Study area, Danekhoshk anticline, is a typical growing anticline in Kermanshah province and is located in Folded Zagros structural Belt. The purpose of this research is to calculate the eroded rock volume and its relationship with tectonic in Danekhoshk anticline. To achieve the purpose of this study, at first, boundaries of 90 drainage basins on slopes of studied anticline were determined based on Quick bird Satellite image and SRTM topographic data. After reconstruction of the geomorphic palaeosurfaces, the original (pre-erosion) DEM of study area was derived. Then the present-day (actual) DEM was prepared. The eroded rock volume for each basin was calculated by subtracting the volume of present-day DEM from original (pre-erosion) DEM. Studied anticline was subdivided into 9 tectonic zones based on dip (S) and width of limbs and then mean of eroded rock volume (Ve), basin area (A), and ratio of eroded rock volume to basin area (Rva) parameters were obtained for each tectonic zone. Result of this study reveals that rate of Rva increases with increasing structural dips of anticline limb. Also, there is positive relation between Basin area (A) and eroded rock volume (Ve). Data analysis represents that faults have important effect in increasing rock erosion of basins. In zones 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, the highest rates of Rva are in faulted basins 25, 31, 57, 72 and 76 respectively.Overall, this research shows that the volume of eroded rock in Danekhoshk anticline is perfectly affected by dip and width of limbs, basins area as well as the faults location.