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Attar is one of the most dignified mystic writers of Persian language and literature who pays an especial attention to anecdotes in his poems and in his book Tazkirat-ul Awliya. This article tries to investigate the internal ideas of Tazkirat-ul Awliya as one of the storied elements. The internal idea and the main content of mystical anecdotes is an especial mystical view which can be summarized in “unilateral view and uniform living.” This especial view brings forth an unusual behavior whose manifestation is in the anecdotes of “Ashenai Zodai” and “Adat Setizi.” The adumbration of antagonism and battle with self and schooling it is so vast in Attar’s anecdotes that must be accounted as the most important internal idea of his anecdotes along with his especial view. This has been described as an ascetic view. Also, Attar has made use of other internal ideas as, kindness to people, believing self as nobody, watchfulness and being warned of usual happenings, and quoting the munificence.

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The most important part of Nima's poetic approach is subjectivity and objectivity in poetry. According to Nima the poet should write about what he can see and his poem is a clear image and sign of himself. A careful observation in Nima's work is of special importance. His criticism is with regard to the separation of poetry from pure subjectivity and also imagination of objectivity. Nima in his imagination looks at the world which is out of the mind. Although the ratio of objectivity and subjectivity is different in different periods of his works, but in his poems objectivity overcomes subjectivity. Generally objectivity and subjectivity are mixed and for this reason Nima has not been successful in practicing his theory. In his latest poems subjectivity overcomes objectivity.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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After the modern era and while the post modernity gifts caused changes in life style and human being theory in the twentieth century historical time, the art and literature were modified as well in direction of evolution and completion and based a new method named "Minimalism" so that by utilizing the brevity it becomes able to coordinate itself with dominating quick passage of life. Nowadays, the minimalism is remembered as a new phenomenon appeared from the west culture, while in Iranian classic literature, it is possible to find a plenty of samples which correspond with this literary style. This study will introduce the literary classic works of Iran which incept the specifications of minimalism stories in addition to expressing the minimal concept and characteristics of these stories; it also, will hand over a new outlook concerning the structure of these Iranian stories and ancient narrations.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Myth and Epic are memorials of nations with long-standing culture and civilization. Myths can be the mother that gives birth to epics. Therefore, studying and analyzing the epical stories should be done, the root foundation of which is myth. We've tried this query to the story of "Sudabeh and Siavash" the mythical foundation and with special attention to the return of old patterns, and our analysis shows that the life of Siavash, like her mother, is secret. He has a secret with him that must not be clear. Dutifulness what he implies, namely creating Kykhsrow. In fact, this article is a response to the part of article written by doctor Qdmly Ceramentitled entitled as "The story of Sudabeh and Siavash in different view" in that the author only according to the outer layer of story and with no attention to the bases that the story comes from them, have received to morality results and slogans. The outer layer of the story has gone little wrong. So the writer has tried to analyze the story both from the super-structure and from within. And according to its mythic origins he has demonstrated that the story of Sudabeh and Siavash is not a mere love story, it is part of the battle between evil forces and felicitate.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Javaher-ul- Khial, is an anthology that with regard to involving quatrains of about four hundred poets, is accounted as one of worthy resources for studying quatrains. The compilation has been gathered by Saleh-Razavi a poet of 11th century. With an enthusiasm he has arranged it in 21 sections, on a thematic order, each one including a few chapters. Then in the second half (that is, at the end of the sections), the same quatrains in addition to a several other quatrains have been compiled on the order of the rhyme letters in accordance to the alphabetical letters. In this anthology, composers are divided into three categories: first category, the reputable composers having many other relics other than quatrains, who are fully well known; Second category, the composers whose names have been referred to in official notes, but lacking a poetical work, but with a scattered poetries; and the third category are those, whose names have not been mentioned in the notes, and normally they had other jobs, said poetry as a hobby. This compilation is a treasury of these great men whose names they would not have been mentioned in anywhere else. The present article includes relics from the third category.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Modernization and change in the Persian verse cause to the rise of a new type of poetry (Shar e- naw). At the same time classical poets try to find out the methods which change the poem’s themes and forms. Simin Behbahhani is a well known poetess for this method. She tries to use new rhythms in her poems. This writing tries to survey the fact of her new rhythms. According to the results of this study, taking advantage of the melodical relations and agreements between the words in the Persian language, simin behbahani, unintentionally has revived much of the heavy and low frequency of rhythm in Persian verses with the creation of new rhythms of verse, in order to arrive at defamiliarization.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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“Defamiliarization” is one of the frequent expressions in the theories of structuralism which has been considered as the synonym for the terms “familiarity elimination” and “prominent making.” It must be noted that, in contrast to having common objectives and areas of action, it is different to them in some ways and has some features which are its own specifics.The normalized language is the means of communicating and transferring the message; and not only there is no doubt in the necessity of specifying of literary language and especially poems with that, but also in the structuralism patterns, the degree of diversion from the conventional and common criterion, is the clear certification of its literariness as well as its power and beauty.Manuchehr Atashi is one on the poets of “free verse” stream and is one of the most important followers of Ahmad Shamlo in composing a new type of poem called “She’re Sepid.” He has used the courses of formalists in his poems and also tried to use the different forms of defamiliarization. The current study is investigating this feature and processing and classifying its manifestations in the poems of this Persian contemporary poet.

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Naser khosro Ghobadyani, thinker, writer and poet, is an Iranian Muslim who could benefit from different faiths to leave the valuable works in Persian literature. In this study we show that in addition to Islamic beliefs, other beliefs are reflected in the Naserkhosro’s works. One of the schools that from which Naserkhosro took effects, was Zurvanism. Zurvanism is one of the common religions in ancient Iran that many of its beliefs/rules remained even in post Islamic era in Iran and could affect several different works of Persian Moslems. Naserkhosro is one that has been affected from Zurvanism and it can be seen in his works clearly.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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