Greenbug, Schizaphis graminum (Rondani) is one of the injurious pests of grain sorghum in Iran. In this study, the effect of six grain sorghum cultivars on biological characteristics of greenbug was investigated in a greenhouse at 25±2oC and 60-70% RH. The experiment was carried out by rearing aphids on leaves of six common grain sorghum varieties including: KGS17 KGS19, KGS20, Payam, Sepideh and Kimia using leaf cages. Nymphal development time, mortality, longevity, preoviposition, oviposition and postoviposition periods and fecundity of the aphid were recorded daily. Results revealed that nymphal survival rate of the aphid was very high (87-98%) on all studied cultivars like that on sensitive host plant cultivars. The aphid had relatively high longevity (29.1±1.58-33.3±1.09 days) and short nymphal development time (5.85-6.35 days) on studied sorghum cultivars. The highest longevity was observed on KGS17, but sorghum cultivars had not significant effect on the aphid longevity. The lowest and the highest aphid fecundity was obtained on KGS19 (29.85±3.34 nymphs) and KGS20 (44.95±2.69 nymphs) cultivars, respectively. Fecundity of the aphid was higher on KGS20 than KGS17, KGS19 and Payam cultivars, significantly. Based on the results, the highest nymphal mortality was observed on the KGS19 cultivar. Besides, rearing S. graminum on this cultivar increased nymphal development time and reduced aphid fecundity, significantly. Consequently, KGS19 was less suitable to greenbug than other studied cultivars.