Introduction: one of the Iranian traditional medicine’s treatment method is hoqne which means sending fluids into body via anus and vaginal route. This technique has a history spanning thousands of years and has been used since Hippocrates and galen. In modern medicine, hoqne, which used in treatment of some diseases, has been called enema.The purpose of this paper is survey of hoqne, its methods, its history & its indications in traditional medicine’s view point. Present research also compares hoqne’s uses, in traditional and modern medicine.Methods: this study is a review in which used some reference books of the Iranian traditional medicine, like canon, kholasat-al-hekmah, exir-e-azam and akbari teb(medicine) Some keywords “vasti, basti, enema” also has been searched in modern medicine databases Finally, these data was collected and classified.Results: after studies, it was concluded that hoqne is widely used in traditional medicine in various organs’ diseases, such as headache, dizziness, stroke, seizures, kidney and bladder pain, joint pain, sciatica, constipation, intestinal ulcers, expelling the waste material, fever, poisoning and so on. Moreover, in traditional Chinese medicine and Indian traditional medicine, hoqne is used in the treatment of the various diseases like, skeletal system, and kidney, genital and metabolic diseases. In modern medicine, enema is used for diagnosis and treatment of some diseases such as intussusception and gastrointestinal cancers.Conclusion: comparing the use of hoqne in modern medicine and traditional medicine shows that this method is more widely used in traditional medicine rather than modern medicine for treatment of local and systemic diseases which some part of them have been approved by new researches. It seems, other indications in traditional medicine can be discussed further.According to the negligible side effects of this treatment and its high success rate in the studied cases, hoqne can be suggested as an alternative method for the aggressive and complicated treatments.