The aim of this paper is site selection for wind farm based on multi-criteria; climate (wind speed, dominant wind speed and temperature), geography (elevation, slope), socio-economic (distance from roads, distance from cities, distance from the villages), environmental (distance from protected areas, landuse, distance from the river), and geological (distance from the earthquake, distance to faults) in a geographic information systems (GIS) using analytical hierarchy process (AHP) in the Bushehr province. According to the role and influence of these criteria, preferences site map is implemented in ArcGIS®10.1 software. Weight of criteria and alternative are determined using AHP in ExpertChoice2000 software. For modeling, spatial analysis and integration layers ArcGISÒ10.1 setting was used and the zoning map was obtained at four different classes (very high, high, moderate and low). The results of the site suitability assessment by AHP showed that site NE located at Bushehr province was the most suitable area for locating the wind farm, with covers area of 566218 ha, 24.8% of the total area. Furthermore, the map provides the foundation for decision makers in develop the wind farm location. Finally, the results indicate that GIS as a decision support system, can also prepare the data and the model priorities and expert opinions in relation to various factors in selecting an appropriate location and design is very efficient will help to build power plants. The results indicate that the AHP than other methods of high flexibility in modeling the geospatial data on site selection of wind farm.