Two spotted-spider mite (TSSM), Tetranychus urticae Koch. (Acari: Tetranychidae), is one of the most important pests of bean. Biology of TSSM on white bean genotypes (Dehghan, Sadaf, Daneshkadeh, G-11867, Jules, Goynok98, Kara Casehiro) were studied using leaf disk bioassay under laboratory conditions (Tempt.: 25±1oC, RH: 50±5%, L: D=12: 12 hours). Moreover, some of the reproductive characteristics of TSSM (egg number, immature and mature numbers) were evaluated in greenhouse conditions by releasing five adult female mites on two leaf stage plant and estimating mite population after two weeks. The parameters mx, rm and T of Two spotted-spider mite on seven white bean genotypes were calculated and considered their associations with resistance and sensibility of hosts. Results indicated that Dehghan and Sadaf genotypes with lower damage (respectively, 3.40±0.24 and 2.00±0.20 damage score of 6) were resistant genotypes and Daneshkadeh, Goynok98, Kara Casehiro, G-11867 and Jules genotypes with higher damage (respectively, 4.00±0.00, 4.00±0.00, 4.20±0.00, 4.00±0.00 and 5.00±0.00 damage score) showed levels of sensibility to two spotted-spider mite.