Allamah Majlesi is one of the great traditionalists who has spent his life in preservating and promoting the teachings of Quran and infallible Imams. He in the field of Fiqh al-Hadith, in addition to his many efforts in "Bihar al- Anwar", in "Mirat al-uqool" in the description of "Alkafi" and in "Malaz al-akhyar" in the description of "Tahzib Al-ahkam" in addition to explaining the traditions, investigates and criticize documents of traditions and evaluates them from the perspective of "Elm Al-rijal".In this article an attempt has been done to express Methods of Majlesi in documentary criticism relying on the "Mirat Al-uqool". Considering characteristics of the narrators, possibility of saying the Hadith by Considering rank of the narrator, detecting the Tas`hifs (distortions), investigation of different possibilities in turning in a document, investigation of possible probabilities in antecedent, criticism based on possible probabilities in diagnosis the narrators, Independent criticism of different versions of a hadith, criticism based on documents of other traditions of one narrator, Final evaluation of Total documents of a hadith, criticism based on compensating the weak document, are the most important methods in "Mirat al-uqool". Since some of these methods, based on opinions of this valuable scientist, in the essential cases we have mentioned to them. In addition to what was said, we point to methods Of Majlisy in compensating for weak documents of traditions.