Aims The goal of the present study was to assess the relationship between obsessivecompulsive disorder dimensions and severity with insight into an adolescent’ s population. Materials & Methods This study was done in Iran. The study sample included 84 adolescents with OCD according to DSM-5. The participants completed materials of Obsessive Compulsive Inventory-Child Version (OCI-CV), Children Depression Questionnaire (CDQ), Children’ s Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale-Severity Rating (CY-BOCS-SR), and Child Assessment of Belief Scale (CABS). Data were analyzed through descriptive statistics’ indices, Pearson correlation, separation coefficient, and multi-variant regression, using SPSS. Findings There was a strong positive relationship between the hoarding dimension and delusional insight. Also, severity, ordering, and doubting/checking were significantly correlated with insight, while this result disappeared by controlling the hoarding dimension via partial correlation. Moreover, adolescents with more symptoms of hoarding demonstrated a significantly higher score in OCI-CV, severity and delusional insight but not in the depression inventory. Conclusion Findings of the present study consistent with prior findings suggest a nonsignificant relationship between OCD clinical dimensions and insight in adolescents.