Today, the police forces of every country play a key role in establishing domestic security and fighting against the existing threats. As a major social and security institution, the police forces of the I. R. Iran bear a crucial responsibility in establishment and sustention of security. Following the constructive changes taking place throughout the recent years in Iran's macro-scale policy-making mechanism, the 20-year development plan, titled "the Vision 1404 Document" was drafted in order to function as a guideline for achievement of the intended fundamental, political, social, cultural, security and economic goal. The author believes that the 20-year Vision Document can serve as a strategic, long-term document to attain sustained development and security in all arenas. Thus, the document interconnects of economic, social, political and environmental dimensions, at both regional and international levels. In other words, the vision is a multilateral document in nature, calling for multilateral approaches. Realization of the targets accounted in the 20-year vision document relies on materialization of its diverse constituents. As one of the building blocks of the vision, security lays the groundwork for realization of the other targets. Sustained security and development enjoy a mutual relationship, that is, security is a prerequisite to development, while sustained development reinforces security. In that sense, the security approach of the 1404 Vision Document is oriented towards "sustained national security". The present research aims to study the role of police forces in realization of sustained national security, through a library-based descriptive-analytical method.