Modern systems have four basic components: hardware, software, organizational, and human. With the development of new technologies and systems, the hardware and software reliability has increased dramatically during the past decades, while in many cases the human reliability has remained either unchanged or even deteriorated over the same period as the result of complexity of systems. Human interactions are an important factor during the design, installation, production and operation, and maintenance phases of a product or system. The capacity of human beings to make mistakes and errors has been recognized since the beginning of recorded history. The new view on human error is that you can see the human error as the symptom of deeper trouble, in this case, human error is not a cause of failure. Human error is the effect, or symptom, of deeper trouble inside a system. It is not fair, logical and professionally ethical and sound for experts in the field of human factors and safety to say that human is recognized as the cause of as the matter of fact it is the failure of design and operation team and those who were unable to predict and mitigate source of human failure. This paper review was examined and summarized the history, significance, concepts, contributing factors, and all invented analytical methods and procedures in a systematic human reliability assessment (HRA). Furthermore, available human reliability data banks were introduced and elaborated. The challenges and issues in the field of human reliability field were later highlighted and emphasized. Lastly, the expected directions for future works by researchers and practitioners were suggested.