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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Introduction: Trait emotional intelligence (EI) is the selfperception of emotional abilities. It is an important predictor of academic performance. Students’ self-assessment (SSA) of knowledge gained from classroom teaching may help in the identification of deficiencies in knowledge and provide scope for further improvement. We aimed to evaluate the correlation between EI and SSA capability. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional, observational study with 56 first-year medical students recruited as a convenience sample. We used the “ Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire Short Form” to assess Trait EI. For assessment of SSA, we asked the participants to write answers to a set of questions related to the topic of the preceding 1-h lecture and to assess their marks themselves. Three subject experts checked the answer sheets and we took the mean as the expert assessment (EA) marks. The correctness score of prediction was calculated by comparing SSA and EA marks. Pearson correlation coefficient (r) was calculated between EI scores and SSA correctness score. Results: In all sessions, the students underpredicted their marks. SSA correctness score showed a positive correlation with wellbeing (r=0. 33, P=0. 01), self-control (r=0. 57, P<0. 01), emotionality (r=0. 51, P<0. 01), sociability (r=0. 51, P<0. 01), and total score (r=0. 64, P<0. 01) of trait EI. Conclusion: Underprediction of marks in formative assessment is common in 1st-year medical students. Students with higher levels of EI may predict their knowledge gained from classroom better than the students with lower EI. This may be a potential reason for the better academic performance of students with higher EI.

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Introduction: Script concordance test (SCT) is an innovative tool to teach and assess the clinical reasoning skills of medical students. It is the key aspect of clinical competency that enables the medical graduates to progress from novice to practicing general practitioner. SCT was used the first time in pharmacology to inculcate clinic reasoning skills in medical students by focusing on the topic of pharmacotherapy. Methods: A SCT with a total of 18 questions, with 15 questions having 3 items each, one having four items and two questions having two items each was administered to 170 second year undergraduate medical students in the subject of pharmacology to assess the clinical reasoning skills. It was an interventional study conducted using convenience sampling technique with a sample size of 170. Aggregate scoring method was used to do the scoring obtained from the answers given by 10 expert-panel members in the field of pharmacology, which were used as an answer key to do the final scoring of the students. Descriptive statistics were computed using Students t test. SCT conduct included a small-group feedback session to the students postSCT. A feedback questionnaire was administered to the students one week after the feedback session. Reliability of the SCT and feedback questionnaire was checked by calculating Cronbach alpha through Siegle reliability calculator. Content validity of the test as well as feedback questionnaire was done by the panel of experts included in the study. Results: Though the mean score of the students (27. 68± 4. 59) was significantly lower than the expert panel (40. 91± 3. 52), students were highly satisfied as they expressed that SCT enhanced their perceived clinical reasoning skills (median value=5) and critical thinking (median value=4). The Cronbach alpha for the test was 0. 76. The students were also highly satisfied with the feedback given by the teachers after the SCT (median value=4). Conclusion: SCT enhances critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills of the students, as reported by them. With the conduct of feedback session post-SCT, it can be used as assessment for learning tool and can be well used in a para-clinical subject of pharmacology.

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Introduction: Objective Structured Practical Examination (OSPE) is a comprehensive tool for assessment. We wanted to improve our assessment methods and make it a more competencebased evaluation. Thus this study was designed to compare the effectiveness of Objective Structured Practical Examination with that of Conventional Practical Examination. Methods: This interventional study was carried out in Department of Microbiology at CIMSH, Lucknow over six months from October 2019 till March 2020. One hundred second year MBBS students were enrolled. The students were divided into two groups of fifty for the conventional examination group (controls) and the OSPE group. On the first day, the cases appeared for OSPE while the controls for conventional examination. On the second day, the groups were crossed over. The students appearing for OSPE were assessed by their scores at different stations. Feedback forms with a pre structured questionnaire were given to the students and the examiners after OSPE on both days to record their perceptions. Finally, the students’ scores were tabulated and compared statistically. Microsoft Excel and SPSS were used for data analysis. The data was presented as percentages, mean and standard deviation. Student t test was used and the significance was checked, using P value <0. 05. Results: Overall in OSPE, the students scored higher and the result was statistically significant. The proportion of students in higher marks range was more for OSPE than that for the conventional method. The difference was statistically significant (P<0. 001). Feedback taken from examiners as well as from the students in the form of a structured questionnaire to analyze their perceptions was very encouraging. Conclusions: OSPE is a comprehensive assessment modality for practical evaluation of MBBS students. OSPE proved to be an effective tool that improved the students’ scores in microbiology.

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Introduction: The term continuing professional development encompasses competencies required to practice the high quality medicine, including medical, managerial, ethical, social, and personal skills, whereas continuing medical education refers only to expanding the knowledge and skills required by physicians. The competencies for basic science faculty identified are management and administration, teaching, assessments, curriculum development, and research. This study aimed to evaluate the outcomes of faculty development initiatives at Avalon University School of Medicine and examine the optimal approach to faculty development activities. Methods: This is a survey-based quantitative study. A crosssectional survey was conducted after implementing the faculty development activities. We took thirteen basic science faculty members as a unit and recruited them for different faculty development activities from 2015. Faculty members were involved in various faculty development courses, workshops, and training sessions. A survey was conducted among faculty members using a questionnaire on the Likert scale to identify if there are any increased knowledge or skills on teaching and assessment methods, educational scholarship, and scholarly activities after implementing faculty development initiatives. The faculty responses were tabulated and quantified in the Excel sheet and analyzed by SPSS software. Results: All thirteen faculty members responded to the questionnaire (100% response rate). There was an increased selfreported knowledge and skills of faculty members. 70% of the faculty agreed that they are able to get involved in designing their course learning objectives. 100% of the faculty were aware of different teaching methods, and 93% of them were implementing different types of teaching methods, including small group discussions, flipped classrooms, standardized patient-based teaching, and problem-based learning. 100% of the faculty were aware of different assessment methods and implementing them. There were self-reported and observed behavioral changes. Conclusions: Faculty development activities at Avalon University School of Medicine have shown to be effective. At larger institutions, the department chair can lead the faculty development activities.

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Introduction: Previous research has shown that Balint group is effective in the professional and personal development of residents. The aim of this study was to investigate the experience of psychiatric residents about Balint groups. Methods: This is a qualitative study using a phenomenological approach. Seven sessions of the Balint groups were held with a number of psychiatric residents at Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences. Two of the leaders were psychoanalytic psychotherapist. Finally, eight in-depth semi-structured interviews and focused group interview were conducted. Data were collected by tape recorded interviews. Data were analyzed using MAXQDA-10 software. Results: Three main themes were obtained from the interviews that included “ Early experiences” , “ Touching the Balint group” and “ Relationship with Balint group” . The category of “ Early experiences” included three categories of “ defenseless” , “ fire under the ashes” and “ deep feeling” . Touching the Balint group theme included categories such as “ Empathetic” , “ I am not the only one. . . ” , “ Releasing” , “ Reading story” , “ This patient” , and “ Getting closer” . The relationship with Balint group theme included three categories of “ first of all” , “ attachment” and “ courage and time” . Conclusion: Based on the findings of this study, while some aspects of Balint group are stressful but ultimately improve the emotions and better understanding of the patient. This research shows incorporating Balint group into the educational program and curriculum of psychiatric residents in Iran might be helpful, but more qualitative and quantitative research is necessary.

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The Corona-Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic has had a tremendous effect on medical education. It is also challenging the medical educationists’ ability to adapt to this whole unique situation. Considering the hospital-based education, clinical mentors, and students in all health professions are potential carriers. However, the current crisis is revitalizing the necessity for online learning opportunities and virtual education. Most medical schools are following reacting to lockdown with a shift to live online or video-based learning. Maintaining standard in medical education, keeping the clinical learning on stream, and minimizing the assessment disruption are unprecedented challenges under pandemic conditions. Adaptation to this new situation is necessary to prepare future clinicians for practice. This commentary discusses how this pandemic may affect medical education. In this commentary, the author highlights the importance of virtual education and the potential implications of integrating virtual simulation technologies into medical education for the future of clinical competency learning and assessment.

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Dear Editor: The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has been compared to 1918 and 1957 influenza pandemics which took many human lives (1). The lockdown of cities and educational organizations – which has not been happened since the World War 2-has already disrupted the education at all levels. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has stated more than 1. 5 billion students are affected by the current educational disruption (2). . .

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Khabiri Seyyed Saeed

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Dear Editor: During the Corona virus epidemic, most jobs closed, and according to the policies to reduce crowding, most educational sessions such as clinical rounds, morning reports, and journal clubs barred; therefore, it is necessary to consider ways to deal with these limitations. The use of virtual training used to be limited due to the distance between people, but during the Corona-virus era, there was an opportunity to use this technique more (1). One of the chapters in residency training is the Journal club, which plays an important role in raising the level of knowledge and decision-making power, and using the experiences of others in medical performance (2)...

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