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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Due to the wide spread utility of the cell phones in the world, grate concerns exist about the possible effects of its radiation on the well being of the living creatures. Based on the results of many studies, microwave radiation of mobile phones caused different derastic effects such as chromosome damage, single and double-stranded DNA breakage, increas the risk of mutation and variaty of cancers in the animals. Some researchers believe that the electromagnetic waves of mobile phones solely do not cause genetic damage, but it increases the genotoxic effect of other physical and chemical agents as well as environmental pollutants. In this paper, ad versed effects of the radiation from mobile phones on human and different animals such as mice, rat and guinea pig have been investigated.

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Aim: A large variety of grapevine cultivars are cultivated in Iran, amongst which seedless cultivars are regarded as the best one to make dried-fruit. The aim of this research was to discover the potential of RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) molecular marker to identify similarity/dissimilarity or probable homogeneity between grape cultivars. Materials and methods: In this study, 21 seedless grape cultivars and 11 RAPD primers were used.Results: out of 11, eight primers could amplify DNA fragments very well and showed reasonable polymorphism between cultivars. Totally 117 polymorphic bands were produced at which primer H produced the highest and primer B produced the lowest number of bands. The percentage of polymorphism ranged from 71.4% for primer B to 100% for primer C and the average number of bands per primer was 12.8. For statistical analysis, only the reproducible bands which their length was between 200-3000 bp were considered. Cluster analysis was carried out using Jaccard’s similarity coefficient based on UPGMA (Unweighted pair-group method of arithmetic average) method and the cultivars were classified in three main groups. The range of similarity coefficient with the average of 0.462 was determined between 0.208 to 0.716. Conclusion: Asgari Ghermez and Asgari Meshkin shahr cultivars showed the highest similarity and Khalili Beedaneh and Asgari Neishabour showed the lowest similarity. Therefore it could be assumed that Asgari Ghermez and Asgari Meshkinshahr cultivars posses the same origin but have been moved to different places in the course of time.

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Aim: The main goal of this research was to prepare a three-dimensional matrix from gingival palate tissues and investigate the possible application of this scaffold in cell culture and tissue engineering.Materials and methods: In order to fabricate the scaffolds, the biopsy samples of human palate gingival tissue were preparated surgically and divided in 5 groups then decellulization of the samples were carried out via physical method (put in nitrogen tanks and rinsing with distilled water) as well as chemical method using different concentrations of SDS (0.1%, 0.25%, 0.5%, 0.75% and 1%). Furthermore to evaluate the scaffold prepared with 1% SDS, embryonic like cells from blastema tissue were seeded on the three-dimensional scaffold.Results: Concentration of SDS below 0.5% caused significant reduction (p<0.05) of decellulization of the tissues. Microscopic studies of blastema tissue on the scaffold in different days revealed the penetration, migration, adhesion and differentiation of the cells.Conclusion: This study showed that, it is possible to prepare a natural scaffold frome palatal gingiva tissue using SDS treatment. On the other hand, the results of histologic studies showed that the decellulized scaffolds of palatal gingival might be suitable as three-dimensional bioscaffold for movement, adhesion, differentiation and migration of cells. More investigation is needed to determine the identity of the differentiated cells which further it can help to improve our knowledge about cell-matrix interaction.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the cytotoxic effects of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) extracts on cancerous cells derived from DMBA induced mammary tumor in SD rats.Materials and methods: Treatment group were gavaged by DMBA (10mg/kg) dissolved in 1ml sesame oil. After tumor development, a part of tissue samples were used for pathological studies using H&E staining to determine the type of the tumor. Cancerous cells were prepared after breaking the tissue using mechanical method. Dried leaves of Rosemary were extracted using digestion method with the help of methanol and filtrated by filter paper. One part of extract was kept away, and to separate the non polar compounds, the rest of the extract was washed with non polar solvents (hexane, dichloromethane, ethyl acetate). Then the solvents were removed by rotary evaporator and then the desirable dilutions of extracts as well as Taxol were prepared. After 24 hours treatment of the cells with the extract and taxol the cell viability was evaluated by Try pan blue dye exclusion and MTT colorimetric assay.Results: Alcoholic extract and Taxol showed significant cytotoxic effects on cancerous cells but the effect of aqueous extract was weaker.Conclusion: according to this study alcoholic extract of Rosemary had a dose dependent cytotoxic effect on cancerous cells which was comparable to Taxol cytotoxicity. Moreover these data demonstrated that the induced breast cancer in rat is an appropriate model to simulate human breast cancer.

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Aim: Nicotiana tabacum contains nicotine, Which is used in cigarettes causing many health problems. Application of new technologies such as, plant tissue culture, genetic engineering in order to block the pathway of nicotine biosynthesis, and somaclinal variation  can be used as tools to produce plants with a lower level of nicotine. The aim of this research is to evaluate nicotine changes in tobacco plants mutated by T-DNA. Material and methods: In this research transgenic plants including K4 carrying T DNA, plants carring Ri TDNA and regenerated plants from leaf and wild type plants (mother plants) were grown on MS medium containing canamycin. Leaves were harvested and dried, and extracted with hexan as internal standard. Then analysed using TLC and GC.Results: The analysis of the extracts showed that nicotine content decreased in line k4 (containing T-DNA) and increased in Ri-TDNA (plant containing Ri-TDNA) and regenerated plants compared to non mutated plants.Conclusion: Variation of nicotine content in mutated plants might be related to the activation or inhibition of the key enzymes involved in nicotin biosynthesis pathway.

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Aim: In this investigation the effect of salt stress on the early developmental stages of dark-grown wheat seedling was studied. Materials and methods: Grains of the salt tolerant (Seds1) and the susceptible (Giza168) cultivars of wheat were germinated and grown in darkness in nutrient solution supplied with or without 200 mM NaCl. The protochlorophyllide content was determined. The fluorescence emission intensity ratio of 655/633 nm was measured. The ratio of newly formed Chlorophyllide to non-photoactive Pchlide was measured after irradiation of leaf sections with one single flash to estimate the degree of photo transformation. The chlorophyll a content was also determined after dark-grown leaf sections were irradiated. Results: The salt stress treatment caused a marked increase in protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) content in dark-grown material and in Chlide content after irradiation of leaf sections of both varieties. The relative ratio of photo transformable to non-photo transformable pchlide and of newly formed chlorophyllide (Chlide) was influenced by salt stresse. The results were influenced by the different growth rates found for stressed and unstressed seedlings. Leaf sections from seedlings grown under salt stress in darkness accumulates more chlorophyll a than leaf sections from unstressed seedlings when floating on nutrients or on a 200 mM NaCl solution in continuous white light. Conclusion: The increased accumulation of the long-wavelength form of Pchlide is suggested to be an expression for the mobilization of a part of the protective mechanisms against salt stress.

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Aim: The aim was to investigate the effects of atrazin herbicide on oogenesis in zebrafish. Material and Methods: In this investigation, the oogenesis in ovary of zebrafishes exposed to various concentration of atrazin (10, 100, 1000 ppm) for 14 days were assessed. The ovary samples were fixed in Bouin’s solution, mounted in parafin and cut into 5-7 µm-thick slices and then stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E). This assessment was performed based on histopathological study of ovary and the criteria such as number as well as diameter of mature and immature follicles. In addition the experimental data was analyzed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and significant level was set at P<0.05.Results: This study showed that the concentration of 100 and 1000 µg/l of atrazine caused a significant increase (P<0.05) in atretic oocyte in the tissue sections. In addition the diameter of follicles in different groups showed no significant difference.Conclusion: The results demonstrated that the oogenesis in ovary of zebra fish is affected by atrazin, which as a result, the numbers of atretic oocyte increased and finally can reduce the reproductive potential of the animal.

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Aim: In this study the toxic effect of the three anti hypertensive drugs (atenolol, propranolol and diltiazem) on hepatocytes were investigated. Materials and Methods: The 8 weeks old adult male NMRI mice were fed with or without the drugs for 1 month. Mice were divided into 4 groups that received atenolol (50 mg/kg/daily), propranolol (80 mg/kg/daily), and diltiazem (180 mg/kg/daily). Food access was stoped 12 to 15 h before the mice were sacrificed and processed for light and transmission electron microscopic evaluation. In addition modified Hepatitis Activity Index was computed too.Results: In the control group no pathological sign was observed. Main histological changes such as portal infiltration of lymphocytes and piecemeal necrosis in all three experimental groups as well as expanded necrosis in proparanolol group were seen. In addition electron microscopic imaging indicated an increase in the level of free ribosomes and glycogen droplets in the experimental groups. Also in the mice treated with propranolol group mitochondria membrane disruption were seen, whereas in the group treated with diltiazem, the mitochondrial cristae and endoplasmic reticulum Disintegration could be observed.Conclusion: Chronic oral administration of atenolol, propranolol and diltiazem in male mice caused hepatotoxicity. The most pathological effects were observed in the group treated with diltiazem, though electrone microscopic imaging indicated the propranolol and dilitiazem were more toxic than the other one.

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