Introduction: The increasing tendency for urban settlement and adapting to inappropriate lifestyles, such as insufficient physical activities, lead to the accumulation of calorie intake which, in turn, may induce diseases like diabetes, heart disease, hypertension and cancer. On the other hand, due to the crucial roles of lipoprotein and triglyceride in the development of obesity and their positive relationship with atherosclerosis, special attention should be paid to these risk factors. The aim of this study was to determine the association of BMI with serum lipid and lipoprotein. In particular, this study intends to answer this question: Which type of obesity (overall or central) associates with lipid profile.Materials and Methods: We carried out this case-control study on 336 patients admitted by the internal section of Shahrivar 17th Hospital during the years of 1387 and 1388 HS. Having taken a test of lipid profile, those patients who were not identified with exclusive factors were asked to fill out a questionnaire.Their measurements of weight, height, waist circumference, hip circumference and other necessary data were recorded.Results : The findings of the study suggest that in women Body Mass Index (BMI) indicating overall obesity has positive relationship with total cholesterol, triglyceride and LDL (P=0.0454, P=0.0327, P=0.0418, respectively) while such a relationship with HDL is negative (P=0.0419). In men, however, there wasn`t any relationship between BMI and lipid profile. Women’s waist to hip ratio (WHR), indicating central obesity, showed positive relationship with total cholesterol and triglyceride (P=0.0246, P=0.0001), but negative relationship with HDL (P=0.001). In men, waist circumference (WC), as an indication of central obesity, had a significant negative relationship with HDL (P=0.0370). As a whole, it was found that central and overall obesity cause negative change in lipid profile, but hip circumference indicating low obesity does not. Among the factors affecting lipid profile, age and sex were also investigated that showed relationship, but were not used for screening.Conclusion: Both BMI and WHR are used for recognizing the risk factors. Therefore, anthropometric indices can be used for identifying persons with atherosclerotic risk factors. Also, the existence of higher rate of negative change in women requires more attention.