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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: Medication errors are one of the most common types of medical errors. In Intensive Care Units, because of its special circumstances, the risk of such errors is increasing. There are several causes for the medication errors of nurses, including environmental factors. Objective: The current study aimed at determining environmental factors contributing to medication errors based on the perceptions of ICU nurses. Materials and Methods: The current analytical cross-sectional study was conducted on 281 nurses working in special care units ICU of hospitals affiliated to Guilan University of Medical Sciences in 2014. Nurses’ perspectives of environmental factors were investigated using a two-part researcher-designed questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed using Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA). Results: Two factors with a predictive power of 68. 32% remained as the most important environmental factors. The first factor explained 36. 47% of the total variance of medication errors and the second factor explained 31. 84%. The first factor consisted of three variables of “ poor lighting” , “ high noise levels” , and “ inappropriate room temperature” , while the second factor included the variables of “ high number of patients” , “ lack of equipment for injection and drop-rate setting” , and “ inadequate space for medication preparation” . Among these variables, poor lighting with a factor loading of 0. 89 was reported as the most important environmental factor contributing to medication errors. Conclusion: Since poor lighting, high noise levels, and inappropriate room temperature were determined as the most contributing environmental factors to medication errors, it is recommended that managers and authorities of hospitals prevent and mitigate medication errors and improve patient’ s safety by modifying environmental conditions.

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Introduction: A desirable sex that can provide satisfaction for couples has a crucial role in the success and sustainability of the family. The effect of Emotional Intelligence (EI) on sexual function is of great importance. However, the relationship between EI and sexual function in females is unknown. In this regard, the current study aimed at investigating the association between EI and female sexual function. Objective: The study purpose is to determine the relationship between EI and sexual functioning in women referring to health centers in Rasht City, Iran, in 2015. Materials and Methods: The analytical and correlational study was conducted on 100 female subjects referred to health centers in Rasht selected by the cluster random sampling method. After obtaining written consent from them, the study data were collected using Persian versions of the Bar-On emotional quotient inventory and Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), which had acceptable validity and reliability. The obtained data were analyzed by the Pearson correlation test and multiple regression analysis. Results: Sexual function index score in female subjects was less than 32, and there were various aspects of sexual disorders among them. Their sexual function and its six domains were positively correlated with their EI (r=0. 60, P<0. 05) and 37% of variations in female sexual function was predicted by EI. The regression analysis results showed that the component of “ attention” , as the most important factor, could predict 30% of changes in female sexual function followed by “ clarity” and “ repair” , which predicted 8% and 4% of female sexual function variations, respectively. Conclusion: Since there was an association between EI and female sexual function, EI should be considered as an important and effective factor to improve the sexual performance of couples. The focus on EI is strongly recommended to evaluate and provide counseling services to couples.

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Introduction: Osteoporosis is one of the most important causes of illness and disability in postmenopausal females, characterized by a decrease in bone mass and increased fracture probability. Determination of the factors influencing the adoption of preventive behaviors for osteoporosis in postmenopausal females is necessary by using patterns such as the health belief model that identifies and reinforces the factors affecting the behaviors. Objective: The current study aimed at determining the performance of postmenopausal females living in Fasa City, Iran in preventing osteoporosis based on the Health Belief Model. Materials and Methods: The current cross-sectional study was conducted on 380 females aged >50 years covered by Fasa health centers. They were selected by simple random sampling method. The data gathering tool was a questionnaire that its validity and reliability have already been confirmed. It included demographic information, knowledge assessment, health belief model scale constructs (susceptibility, severity, benefits, barriers, motivation, perceived self-efficacy, and guide to action), as well as nutritional and walking status questionnaires to prevent osteoporosis in females. Finally, the data were analyzed through descriptive indices (Mean, SD) and analytical statistic tests, including the Pearson correlation coefficient, and multiple linear regression analysis. Results: The Mean age of the subjects was 58. 25± 6. 59 years and their average Body Mass Index (BMI) was 22. 25± 3. 01 kg/m2. These variables predicted 31. 5% and 28. 4% of the walking and nutritional behavior variances of osteoporosis prevention, respectively. Meanwhile, among the health belief model constructs, perceived susceptibility constructs predicted both nutritional (P=0. 001) and walking behaviors (P=0. 02). Conclusion: Based on the results of this study and considering the predicting power of the health belief model, especially the perceived susceptibility construct, and the vulnerability of the females, it is recommended to implement accurate educational programs based on the health belief model rather than using traditional methods of education to raise their perceived susceptibility to osteoporosis, as well as increasing self-efficacy and perceived benefits.

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Introduction: One of the factors influencing the behavior and performance of nurses at the workplace is the mental workload. It is the amount of mental effort that a person uses during doing his or her task. Objective: The current study aimed at evaluating the mental workload and its related factors in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) affiliated to medical and educational centers of Guilan University of Medical Sciences. Materials and Methods: The current analytical and cross-sectional study was conducted in 2015 on 105 nurses working in ICUs of educational and medical centers affiliated to Guilan University of Medical Sciences in Rasht, Iran using National Aeronautics and Space Administration-Task Load Index (NASA-TLX). This tool measures mental workload on the whole and separately under six subscales of mental demand, physical demand, temporal demand, performance, effort, and frustration with regard to their weight, rate, and score. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive (mean and standard deviation) and inferential (Pearson correlation test, t-test, and ANOVA) statistics. Results: The Mean± SD mental workload was reported 70. 21± 12. 4, where physical demand dimension had the highest score compared to other dimensions (Mean± SD weight=77. 73± 12; rate=3. 25; score=17. 01). In addition, the mental workload of ICU nurses had a significant relationship with the type of ICU, the age of nurses, and number of patients under their care in each shift (P<0. 05). Conclusion: Based on the results, the mental workload of younger nurses increased with the increase in the number of patients under care. With the appropriate distribution of human resources and proper training for young nurses to control occupational stress and modify intra-sectoral and intra-hospital rules, their mental load may be reduced.

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Introduction: Bruising or ecchymosis after subcutaneous injection of enoxaparin sodium can cause anxiety and discomfort in the patient. Therefore, nurses should know the factors associated with the incidence and extent of this complication. Objective: This study aims to investigate incidence and extent of bruising after subcutaneous injection of enoxaparin sodium and its related factors in patients hospitalized at coronary care unit of Dr. Heshmat educational and treatment center in Rasht City, Iran. Materials and Methods: This analytical cross-sectional study was conducted on 84 patients hospitalized at coronary care unit in 2015. They were under treatment with enoxaparin sodium 6000 IU. The samples were selected using consecutive sampling method. To standardize the injection method, all injections were performed by one nurse as the member of research team at the right side of the abdomen and above the navel in 10 seconds (using a chronometer). Evaluation of the incidence and extent of bruising was done by a trained nurse 48 hours after the injection. The study instrument consists of demographic-clinical characteristics of the patients and records of the incidence and extent of bruising. These data were collected by interview, observation, and measurement using a flexible transparent ruler. The incidence and extent of bruising (under three categories of “ insignificant bruise” , “ small bruise” , and “ large bruise” ) were analyzed using descriptive (frequency, mean, standard deviation) and inferential (Chi-squared test, Independent t-test, and ANOVA) statistics. Results: The majority of the study samples were women (65. 5%) with a mean age of 66± 11 years. Bruising was seen in 53. 6% of samples of which 56% of them had insignificant bruising, 23% small bruises, and 21% large bruises. The incidence of bruising had significant relationship with hyperlipidemia (P=0. 028) and the extent of bruising was significantly correlated with hypertension (P=0. 048). Conclusion: Based on the results, we should consider and screen hyperlipidemia and hypertension in the patients with heart problems treated with enoxaparin sodium with respect to the incidence and extent of bruising.

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Introduction: Despite the desirable characteristics of the Hooper Sexual Problems questionnaire in studying the problems and strengthening sexual relations, the standardization of the questionnaire has not been done in Iran. Objective: The current study aimed at standardizing the Hopper sex problems questionnaire in Iranian couples. Materials and Methods: The current methodological study was conducted on 310 couples (620 people), selected by multistage random sampling method, to assess the construct validity (convergent and differential validity), criterion validity, and the internal consensus estimation of the questionnaire. In the next stage, 120 couples (240 people) were selected through convenience sampling method to estimate the structural validity, temporal stability, and reliability of the observers. The formal validity and qualitative content validity, structural validity (exploratory factor analysis), and criterion validity were used to estimate the validity of the questionnaire. The Cronbach alpha was used in order to measure the internal consistency of the questionnaire. The test-retest was used to check the temporal stability of the questionnaire. Finally, the Kappa coefficient was used to assess the reliability of the observers. Results: The results of qualitatively checking the validity was satisfactory. The convergent validity was satisfactory with marital satisfaction questionnaire (r=0. 80) and sexual satisfaction questionnaire (r=0. 74) and differential doping with mental health questionnaire (r=-0. 39). The criterion validity of the sexual problem questionnaire determined 37. 8% and 62. 1% of the marital satisfaction and sexual satisfaction variances, respectively. Exploratory factor analysis showed that the questionnaire items explained at least 55% and at most 92% of the total variance of the test. The Cronbach alpha of the questionnaire was 0. 976, the reliability of the retest was 0. 63, and the mean agreement coefficient between the experts was 0. 64 (P<0. 05). Conclusion: The Hooper Sexual Problems questionnaire has desirable reliability and validity and can be used as a tool to study and evaluate sexual relations.

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Introduction: Social anxiety remembered as an annoying experience in the presence of others is one of the most common mental disorders, especially in students. Objective: The current study aimed at determining the relationship between perceived social support and maladaptive emotional Schemas with social anxiety in students. Materials and Methods: The current correlational analytic study was conducted on all undergraduate students of Islamic Azad University, Rasht Branch in the academic year of 2015-2016 that was 3986 people. In the current study, 351 students with social anxiety were selected using the convenient sampling method and Morgan table. The study tools included the Zimet perceived social support scale, the Leahy emotional Schemas scale, and Jerabek social anxiety questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation coefficient test. Results: The mean age of students was 22. 72± 4. 80 years according to the results of descriptive information. Most of the participants in the study (80. 06%) were single. The mean of social anxiety was 68. 01± 13. 12, social support 43. 7± 8. 70, and emotional scheme 104. 33± 12. 99. The results indicated a negative and significant relationship between perceived social support and social anxiety (r=-0. 30, P<0. 01). The relationship between emotional Schemas and social anxiety was positive and significant (r=0. 44, P<0. 01). Conclusion: The results indicated that students with higher perceived social support experienced lower social anxiety. Maladaptive emotional Schemas can be associated with students’ social anxiety.

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Introduction: Lifestyle is a dynamic chain, in such a way that choosing an appropriate lifestyle can affect the development or prevention of diseases, including osteoporosis. Objective: The current study aimed at determining the osteoporosis preventive lifestyle and vitamin D status among the nursing students of Guilan University of Medical Sciences. Materials and Methods: The current analytical, cross-sectional study was conducted on 185 nursing students of Guilan University of Medical Sciences selected by stratified sampling method. The study data were collected in two areas: demographic characteristics and different dimensions of lifestyle, including physical activities, nutrition (dietary), and habits by IPAQ (International Physical Activity) and food frequency questionnaire. The final score of dietary diversity ranges between 0 and 10. The higher score indicates the suitability of the dietary diversity in the subjects. If the total amount of consumed energy during physical activities in a week is 0-599, the physical activity score indicates a person with low physical activity, 600-3000 indicates moderate physical activity, and more than 3000 shows an severe physical activity. To measure vitamin D, blood samples were taken and reported as follow: deficient: 0-10 ng/mL, inadequate: 10-30 ng/mL, sufficient: 30-150 ng/mL, and toxic: more than 150 ng/mL. The obtained data were analyzed by descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, 95% confidence interval, and median) and inferential statistics (the Kruskal-Wallis, ANOVA, the Mann-Whitney, and Regression). Results: The results of the current study showed that in the physical activity dimension, 44. 9% of the subjects had low physical activity. In terms of diet, the dietary diversity Mean± SD score was 4. 60± 1. 37. Regarding habits, 4. 9% of the students used to smoke cigarettes, 30. 22% smoked hookah, and only 12. 4% of them had enough vitamin D. The amount of vitamin D considering hookah smoking and taking vitamin D supplementation was significant (P=0. 0001). Comparing the physical activity score with the vitamin D status, the results showed that the subjects with severe physical activity had higher levels of vitamin D; however, this correlation was not statistically significant (P=0. 145) since the Mean± SD vitamin D status in weak physical activity group was 20. 69± 15. 65 ng/mL, and in the intensive physical activity group was 24. 06± 14. 77 ng/mL. Conclusion: The current study results showed that nursing students have an inappropriate condition regarding their lifestyle, nutritional habits, and physical activity, and the level of vitamin D to prevent osteoporosis. It is necessary to plan interventional and educational programs for a healthy lifestyle and appropriate behavioral habits.

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