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Rice cultivation in Iran is dominantly under submerged condition, which requires plenty of water, nitrogen fertilizer application, very difficult and laborious land preparation, along with high labor costs. In order to assess the effects of different rice cultivation methods on increasing water productivity and to find a suitable method of water and nitrogen application, an experiment was carried out in Rice Research Institute of Iran, Amol (RRII), in 2014. The experimental layout was split-split plot with 3 replications, using Keshvari rice variety. Two land preparation methods i.e. with and without puddling, were the main factors, while four levels of irrigation application were the sub-factors, with sub-sub plots allocated to four levels of nitrogen application (N0, N80, N120, N160 kg/ha). The results showed that the effect of rice cultivation method on water use and water productivity (WP), and the effects of irrigation and nitrogen on yield-related traits, water use and WP were statistically significant at %1 level. The new cultivation technique -aerobic cultivation method- saves water use and increases WP, respectively, as much as 27.95% and 29.11%.With the increasing The application of nitrogen, increased yield and WP, in the form of linear equation. Applying 130% of Class A pan evaporation and nitrogen 120 kg was optimal yield and saving water and nitrogen, respectively 8.9% and 33%.

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A second crop in paddy fields has economic advantages resulting from the production of crops (canola, beans, garlic, triticale, soybean, etc.), Preparation of rice bed for mechanized harvesting, strengthening the economy of farmers' families, increase the incentive for farmers to stay in the village, etc. Due to the inability of the existing surface drainage systems in rapid depletion of water from the root zone, conditions for planting a second crop in paddy fields is not suitable. This can be provided by installing subsurface drainage systems, which, in addition to creating more favorable conditions for planting and harvesting rice, allows cultivation of other crops in the wet season. This research was conducted to determine the appropriate space and depth of subsurface drainage in paddy fields in order to provide favorable conditions for planting a second crop. The experiment was laid out in one and a half hectares of paddy fields at Rice Research Institute of Iran in Guilan province, in 2014. Drainage treatments included: six conventional subsurface drainage systems with rice husk envelope including drainage system with different drain depth and spacing L7.5 D0.8, L10 D0.8, and L15 D0.8, L7.5 D1, L10 D1, and L15 D1, surface drainage, and the control (without drainage). All lines were 40 meters long and made of PVC corrugated pipes with a diameter of 125 mm. Rice husk was used as a covering around the pipe drain. The results showed that subsurface drainage spacing of 15 m had failed to lower the water table depth to an acceptable level and provided the conditions only for the cultivation of shallow-rooted plants such as dill, parsley, and leeks. Also, surface drainage could reduce the excess water in the soil by 22% compared to control. To provide suitable conditions for the cultivation of second crops such as canola and beans, subsurface drainage spacing of 7.5 and 10 m seemed effective. However, to avoid excessive drainages by 7.5 m spacing, subsurface drainage spacing of 10 m was selected as the best space at drainages stage, for a second crop. Furthermore, due to the lack of significant differences in water table depth between treatments L10D1 and L10D0.8, they were identified as suitable drainage systems at 0.8 m depth.

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To be safe from the risks of drought and water crisis in the future, it is necessary to follow the guidelines and rules for proper utilization of limit water resources. In this regard, using deficit irrigation strategies creates a balance between water use and the available resources (rivers, groundwater and dams) and also causes the optimization of water use in agriculture. In this study, in order to assess the effects of deficit irrigation on cropping patterns and farmers' gross profit in Qazvin province, first, agricultural production functions based on three techniques of full irrigation, 5% deficit irrigation and 10% deficit irrigation were estimated. Then, optimal cropping patterns were determined by using a non-linear programming model in Qazvin province. In the end, the effects of deficit irrigation with irrigation water reduction under scenarios of 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% were investigated on cropping pattern and farmers' gross profit simultaneously. Agricultural production functions were estimated by using Ordinary Least Squares method and Eviews software. Also, the non-linear programming model in GAMS software was solved. Results of the estimation of production functions showed that 5% deficit irrigation technique creates a slight decrease in crops yield. But, 10% deficit irrigation technique has negative impact on yield of most crops. The results of non-linear programming model showed that, although simultaneous application of deficit irrigation technique and irrigation water reduction policy reduces the farmers' gross profit, but it helps to maintain the sustainability of groundwater and surface water resources in Qazvin province.

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Increasing crop production depends on supplying crop water demands, thus, accurate estimation of crop water requirement helps not only to crop production, but also is effective in the management of water resources. Based on this, the purpose of the present research was to investigate the estimates of reference evapotranspiration from SEBAL and METRIC models using satellite imageries of Landsat 7 and 8 and Terra in the Qazvin plain. In the first step, the estimates of METRIC and SEBAL models with a total of 10 images obtained from MODIS sensor, Terra satellite, and ETM+ sensor, Landsat 7 satellite, were evaluated using lysimeter data for grass reference crop in 2001. Estimates of MODIS sensor with r=0.88, RMSE=1.91, and SE=0.85 mm/day and Landsat ETM + with r=1.00, RMSE =0.91, and SE=0.09 in METRIC model were closer to the lysimeter data compared with the SEBAL model. In the next step, the results of the METRIC and SEBAL models obtained from OLI & TIRS sensor images of Landsat 8 satellite were evaluated with the results of METRIC model on ETM+ due to lack of lysimeter data at the time of checking. Evaluation of the results indicate that the METRIC model with r=0.96, RMSE=0.28 and SE=0.29 mm/day may be recommended as a superior model compared with SEBAL model, for estimating reference crop evapotranspiration in the Qazvin plain.

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Determation of moisture distribution pattern is time-consuming and a costly field tests. Simulation models are a suitable alternative in answer to issues of water movement and distribution. In this research, soil moisture under drip irrigation was simulated with SWAP model and the model efficiency was evaluated by comparing the simulated results with field results. SWAP model was evaluated based on the information gathered from a research field of Water Sciences Faculty, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz under corn cultivation and equipped with drip irrigation system. The hydraulic parameters were obtained from RETC model in the growing season of 2012-13. Required data were collected by field experiments. The experiments consisted of two treatments of salinity including treatments T1 (Karun River water with salinity of 3 dS/m) and treatments T2 with salinity of 3.5 dS/m. Planting was done by hand in plots including four rows of 3 m with row spacing of 75 cm and with a plant density of 80, 000 plants/ha. Irrigation system was drip tape with emitter holes spacing of 20 cm and discharge of 2.2 lit/h at a pressure 0.6 bar. Comparison of the measured soil moisture with simulated soil moisture to a depth of 90 cm depth was performed on the ridge and 10 and 20 cm from emitter by drawing graphs and calculation of Maximum Error (ME), Normalized Root Mean Square Error (NRMSE) and Coefficient of Residual Mass (CRM). Computed values of ME, NRMSE and CRM in different locations were as follows: 10 cm from emitter: 0.02, 14.41 and -0.0016 cm3 cm-3; 20 cm from emitter: 0.07, 15.49 and -0.036 cm3 cm-3, and on the ridge: 2.1, 12.52 and -0.036 cm3 cm-3. SWAP model accuracy in estimating changes in moisture away from the emitter decreased with increasing distance from the emitter. This may be due to low precision of the model under high salinities. Generally, the results obtained from stimulating by SWAP showed that this model could stimulate moisture distribution in soil under drip irrigation with salty water. This model can be used as a useful tool for evaluation of moisture distribution around the a dripper.

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Considering water resources deficiency, optimum use of water is very important and has led to recognition of the significance of water productivity. This study was carried ¬out for evaluation of three irrigation systems including surface, subsurface tape drip irrigation and sprinkler irrigation for corn. The experiment was conducted in 2007, 2008, and 2009 at Irstea Research Institute located in Montpellier (southeastern France). Five experimental treatments included surface¬ drip ¬irrigation (full irrigation (FI) and deficit irrigation (DI)), subsurface drip irrigation with lateral spacing of 120 and 160 cm, and sprinkler irrigation. For treatments evaluation, different productivity indices i.e. WP, BPD, NBPD, and B/C were used. Results showed that in 2007 FI was more economical than DI and sprinkler irrigation, and had more net benefit. Grain yield from 13800 kg/ha in sprinkler irrigation increased to 16400 and 17400 kg/ha in DI and FI, respectively. In 2008, subsurface irrigation treatment was better than sprinkler irrigation according to above indices. In 2009, water productivity of subsurface drip irrigation was more than sprinkler irrigation, but none of treatments had net benefit. In 2008 and 2009, water used in subsurface drip irrigation decreased at least 16% and grain yield increased at least 18% as compared with sprinkler irrigation. Considering different conditions, such as water resources of Iran, use of subsurface drip irrigation system for row crops such as corn is recommended.

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The trend of saline water utilization in agricultural production is increasing. In order to evaluate the effect of source and rate of nitrogen on physiological characteristics of purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.) irrigated by saline water, a factorial experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with three replications in the greenhouse conditions. Treatments included five levels of saline water (distilled water as the control, natural saline water with EC of 2.2 dS/m, three levels of saline water prepared by addition of NaCl (2.2, 4.4, and 6.6 dS/m) and four levels of fertilizer (control, 40, 80, and 120 g/kg soil) in the form of poultry manure and chemical fertilizer. The results showed that an increase in salinity increased chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b and then decreased them at 6.6 dS/m. An increase in salinity levels increased the amount of sodium and decreased the amount of potassium. The maximum amount of chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b were observed with 4.4 dS/m treatment. The interaction of salinity level × nitrogen source × nitrogen rate was not significant for any of the measured parameters. Results of poultry manure were better than those of chemical fertilizer, because chlorophyll content, soluble sugar, proline, sodium, and potassium in purslane plant were higher. Thus, the plants fertilized with poultry manure or those irrigated with natural saline water experienced salinity stress, but their higher uptake of potassium alleviated the stress effects and made it tolerable for the plant.

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Drought and its resulting stress is one of the most important common environmental stresses that limit agricultural productions. In order to evaluate the effect of cattle manure biochar on the growth, yield, and water use efficiency of spinach at different soil moisture status, a factorial completely randomized design with 3 replications was conducted under greenhouse conditions during October 2014 to January 2015. Treatments consisted of four biochar levels (0, 1.25, 2.5 and 5% wt of initial soil) and three soil moisture levels (FC (without stress), 0.7FC, and 0.55FC). To compensate the water losses via evapotranspiration, the pots were weighted every day and water stress was imposed by adding the water required in each treatment. Total water consumption during the growing season was also determined. Results indicated that application of both soil water stress levels resulted in significant reduction in leaf area, stomatal conductance, water consumption, and fresh and dry weight as compared to those of the controls (without water stress and biochar application). The greenness index significantly increased by 14%, 14%, and 11% as compared to that of the control when soil moisture level of 0.55 FC was applied at the first, second, and third growth stages (40, 55 and 70 days after planting), respectively. Application of biochar also significantly increased greenness index, leaf area, and stomatal conductance as compared to that of the control. Soil moisture stress up to 0.7FC decreased the plant water consumption; however, it did not affect the water use efficiency, significantly; while water stress level of 0.55 FC decreased water use efficiency significantly. In general, application of 1.25 biochar (25 ton/ha) as compared to the control decreased the negative effects of water stress on plant (reducing leaf area, fresh and dry weight, etc.) and improved plant growth indices and increased the growth of plant at all of the applied water stress levels. Therefore, in order to reduce water consumption and improve the growth and yield of plants, biochar application, especially under drought stress conditions or in greenhouse conditions, is recommended. Meanwhile, performing such an experiment under field conditions is also suggested.

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Energy consumption and energy cost in irrigation systems have been important issues due to energy charge increase in recent years. In this study, theoretical basis of pressurized irrigation systems management and technical factors that affect energy costs were studied and the optimum system design criteria for energy consumption were identified. In addition, energy consumptions of 45 pressurized irrigation systems in Qazvin province were evaluated. These irrigation systems types were classic sprinkler, center pivot, linear move, and trickle. The energy requirements of these systems for supplying a unit volume of water were obtained as 0.290, 0.250 and 0.202 KWh/m3, respectively. The results show the importance of irrigation systems selection in energy costs saving in national and regional plans. At last, energy consumption and related costs for various pressurized irrigation systems were studied for the main crops in Qazvin irrigation network. These results can be useful in deciding cropping pattern and economic studies.

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Aloe Vera (Aloe Vera L.) is a medicinal plant adaptable to arid and warm climates as well as water limited conditions and can be introduced in cropping pattern of southern region of Iran. A field experiment was carried out during two years (2010-2011) in Bushehr, Iran, to investigate the effects of irrigation interval and amount of irrigation water on yield and water use efficiency (WUE) of Aloe Vera. The treatments were arranged in a split plot design based on randomized complete blocks with three replications. Three irrigation intervals including 2, 4 and 6 days were allocated to the main plots. Also, 4 irrigation amounts, calculated based on four coefficients of class A pan i.e. 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8 were allocated to the subplots. The results showed that increasing irrigation interval from 2 to 6 days had no significant effects on yield and WUE of Aloe Vera. The least yield, number of leaves per plant, height of bosk was related to the coefficient of 0.2, and there were no significant difference between coefficients 0.6 and 0.8. Also, by decreasing irrigation amounts, WUE increased significantly. The least WUE related to coefficient 0.8, while the maximum belonged to coefficient 0.2. Generally, to achieve the maximum yield (5.7 kg/plant) and WUE (15.5 g/lit), respectively, the coefficients 0.6 (equivalent to 656 mm water for the whole growing season) and 0.2 (equivalent to 219 mm water/season), and for the ease of management, irrigation interval of 6 days are recommended.

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