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Background: Since social security is one of the fundamental and vital elements in human life on one hand, order establishment is the foundation of NAJA in other hand, outputs of all the selections cultural, political and disciplinary even on living affair influence social security. With regard to the great mission of NAJA, we are to consider how the plan is enforced in Tehran by NAJA and what their related results were. The main aim of this research was to inspect the achievements and outcomes of NAJA's social security plan performed in Tehran from newspapers' point of view in 2007-2008. The statistical community in this research was all the official newspapers in Iran during 2007-2008 and the sample community was two journals from Principalist, Kayhan and Resalat and two from reformists, Etemade-e-melli and Etemad. The research method is descriptive-analytical by use of content analyzing technique. The results revealed that the Iranian journals have a positive viewpoint about performance of social security plan in Iran. With regard to all the research process, the basic hypothesis was confirmed and indicating that the Iranian newspapers have generally a positive viewpoint about performance of social security plan in Iran.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Sociology of the police, as a relatively new branch of science, sociology, our mutual relations between the police and the community is made of lead, its links with the community as the organization of social organizations are examined. "Sociology of the police" founded on the principle that "the police" as a cognitive configuration (as in all branches of sociology) cannot be formed in a vacuum, develop. The police not only product and the product is essentially a social nature, but in its various forms is conditioned by social factors. The main objective of this study, explain and describe the situation in Iran since the arrival of the police, social studies, sociology and social research. Method of production associated with the police in this article documents the methods and data collection, library resources and production of various secondary information and analysis is also described. Also due to lack of focus on priority assessment and scientific communication among the few social research centers around the police, the subject of repeated low and it is high.

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In the third millennium, globalization faster than past time is moving through mergering world and more opportunities and possibilities has provide for countries, states and nations. In the other way, more concerns has created for maintain the value, identity and national unity. This subject causes countries to strengthen their elements and factors of national unity and identity. Therefore, boundary is a geographical-political element that has an important position and ability to create political unity in a land without any natural and human unity, and also has a significant role in national identity and solidarity. Accordingly, countries try in different forms such as restoration and recreation of some boundary role and new form of boundary. So, by using this character of boundary in strengthening of identity and solidarity concerns and challenges due to globalization for identity and national unity reduced. Countries by using psychological role, security, separating, distinct and etc. boundaries try to strengthen their identity and their national unity. Therefore, this study based on descriptive-analytical way and library study, due to the nature and philosophy of boundary try to investigate and analyze the role and capacity of them for strengthen identity and national unity of Iran in globalization era.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Today, the police forces of every country play a key role in establishing domestic security and fighting against the existing threats. As a major social and security institution, the police forces of the I. R. Iran bear a crucial responsibility in establishment and sustention of security. Following the constructive changes taking place throughout the recent years in Iran's macro-scale policy-making mechanism, the 20-year development plan, titled "the Vision 1404 Document" was drafted in order to function as a guideline for achievement of the intended fundamental, political, social, cultural, security and economic goal. The author believes that the 20-year Vision Document can serve as a strategic, long-term document to attain sustained development and security in all arenas. Thus, the document interconnects of economic, social, political and environmental dimensions, at both regional and international levels. In other words, the vision is a multilateral document in nature, calling for multilateral approaches. Realization of the targets accounted in the 20-year vision document relies on materialization of its diverse constituents. As one of the building blocks of the vision, security lays the groundwork for realization of the other targets. Sustained security and development enjoy a mutual relationship, that is, security is a prerequisite to development, while sustained development reinforces security. In that sense, the security approach of the 1404 Vision Document is oriented towards "sustained national security". The present research aims to study the role of police forces in realization of sustained national security, through a library-based descriptive-analytical method.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This article interprets public order and security from a sociological perspective. The most important question for sociological thinkers is that how social order reproduces itself. However, each sociologist deals with this question from his or her point of view. The question of reproducing social order has macro and micro dimensions and sociologists, based on their point of view, represent different sociological schools. This article intends to cover these theories and schools in their totality. It should be noticed that this article doesn't cover all of the sociological theories completely, because such an article necessarily would be a superficial one. That’s why the author has to select among the present theories and schools. Sociology is a paradigmatic science, i.e. there is no predominant theory in sociology. Sociology is not a science with a single methodology and frame work and there are many competing theories in this field. Although these schools criticize each other very seriously, this permanent critic cannot turn one of these schools into a predominant one.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Social security is one of the main aspects of security for making order and security in country that has gained a prominent place in recent decades. This issue is largely due to the importance of media development, information technology, communication and,... that have provided presence and role in society for many players to impress social security. In this way formation and development of cyberspace, according high capacity has individual role. Because capacity of this space has caused transformation in time, place and impress the social security that negative effect of it, is important. In this regards, the main purpose of this article is pathology of cyberspace on social security in social, cultural, economic and political part of it. The present article with descriptive-analytical way analyzed the pathology of cyberspace on social security. The result showed that cyberspace has high negative capacity for effect and challenge of social security. So, the growing presence and use of this space have provided weakness of family foundation and foundation of any society, separation of individual from each other, luxury, idealism, individualism, fashion, no trust to authorities, spreading lie and…has caused challenge and suffering of social security. Base on this growth and excellent of each society needs order and security so, attention to this new field and recognition of damage that cause by it, can have remarkable position in making social security.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In the era of competitions and changes, is considered to using of committed and efficient human resource as a unique competitive advantage for every organization. In other hand, the challenges that due of people’s relationships always were threaten the performances and activities. In these conditions the concepts such as organizational citizenship behavior can effect on quantitative and quality organizational performance of employees and encourage organizational relationships of them to stability. Further, the culture as one of important and macro indicators of organization, has direct effect on promotion of organizational activities. Additionally, Islamic rich culture with its pure concepts has high share in formation and refinement of people’s behaviors. In this study, with using of the concepts of culture and merge them to Islamic concepts; by observing and scrutiny of Islamic culture performance that analyzed by linear regression and structural equations model, is introduced new and native theory of Islamic culture. The results, in addition to specifying role of Islamic culture in organization as one of important cultural aspects of society that try to using creation and promotion of organizational citizenship behavior; is considered.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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