been immigrating destination in recent decades due to its proximity to the sea, being touristic and entrepreneurship, and its population has been multiplied, the unnecessary population growth has driven the growth of unincorporated settlements, resulting in a variety of crimes and social damage and consequently it has brought a sense of insecurity among the citizens. The present study, using sociological theories, examines the relationship between situational and law enforcement prevention of crimes and social injuries and the sense of security of citizens in Noshahr in 2018. Methodology: In terms of its objectives this study is of an applied research type and in terms of its nature it is considered as a descriptive-analytic study which has been conducted in survey method. A researcher-made questionnaire with a five-option Likert scale was used for data collection. The reliability of the questionnaire was estimated using Cronbach's alpha for all variables higher than 0. 85. The sample consisted of 392 citizens of Noshahr who were selected from 14 urban and suburbs of Noshahr using multistage cluster sampling method. Findings: There is a significant difference between the types of insecurity among citizens in terms of non-preventive and preventive areas. Regression analysis showed that independent variables; inappropriate design and architecture of urban areas and lack of continuous monitoring of urban spaces account for 0. 74 of changes in insecurity. Results: As the results of the study show, proper architecture and design of urban areas can have a significant role in enhancing citizens' sense of security. When combined with continuous monitoring of urban areas, it has a dual impact on citizens' sense of security. Thus, in order to enhance the citizens' sense of security in urban areas without prevention it is imperative to pay more attention to the physical design of these areas and urban surveillance.

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Background and objectives: Emotional intelligence enables one to avoid difficult situations before becoming uncontrollable and being more adaptable to the environment. Having patrol staff with this skill can prevent many problems in their relationships with the target community. Therefore, the present study was conducted to investigate the effect of emotional intelligence skills on police patrol performance in the First Chief Police Station of Tehran Metropolitan Police. Methodology: In terms of its objectives this study is of an applied research type and in terms of the nature of the data it is considered as a descriptive-analytical study. The statistical population of the study consisted of all 61 staff members of the 1st Chief Police Station's Patrol Unit of Tehran Metropolitan Police who were selected. Data collection tool was standard questionnaire of Bradbury and Graves with 28 questions whose indices were localized according to the research topic. The validity of the instrument was determined by content validity (experts' opinions) and its reliability was calculated by Cronbach's alpha coefficient as 0. 76. Research data were analyzed using correlation test. Findings: The findings showed that emotional intelligence had a positive and significant relationship with police patrol staff performance at 95% confidence level in the first Chief Police Station of Tehran Metropolitan Police. Also, the components of emotional intelligence namely, self-management, self-awareness, social awareness and management of relationship have a positive and significant relationship with the performance of the staff members of police patrols. Results: According to the research findings, the more employees' emotional intelligence skills are increased in the individual and social dimensions, the better their individual and organizational performance will be. Therefore, with continuous planning, at all stages of the service, it is necessary for police commanders and managers to prioritize personnel who have better emotional intelligence in employing the staff members of police patrols.

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Background and objectives: In addition to serious injury to direct victims, relatives, friends, the spread of rumor or its spread through mass media endangers the safety and mental health of the community and undermines social order and fears the community. The purpose of this study was to draw a criminal outline of deliberate homicide in Savojbalagh city. Methodology: 82 cases were studied in a descriptive manner through the descriptive method of murder cases that occurred in Savojbalagh city between 2006 and 2016. Findings: Honor issues, theft, defective anger, financial problems, incitement, personal hostility, and verbal strife have the highest role to play in the murders of Savojbalagh, respectively. The prevalence of homicide among low-educated single males between the ages of 20 and 30, the use of ropes as the most common killer instrument, and the reduction of homicide by increasing the number of murderers' children can also be noted. Finally, the most common type of deliberate murders are unplanned murders. Results: The results of this study indicated that each of the variables studied had an impact on the deliberate homicide of Savojbalagh city but the effect size was different.

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BADELEH ALIREZA | Alinasab Elham | Rezazadeh Bahadoran Hamid Reza

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Background and objectives: By the influx of the global standards and their emphasis on technology as a major priority of education, their learning is a necessity. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of police multimedia training packages on changing attitudes towards social security among the tenth grade students in the municipal district 5 of Tehran. Methodology: The research method was quasi-experimental with pre-test and post-test with two control and experimental groups. The statistical population of the study consisted of all tenth grade students in municipal district 5 of Tehran city. The sample of the study was selected using a multi-stage cluster sampling method from the students of district 5 schools of Tehran in the academic year of 2019-2020. One school was randomly chosen. One class of that school containing 6 grade-10 classes was chosen and then two classes, each of which containing thirty students were randomly selected from each class and randomly divided into experimental (n = 30) and control (n = 30) groups. The research tool was Social Security Attitude Questionnaire and Multimedia Educational Package. Findings: Findings of teaching methods on changing social security attitudes are as follows: in life dimension F (f = 13. 84, Sig = 0. 00); in financial dimension F (12. 89, Sig = 0. 04); and also in the cultural dimension, F (f = 62. 67, Sig = 0. 00), which means that multimedia education packages have a positive and significant effect on changing social security attitudes from the life, financial and cultural dimensions. Results: The results show that multimedia educational packages increase students' participation in providing security and promoting police status among them, and changes society's attitude toward social security. Multimedia educational packages also change students' attitudes about life, finances and culture. They have the greatest impact on the cultural dimension of social security.

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Background and objectives: Social media has become an integral part of people's lives today. Facing the news and the rapid growth of social media has caused many problems for users. These media outlets can direct public opinion by emphasizing specific and major aspects of some fears and panic. The purpose of this study was to investigate the social factors affecting the fear of social media users in Isfahan. Methodology: In terms of its objectives this study is of an applied research type and in terms of data collection procedure it is a survey study, and the data collection tool is questionnaire. The statistical population in this study is the citizens over 15 years old in Isfahan city. The sample size was set as 459 individuals using Sample Power software. The sampling method in this study is quota. Amos and SPSS software were used for data analysis. Findings: The findings of this study show that the variables of sense of social disorganization, formal social control, users' participation and their trust in social media and their age and gender have a significant relationship with users' fear of crime. Structural equation modeling shows that the social disorganization variable (0. 57) has the highest amount of variance of users' fear of crime and the users' participation in social media (0. 14) has explained the least amount of variance of users' fear of crime. Results: Much of the daily conversation on social media is about the dangers and anxieties that threaten our lives. Seeing the scenes of murder and violence on social media causes the fear of the act of associating with the victim. According to the results of this study, it can be said that the presence of people on social media affects users' fear of crime.

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Background and objectives: The land use affects security and tourism through attention to recognizing the specific capacities of the regions, economic efficiency, territorial unity, regional justice and equilibrium, preserving the environment and restoring natural resources, safeguarding cultural heritage and removing deprivations. Therefore, the purpose of the present study is to analyze the impact of land use planning on tourism development and security in Golestan province. Methodology: In terms of its objectives this study is of an applied research type and in terms of methodology it is considered as a descriptive-analytical study. The statistical population of the study consisted of tourists of Golestan province who were selected using Cochran formula. Structural equation modeling, Sobel test and regression coefficient were used to analyze the data. Findings: Findings show that land use and tourism development variables have 64% effect on national security and land use influence tourism development 11%. There is a significant and mutual relationship between land use and national security (with path coefficient of 0. 444) as well as between land use and tourism development (with path coefficient of 0. 329). The relationship between tourism development and national security is a mutual and significant relationship (with path coefficient of 0. 329). According to the Sobel test, the impact of tourism development as a mediating variable between land use planning and national security is confirmed at 95%. Results: The results show that tourism development has a positive and significant effect on national security. At the 95% level, the impact of tourism development was confirmed as a mediating variable between land use planning and tourism development. Quantitative tourism development (p <0. 01, t = 7. 0212) mediates the effect of land use on security and plays a facilitating role between these two variables.

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Pirahari Nir

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Background and objectives: Failure to obey a law in a society will lead to chaos in the various organs of that society, and social security will be jeopardized. In this regard, the present study investigates the relationship between cultural and social factors with unlawfulness. Methodology: The present study is a survey research which was conducted using a questionnaire technique to collect data. The statistical population of this study includes all the residents of Semnan; 248 individuals were selected by random sampling method. Cronbach's alpha was obtained as 0. 9 for the unlawfulness variable. Findings: The results show that the rate of unlawfulness is low among 36. 5% of respondents, 52. 8% somewhat and 10. 7% high. The average rate of unlawfulness among respondents is 1. 3 (mean range between 1 and 3), which indicates a low level. Results: The results show that there is a significant inverse relationship between social trust, life satisfaction, and unlawfulness. There was also a significant direct relationship between the level of sense of anomie and the unlawfulness of the respondents. There was no significant relationship between sense of discrimination and collectivism and the level of unlawfulness of the respondents.

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Background and objectives: Law enforcement is a dynamic and social organization and its most important task is to maintain order and security and to provide public and individual well-being in the community. Being aware of the status of social capital is one of the requirements for planning long-term development prospects as well as organizational planning. Accordingly, the importance of investigating the effectiveness of police social actions in increasing the social capital of the Qazvin Police Command seems very clear. Methodology: This study is of an applied research type which has been conducted in survey method. The population of the study was all the residents of Qazvin (sample size 480) who were selected by stratified random sampling method. The method of data collection was field study and questionnaire was used for data collection. For the analysis, we used exploratory factor analysis, KMO coefficient, Bartlett and Friedman test. Findings: The value of KMO index on the impact of law enforcement's social measures on social trust, social participation, commitment to social security, and attempted crime prevention were 0. 82, 0. 821, 0. 806, and 0. 820, respectively. Results: The results show that social actions, the presence of staff members alongside people in different religious ceremonies, the implementation of multiple programs for Police Force Week, the implementation of cultural programs on different occasions, face-to-face training classes and training and information dissemination through the installation of banners are the most effective in the social capital of citizens.

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