Geomorphological landscapes are the foundations of natural resources investigations of the watersheds. Because these landscapes are affected by many factors such as climate, soil, hydrology, ecology, geology and so on. In this survey, Sabzevar region with diverse geomorphological processes from mountain to play is selected in order to be identified and classified using RS and GIS. For this purpose, a combination of both overlaying and photomorphic units visual interpretation methods was used. In the overlaying method, slope, elevation and geological maps were prepared and classified. In visual interpretation, the TM 5 sensor satellite images were used. After preprocessing of images, the PCA, OIF index, FCC, HS, NDVI index techniques was used to separate photomorphic units with the aid of the Google Earth. Finally, 4 units, 10 types, and 96 facies (in 261 replications) were separated. Statistical analysis using Chi-square test showed that there was a significant difference at the 99% level among the area of desertification units, types, and facies the confirming suitable spatial separation of the area. Pediment unit (50.97%), lower pediment type (25.97%) and alluvial fan facies with tunnel erosion (375.43 ha) had the highest spatial distribution in Sabzevar region.Finally, it can be concluded that the overlaying method is not suitable for deserts and using a combination of visual interpretation method can fix this defect and increase the accuracy of the output map. The mentioned map can be used for development and implementation of land capability, natural resources and combating desertification projects.