Miserite is a kind of potassium-calcium silicate mineral, which can be synthesized by glass-ceramic route. This compound has a chain silicate structure, and is considered to be one type of the tough glass ceramic materials. In the present study, the effects of some important parameters on the formation of Miserite phase were studied, and the influence of CeO2, P2O5, Al2O3 and B2O3 additives was investigated. The results showed that CeO2 accelerated the formation of Miserite, whereas P2O5 suppressed the phase formation. However, it led to the formation of Fluor apatite, which is a bioactive phase. On the other hand, the presence of Al2O3 and B2O3 additives along with CeO2 resulted in an increase in the Miserite formation. Finally, some test samples with different amounts of Fluor were produced, and the formation of Miserite in these samples was investigated. The results of microstructural examinations showed that the produced Miserite has interlocking rod shape crystals with the diameter and length of 5 and 60 microns, respectively. This microstructure caused the strength of the compound to increase.