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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a significant disorder and serious problematic issue among civil and military populations. Mental health practitioners indicate that immediate actions for the management of traumarelated mental disorders are crucial for the prevention of PTS. Thirty years after the end of the unwanted war between Iran and Iraq (1980-1988), with many catastrophic events, nowwehavemanyveteranswhoare suffering from post-traumatic disorders such as anxiety disorder, major depressive disorders, and some types of psychosis and PTS. In other words, PTSD could continue years after ending wars. In a study in Iran, 24. 0% of cases were compatible with PTSD diagnostic criteria 26 years after ending the war. . .

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Background: TB surveillance and preventing the further spread of the disease need the full knowledge of the biological characteristics influencing TB and detecting mathematical patterns to interpret the mechanism of TB spread. These models can provide explanations and knowledge of the dynamics of diseases and can be used for forecasting the ensuing values. To determine the possible number of patients, the time ahead is vital for decision making in public health. However, it is essential to determine forecasts’ accuracy utilizing genuine forecasts. Thus, we obtained the TB cases from April 2007 until March 2018 in Razavi Khorasan province to develop a fit model and forecast the number of TB cases for the next 24 months. Methods: We considered a time series of monthly incidence counts of TB in Razavi Khorasan province from April 2007 until March 2018. The data included total TB, pulmonary TB, new pulmonary TB, retreatment TB, and extrapulmonary TB cases. For choosing models and forecasting, we use about 20% of all data (24 data) for testing and the rest for training the model. The optimization of parameters was done automatically according to the smallest root mean squared error for these time-series analysis techniques with STATA. The models were EWMAs models (single exponential and double exponential smoothers) and totally, we compared the quality of forecasts provided by EWMAs models through the stand-alone measurement (RMSE). Results: The patterns of raw series of total TB, pulmonary TB, and new pulmonary TB were almost the same. They illustrated slowly downward trends with oscillation around the trend that was a property of cyclic trend. For retreatment TB and extrapulmonary TB cases, reductions occurred over time although with no pattern. The results of statistical models indicated that the values of smoothing constants of all series were near zero that indicated a very smooth series with slowly changing counts. Total TB, pulmonary TB, and new pulmonary TB series had double exponential patterns with noisy and long-standing trend and they might be increasing in the 24 months ahead. Retreatment TB and extrapulmonary TB series had simple exponential patterns with noisy and without secular trends; they might be with no changes in the 24 months ahead. Conclusions: The end TB strategy, MDG 6, target 8 is to stop and start to inverse the incidence of TB by 2015 and we joined this strategy in January 2006. However, TB control remains one of the main public health concerns. In recent years, our country has experienced immigrants from neighboring countries, sanctions or/and attacks with category C of biological agents in moving toward tuberculosis elimination. Our implementation requires changes in strategies and activities that should evolve over time. The findings of this study are helpful in achieving this goal.

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Background: High physical readiness is of great importance for armed forces. Lower limbs are of the most important parts of the body of each person. Objectives: The aim of this study was to design and construct a sports and rehabilitation device to improve physical fitness and lower limb performance. Methods: In this applied research, an electronic diagnostic system was designed to evaluate and enhance split performance. The user can set leg displacement, leg workout mode, recording, and repeatability of the states. The system was proposed with two functions including the increased strength of the legs and the rehabilitate of injured lower limbs by moving them. Results: According to the study design, the subject adjusts the angle between the two lower limbs in the device panel. Then, the device arms automatically start to reach the desired angle. Conclusions: In general, using this device, we could measure and improve the range of motion in the two lower limbs.

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Background: Entrance to a university is associated with a range of stressful academic, cognitive and emotional resources, and students may be frustrated and conflicted when experiencing these pressures as well as they may exhibit a range of psychological responses. Objectives: This study aimed at designing an educational program for mindfulness and its effectiveness in students’ cognitive, emotional, and educational processes. Methods: The study was conducted by descriptive-correlational method among third-year medical students of Tehran University of Medical Sciences in 2017-18. The statistical population included 250 people. The sample size was determined at 30 patients by power analysis method for conducting a quasi-experimental intervention with two 1. 5-month and 3-month follow-up. Data collection tools included Bauer’ s mindfulness questionnaire (2006), Cassidy and Long’ s Scale of Problem-Solving (1996), Maslach burnout inventory (2002), Dillon and Grout academic alienation scale (1976), and Grant and Langford self-reflection and insight scale (2002). Cronbach’ s alpha coefficients of tools in this study were 0. 75 for Bauer’ s questionnaire, 0. 70 for Cassidy and Long’ s scale, 0. 70 for Maslach, 0. 73 for Grant and Langford, and 0. 71 for Dillon and Grout. The intervention program was designed based on the Roeser and Schunert-Reichl (2016) mindfulness program. The face validity of the program was assessed by Fortalza Tool (2017) and a pilot study was carried out. Results (P < 0. 01) were significant, indicating the acceptance of the designed package. Descriptive statistics and homogeneity tests, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and repeated measures multivariate analysis were performed with SPSS 23 software for statistical investigation. Results: The findings showed that at P < 0. 01, mindfulness training program had a significant positive effect on all components of problem-solving ability and academic alienation. Mindfulness do not affect the environmentalism of emotional mindfulness (P < 0. 05) and the pessimism component of academic burnout (P < 0. 05). In all of the components, the sphericity assumption of the spatial distribution and the Levin test and the normal distribution were observed. Conclusions: Mindfulness education program can affect students’ cognitive and emotional processes and can be effective in reducing educational problems such as academic burnout and academic alienation, meanwhile, in increasing problem-solving and emotional mindfulness. It is recommended that this educational program should be implemented for new students of the universities.

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Koopaie Maryam

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Schwannoma is an uncommon benign encapsulated tumor that contains Schwann cells of the nerve sheath. About 25% of schwannomas are located in the head and neck region, and 1% of them are intraoral. In the oral cavity, the mostcommonsite of involvement is in the tongue, followed by the palate, buccal mucosa, lips, the vestibularmucosa, and gingiva. A rare case of schwannoma in the right side of the hard palate of the oral cavity in a 13 year oldboy with yellowish surface colorand0. 6 0. 5cmdiameterwasreported. The patient’ s chief complaint was palatal swelling since four months ago, without any pain. Differential diagnosis and treatment were discussed based on the histopathologic report and clinical features. The most important point of this case is the occurrence of a slow-growing schwannoma in the hard palate of a very young patient. The presence of an intraoral neural tumor in a young patient is very rare. . .

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Seyyed Asiye | ghajari Hadis

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Background: Owing to the decrease in the level of physical activity in today’ s world, it seems that weight gain and fat mass are among the most important causes of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Studies have also reported the beneficial effects of regular and long-term aerobic exercise on disease prevention. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the effect of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) on serum levels of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) in active and inactive women. Methods: In this quasi-experimental applied study, 40 female students purposefully selected (20 active and 20 inactive) based on availability who were divided into the passive group (n = 10 in the training group and n = 10 in the control group) and the active group (n = 10 in the training group and n = 10 in the control group). Then the training groups performed the selected HIIT for 6 weeks and three sessions per week. The levels of research variables were measured in the serum pretest and post-test. Results: The findings showed HIIT decreased ALT serum levels in the active training group (P = 0. 03, MD= 3. 50) and inactive training group (P = 0. 002, MD= 5. 30) compared to the active control group; however, there was no significant difference in terms of AST levels in the research groups (P = 0. 46, F = 0. 86). Conclusions: It seems that HIIT independently of weight changes and body mass index can decrease ALT in active and inactive women.

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Background: Homocysteine, C-reactive protein (CRP), fibrinogen, and lipoprotein (a) (LPA) are four novel cardiovascular risk factors. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to compare the serum levels of these substances in veteran football players and nonathletes. Methods: The subjects of this study were 16 male orthopedic veterans assigned to the two control and experimental groups. The age range was 40 to 50 years old. The athlete group was players of North Khorasan veterans’ team of futsal that trained regularly in the past six months. Trainings of the athlete group were three sessions per week that each session consisted of a warm-up, technical, tactical, and fitness trainings and cooling down. Non-athlete subjects had no regular trainings in the past six months. After 12 hours of fasting, serum levels of dependent variables were evaluated. Independent t-test was used for computing the mean differences of dependent variables between the two groups. Results: The findings showed that mean levels of homocysteine (P = 0. 034), fibrinogen (P = 0. 001) and LPA (P = 0. 022) were lower in the experimental group compared to the control group (P 0. 05). There was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of CRP mean levels (P = 0. 072). Conclusions: Generally, orthopedic veterans can prevent cardiac events through regular futsal training because this type of training may reduce the levels of homocysteine, fibrinogen and LPA.

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