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مرکز اطلاعات علمی SID1
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Background: Determining the gap in the quality of educational services, followed by the adoption of appropriate strategies for eliminating or reducing the existing obstacles, is considered the first basic step in developing quality improvement programs for universities. Therefore, this study was conducted to evaluate the quality of educational services of Iranian medical universities. Methods: This study was a systematic review and a metaanalysis based on the SERVQUAL evaluation pattern, and data collection was done through accessing published articles in reputable academic websites inside and outside Iran including and searching 4 keywords “ the quality of educational services, SERVQUAL Evaluation Model, educational service gap, and Iran” without time and language restrictions. The CMA software, version 2. 2. 064, was used for data analysis. Results: There was a negative gap in all 5 dimensions. The average gap in all the dimensions was-1. 335 out of the maximum 5 (responsiveness=-1. 463, assurance=-1. 367, tangibility=-1. 364, empathy=-1. 297, and reliability=-1. 091). Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, it can be claimed that students are not satisfied with the current state of the quality of the educational services provided, and we are far away from achieving the ideal state and wining their full satisfaction. The differences observed among the 5 dimensions of the quality of educational services can be used as a guide for planning and allocating resources. Iranian medical science universities should try to pay their most attention to the dimensions that have the widest gaps and place them at the top of their priorities.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 150

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Background: The relative contribution of transcapillary water movement and lymphatic reabsorption in peritoneal dialysis (PD) is a critical issue, particularly in patients with ultrafiltration failure (UFF). Based on routine results obtained from the PD Adequest 2. 0 software, the present study aimed to re-evaluate the separate effects of transcapillary water movement and lymphatic reabsorption on the net ultrafiltration capacity in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) patients without UFF. Methods: Seventy CAPD patients without UFF and PD duration less than 2 years entered the study. The study was conducted during January-April 2016 at Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran. Each patient had 1 to 3 peritoneal equilibration test (PET) results which were used to analyze the determinants of fluid transport, lymphatic reabsorption, and ultrafiltration. Pearson and Spearman correlation tests were used to determine the correlation between continuous and ordinal factors, respectively. The data were analyzed using the SPSS software version 19. 0. Results: In terms of the effective lymphatic absorption rate (ELAR) and ultrafiltration coefficient (LpA) values, there was no difference in the high or high-average transporters compared to the low or low-average transporters. However, a positive and highly significant correlation between ELAR and LpA was found. Conclusion: A significant correlation between ELAR and LpA was found in CAPD patients without UFF and duration less than 2 years from the beginning of PD. The abstract was presented in the 53rd ERA-EDTA Congress, Austria, as a poster and published in Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation as a supplement (2016; Vol. 31).

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 113

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Background: Physical limitations, distance, and time are major obstacles to access to mental health services for veterans and soldiers. This study was aimed at comparing the efficacy of telepsychiatry and face-to-face consultation as methods of treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The comparison was based on treatment costs, access to health services, completion of therapy sessions, and patient satisfaction as variables. Methods: This research was a double blinded clinical trial supported by Tabriz University of Medical Sciences and conducted in 2015 to 2016 in Tabriz, Iran. Totally, 60 patients were included in the study. Through simple randomization, the patients were divided into experimental and control groups, both of whom were treated through face-to-face consultations for the first 3 sessions. Six follow-up sessions were then held remotely with the experimental group and face to face with the control group. Data were collected using a self-designed and reliable questionnaire and entered in SPSS, version 16. Intergroup comparisons were performed using descriptive statistical measures. Finally, the results were tested using the t test method. Results: A significant relationship was found between the use of information technology and increased patient satisfaction, completion of therapy sessions, and reduction in treatment costs; however, no significant difference was found between the groups in terms of reduction in waiting time and access to a psychiatrist. Conclusion: Telepsychiatry is an effective means of delivering mental health services to psychiatric outpatients living in remote areas with limited resources. The results provide preliminary support for the use of telepsychiatry in treating PTSD and improving access to care.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 102

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Background: Speech and language pathologists should include connected speech assessment as part of their evaluation for children with speech sound disorders. The purpose of the present study was to design and validate an instrument for assessment of articulation by story-retelling for Persian children. Methods: 261 typically developing children, aged 4-5 years old in Iran, Tehran, in 2016-2017, were recruited in the current study. First, two stories were designed. Next, the expert panel reviewed those two stories and selected one story for assessment. The strengths of the test for discriminating between the two age groups (48-54 months and 55-60 months) and between boys and girls were investigated for construct validity. Test-retest was performed for 15 children. Also, inter-rater reliability was evaluated via calculating the correlation between the two examiners’ scores. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), version 24, was used for statistical analysis. The significance level was set at (P<0. 05). Results: There was 80% or more agreement in experts’ response to questions regarding content validity. All of the reliability values were higher than 0. 85. No significant difference was observed between boys and girls (P=0. 77), but there was a significant difference between the two age groups (P<0. 001). There was a significant correlation between this test and phonetic test of the Persian version of diagnostic articulation and phonology (r=0. 62, P=0. 002). Conclusion: The Persian story for the assessment of speech sound production is a reliable and valid instrument that can be used to evaluate the articulation of Persian children.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: The health locus of control (HLC) can indirectly determine the health status. The current study aimed to assess the validity and reliability of Form C of the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control (MHLC-C) scale in pregnant women. Methods: 554 pregnant women participated in this crosssectional study conducted in 2017; they referred to community health centers affiliated with Mashhad and Gonabad Medical Sciences Universities. Multi-stage random sampling was done. In this study, first, the questionnaire was translated into Farsi; then, face validity and construct validity were done through exploratory factor analysis, and concurrent criterion validity was also examined. Moreover, the reliability was assessed through internal consistency and stability methods. Results: The results of the exploratory factor analysis showed that the MHLC-C scale consisted of four subscales, i. e. Chance, Internal, Other People, and Doctors, which accounted for 51. 18% of variance. The results of the reliability analysis showed an acceptable internal consistency for the scale (Cronbach’ s alpha coefficient for subscales from 0. 62 to 0. 90). Also, the testretest results showed good stability for all subscales other than Doctors (P<0. 05). The concurrent validity of Forms B and C of MHLC scale showed a positive and significant correlation between subscales. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the MHLC-C scale had acceptable validity and reliability in pregnant women and is suggested as an applicable criterion for assessing individuals control beliefs with any medical or health-related condition in Iran.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: Endometriosis is a common gynecological disease in which oxidative stress is a potential factor. Caffeine and caffeic acid are present in various foods and beverages with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-carcinogenic properties. In this study, we aimed to investigate the ameliorative effects of caffeine, caffeic acid, and caffeine+caffeic acid treatments on oxidative stress in ectopic endometrial cells taken from patients and eutopic ones from women without endometriosis. Methods: In this experimental study, eutopic and ectopic endometrial cells were obtained from biopsies of women free of disease (n=10) and patients with endometriosis (n=10) who referred to Shiraz reference hospitals (2017-2018). Both eutopic and ectopic endometrial cells were divided into four groups: Treated with caffeine, with caffeic acid, with caffeine+caffeic acid, and the control. Also, antioxidant enzyme activities and the levels of glutathione (GSH) and malondialdehyde (MDA) were determined in each group. The data were analyzed using independent sample t test and one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey post-hoc test. Results: Caffeic acid, but not caffeine treatment demonstrated a decrease in MDA level (P<0. 001) as well as an increase in GSH level (P<0. 001) and antioxidant enzyme activities in ectopic endometrial cells. Also, the treatment of the cells with caffeine+caffeic acid caused similar effects as those ectopic cells treated with caffeic acid. Conclusion: According to the findings of the present study, caffeic acid reduced oxidative stress which may alleviate the complications associated with endometriosis. However, more investigations are needed for evaluating the efficiency and safety of caffeic acid.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 116

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Background: Semaphorin-3A (Sema3A), as a secreted semaphorin, is an immune modulator molecule participating in the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) modulate the target-gene expression at the post-transcriptional level. It has been proposed that miRNAs may be crucial to the modulation of the function of semaphorins. Previous findings have proven that miR-497-5p is upregulated and Sema3A is downregulated in some autoimmune disorders. Thus, we aimed to examine the presence of any correlation between Sema3A and miR-497-5p in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). Methods: PBMCs were cultured and transfected with miR-497-5p mimic using the X-tremeGENE™ reagent. The expression level of Sema3A was assessed after 48 hours in supernatants and cells via the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction, respectively. Cell viability was evaluated using the methylthiazol tetrazolium assay. All the experiments were done in triplicate, and the statistical analyses were performed with SPSS, version 20. P values equal to or less than 0. 05 were considered significant. Results: We observed downregulation of the Sema3A gene (P=0. 0001) and its secretion (P=0. 032) in the PBMCs through miR-497-5p transfection. Moreover, transfection with miR-497-5p mimic and downregulation of Sema3A did not affect the viability of the PBMCs (P=0. 061). Conclusion: Based on the obtained results, we suggest that miR-497-5p has a high suppressive effect on Sema3A expression and both Sema3A and miR-497-5p can be considered critical targets for further studies on future therapeutic attempts for the treatment of autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 113

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Background: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer worldwide. Studies have indicated that immune cells and soluble factors play a key role in maintaining the balance between tumor-promoting inflammation and anti-tumor immunity. It has been shown that secreted cytokines from CRC cell lines could affect peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), monocytes, and macrophages phenotypes. Macrophage infiltration has been associated with good prognosis in some cancers, but with poor prognosis in others. The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of conditioned media from CRC cells (Caco-2) on immune responses produced by PBMCs. Methods: The present study was performed at the Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases Research Institute, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences (Tehran, Iran) in 2017. Human monocytes were isolated from PBMCs by Ficoll gradient media. The co-culture of monocytes and Caco-2 conditioned media was carried out. RNA extraction and cDNA synthesis of monocytes were performed after 96 hours. Gene expression of pro-and anti-inflammatory cytokines was evaluated by realtime PCR. Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS software (version 21. 0) with the independent sample t test. P<0. 05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Compared to the control group, the treated monocytes showed increased levels of interleukin-6 (P=0. 001), interleukin-12b (P=0. 001), and interferon-gamma (P=0. 02), as well as decreased amounts of interleukin-4 (P=0. 01), interleukin-10 (P=0. 01), and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (P=0. 01). Conclusion: Secreted cytokines and soluble factors from Caco-2 induced the differentiation of PBMCs, particularly the monocytes, toward inflammatory phenotype according to the altered gene expression of inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines.

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بازدید 120

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The clinically reported case of liver involvement with multiple myeloma (MM) is rare. Amyloidosis, defined as a tissue deposition of clonal light-chain fibrils, has been reported in 10-15% of the MM patients. We described a rare MM patient with the primal presentation of fulminant hepatic failure and biliary system involvement due to amyloidosis. Our patient had the primal symptoms of hyperbilirubinemia, ascites, hepatosplenomegaly, and anemia. Chemotherapy with a standard regimen containing bortezomib, thalidomide, and dexamethasone was implemented and led to a dramatic response. Liver involvement due to light chain amyloidosis can be the first drastic presentation of MM. It is important to consider infiltrative disorders, like MM and amyloidosis, when patients present non-specific symptoms and impaired liver function tests. Proper and timely diagnosis can directly affect the prognosis of patients. The optimal approach in the standard management of similar cases is still a matter of debate.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 102

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Rett syndrome (RS) is a neurodevelopmental infantile disease characterized by an early normal psychomotor development followed by a regression in the acquisition of normal developmental stages. In the majority of cases, it leads to a sporadic mutation in the MECP2 gene, which is located on the X chromosome. However, this syndrome has also been associated with microdeletions, gene translocations, and other gene mutations. A 12-year-old female Colombian patient was presented with refractory epilepsy and regression in skill acquisition (especially language with motor and verbal stereotypies, hyperactivity, and autistic spectrum disorder criteria). The patient was born to non-consanguineous parents and had an early normal development until the age of 36 months. Comparative genomic hybridization array-CGH (750K) was performed and Xp22. 31 duplication was detected (6866889-8115153) with a size of 1. 248 Mb associated with developmental delay, epilepsy, and autistic traits. Given the clinical criteria of RS, MECP2 sequencing was performed which showed a de novo pathogenic variant c. 338C>G (p. Pro113Arg). The features of RS include intellectual disability, developmental delay, and autism. These features are associated with copy number variations (CNVs) on the X chromosome (Xp22. 31 microduplication). Here we present the first reported case of simultaneous CNV and MECP2 pathogenic mutation in a patient with RS. We propose that both DNA alterations might have a synergistic effect and could lead to variable expressivity of the phenotype.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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