As a principle, the performance of each organization should be measured as far as possible. There is a direct relationship between the presence or non presence of an efficient performance assessment system and the life and death of an organization. As such, lack of performance assessment system have been considered as organizational disease. Without measurement there will be no basis for performance evaluation. what cannot be measured cannot be administered.The present study deals with the efficiency of I.A.U, s large branches and the effect of benefit ratios on them. In order to evaluate the efficiency of higher education systems, one of the modeles, mathematical model of operation research entitled Data envelopment analysis (DEA) have been used. In order to apply this model concretely, financial performance of 70branches of I.A.U have been studied in the time span (1388-1390). Financial Performance of these branches by variables of operational expenditures and net worth, net profit and net operational cash flow which are of high theoretical back ground have been analyzed under the title of two inputs and two out puts and then results have been assessed by optimizing GAMZ saft ware and combinational method.The most efficient and the least efficient branch have been recognized. By a number of benefits financial ratios including ROE, ROA, OCF, LN T.A, their effect on efficiency have been studied with multi –variables regression. The results indicate that all calculated benefit ratios except net profit ratio to net worth have significant relation with efficiency.