Background: Attention to reproductive health and its appropriate trainuig are important for the society in crises especially the vulnerable groups (women & children) due to mortality reduction and diseases prevention. Since the youth can have an important role in learning and dissemination of knowledge in the community, Youth Organization of Red Crescent society aims to study and evaluate the impact of reproductive health training in crises on knowledge, attitudes and performance of its young volunteers groups.Methods: In this study, the workshop of Reproductive Health in Crises was held for groups of young women who were the members of Youth Organization of Red Crescent society in three provinces (East Azerbaijan, Kurdistan and Semnan). By using facilitating and participatory method, knowledge, attitude and performance of the participants and indicators were measured and compared before and after ~ workshop.Findings: According to the findings, the mean pretest score was 14.45, 10.71 and 19.6 out of 40 in East Azerbaijan, Semnan and Kurdistan provinces respectively. However, it was 28.04, 25.11 and 27.55 after the workshop. In addition, advancement of knowledge, attitude and performance was 113.5%, 209.4%, and 43.2% respectively. Statistical analysis showed significant differences in knowledge, attitude and performance of the participators in the mentioned provinces before and after the workshop. (P1=0.00, P2=0.00, P3=0.00).Conclusion: The results showed that training workshops of reproductive health improve knowledge, attitude and performance of youth with using facilitating and participatory method. Therefore, it is necessary to held and continue such a training courses in these provinces and other provinces.