In this paper an experiment procedure was conducted to analyze the microstructure of SiC-particle reinforced Al-MMCs via forming temperatures. In this procedure, first the 6061-alloy powder is mixed by 33% SiC-particle reinforced in order to preparation of AA6061/SiCp composite. The obtained alloy powder is compressed into a cold die cylindrical mould at a pressure of 10.3MPa. The cylindrical samples were heated into an electrical furnace until the liqidus- solidus temperatures range of alloy. Just before the samples were transferred to extrusion press, the split die, which was preheated, was placed in the container of the extrusion press. The samples were then transferred from the furnace and placed on top of the split die and a pressure pad placed on top. A computer data logger then measured parameters such as load and extrusion time whilst the die was being filled. Finally, the samples quenched into cold water and were prepared for metallography test. Then was investigated the effect of forming temperature on the interface of reinforcement particles/Matrix and microstructure of semi-solid forming (SSF) samples. Results showed complete die filling was achieved only when the initial sample temperature was within the semi-solid temperature range. At temperatures close to the liquidus temperature of the alloy, reinforcement clustering and segregated regions of matrix occurred. The microstructures and coherency at interface between reinforcement and matrix of the SSF samples appeared to be dependant on the formation of aluminum carbide and the precipitation of silicon factors. Tests of the XRD, FEGSEM and light microscopy were used to verify the effects of these factors. Therefore based on the obtained results it is possible substitute the SSF instead of the HIP stage in the powder metallurgy process, without any aluminum carbide at the interface.