Each dam can breach for various reasons and its flood may result in considerable damage. For this reason, estimating the effective parameters on dam-breach flood wave attenuation and this flood routing are very important. In this study, the effect of side slope of cross section is studied on dam-breach flood wave attenuation. This study uses a model of flood wave propagation based on Saint-Venant equation and an analytical model of wave propagation in rectangular channels, to provide a comprehensive model for dam breach flood wave attenuation in trapezoidal and triangular channels also. Results of this study are leading to find the dynamic wave model in these cross sections. Also it is determined that discharge attenuation factor is a function of channel characteristics such as side slope of cross section, in addition to Froude number, dimensionless wave period and dimensionless wave number that were achieved in last researches. At final, results of model compared with real observations of a dam failure and results of a numerical model.