The purpose of this study was to determine the affective factors on water sustainability knowledge of farmers in Ahwaz Township. The research design was a descriptive and correlation surveying method and factor and pathway analysis technique. Wheat farmers in Ahwaz Township were the target population for this study. A random Sample of wheat farmers selected (N=1370, n= 110). The main result of the study revealed that there existed correlation between the level of education, participation in extension course, rate of using communication channel, rate of farm demonstration visit, social participation, mechanization level, rate of extension agent visit with knowledge about sustainable management of on-farm water resources were significantly positive. An examination of the items and their factor loadings was used to understand the nature of the six factors. To reduce subjectivity, items with factor loading equal to or greater than 0.5 were considered most important when factors were labeled. The six factors were labeled: Extension and education activities, Economic characteristics, government support, Communication channels, Information and Knowledge and Social activities. The results obtained from the factors analysis revealed that these six factors explained 69% of the variation of the knowledge of farmers regarding sustainable management of on-farm water resources in the Ahwaz Township.