Background: One of the most important issues in disaster management is road accidents, of which its essential indicators are site selection of relief bases on the roads. In Iran, due to the multiple and separation of tasks and duties, many organizations are legally responsible for road accidents including Red Crescent society, EMS, Road Maintenance & Transportation Organization (Rahdari), and Iranian Traffic Police. Given the social, economic and geographical characteristics, the spatial analysis of relief bases along the roads is considered as an important factor in reducing the vulnerability of road accidents. The purpose of this study is to answer the question of whether the location of the road relief bases is based on appropriate criteria.Method: In this applied research, the methods of documentary, analytical and survey are used. In addition, data is gathered from internet, map, statistical and library resources based on combined methods using applied models such as AHP and GIS.Findings and Conclusion: The results of this research indicate that the most important and priority areas in the case studies have not covered with any relief services. According to the prioritization process of this study, apart from Tehran-Haraz axis, it is necessary to develop rescue and relief bases in two axes of Firuzkuh and Varamin. Also, all three axes especially Haraz and Firuzkuh have not been covered with Emergency Road Services. Moreover, the end part of Firuzkuh axis in Tehran province requires Rahdari and the area of Firuzkuh to the border of Mazandaran province and the axis of Varamin need to study the construction of a police station.