As applications of spirit in the Quranic verses and some hadiths indicate, by Spirit is meant other than human spirit. Benefitting from Quranic verses and hadiths of the infallible-innocent personalities, the present essay speaks of characteristics of spirit and aims at discovering the nature and existential reality of Spirit and, thereby, attaining the utmost knowledge of human spirit. According to teachings of the Quran and hadiths, Spirit is an independent existent, is endowed with life, knowledge, and power, is from the world of command (amr), and is from divine kingdom. It is not included in angels, but rather is a creature greater than them and in a single reality which has various levels and degrees. A higher level of Spirit accompanies the holy prophet and holy Imams and teaches, informs, and guides them whenever the Almighty wills. Also, all human beings are endowed with a spirit whose existence is definite. Spirit of all men is apparently originated by a spirit which is higher than other spirits and is the elected spirit of God.