Ancient Iranians are among the nations well aware of the therapeutic effects of herbs, and hence pharmacology, even though no written scientific text is left giving witness to this. However, in mythical as well as ancient stories, one can find traces of the familiarity of ancient people with medicine and treatment. However, after the emergence of Islam (6 A. D. ), numerous textbooks on the pharmacy science (pharmaceutical science) are available. These texts, along with other historical and literary texts, encompass traces testifying the existence of such traditional pharmacies. Such pharmacies were in practice till mid-19th century when the first medical school was launched. At this time, mainly due to the familiarity of Naseredin Shah, (the King), with medical improvement in Europe, the first modern medical school was established in Iran. A French doctor, Dr. Focckette, as the first pharmacy teacher, started working in this school. This was followed by the effort made by Albert Scheverin, a Dutchman, to found the first modern pharmacy in Tehran, in 1882, providing people with chemical medicine. The present study aimed at giving a report on the history of medicine and pharmacy in Iran, followed by the reports of the first modern pharmacies founded in Iran.