INTRUDUCTION: Staff of medical centers, who are saviors of accident victims, face risks at work that may even lose their lives. Although different criteria have been used in different studies, the performance of medical centers in terms of health, safety, and environment (HSE) management has not been evaluated. Therefore, the extraction, grouping, and prioritization of the HSE management assessment criteria of medical centers were performed in the present study. METHODS: Using the systematic method, following examining the most important methods, the criteria and sub-criteria associated with the HSE management of the medical centers were extracted, grouped and prioritized using the opinions of experts. The entropy method was employed to analyze the criteria. FINDINGDS: Total of 33 criteria and 166 sub-criteria were extracted which from them the criteria of operation control, risk management, and resource management had the highest repetition in the performance assessment methods. Finally, the cases were classified in 13 criteria and 35 sub-criteria, and the criteria of strategic management and compliance with laws and regulations were of the highest importance from the viewpoint of the study experts. CONCLUSION: The investigation on different methods showed that the criteria used did not cover all of important issues (such as strategy, goals and programs, resource allocation, evaluation of stakeholder needs, and selection of suppliers from the perspective of HSE management). The results provide a good ground for introducing and developing criteria for evaluating the HSE management of medical centers to improve the performance and compare different centers.