The research is going to compare the levels of emotional intelligence, organizational commitment and job satisfaction of employees of Iranian Central Oil Fields Company (I. C. O. F. C) according to different demographic factors such as age, job experience, education, organizational position, and gender. Research type is applied-developing and on the other hand, is consumed as a descriptive-survey. The population of the research was Iranian Central Oil Fields Company employees and acording to the Morgan table, 359 employees randomly have been selected and standardized questionnaires were distributed among them. The results indicated that emotional intelligence and job satisfaction have significant differences while it comes to age, job experience, organization position and gender. In addition, organizational commitment did'nt reach desired score, but it showed magnificent differences considering age, job experience, education and position. Based on findings, by increasing age, organizational position and job experience the emotional intelligence of the employees have improved. Also, by promoting their positions, job satisfaction and organizational commitment has increased. On the other hand, while age and experience have increased an increase in job satisfaction was detected. Emotional intelligence and Job satisfaction of the male employees have been more than those of female employees. Results show comparing to those with higher education, people who have diploma or associate's degree show more commitment to the organization.