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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background: Medication errors are considered to be the most significant safety threatening factors for the patients in hospital, to which many factors contribute. Objectives: This study was conducted to determine the role of associated factors in the incidence of medication errors in the psychiatric ward of Razi Hospital in Tabriz from the perspectives of nurses in 2017. Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study, we selected 150 nurses working in the psychiatric ward of Razi Hospital in Tabriz through random sampling method. The data collection instrument included a demographic and researcher-made questionnaire to assess the effective factors in the incidence of medication errors according to the perspectives of nurses. The data were imported into SPSS version 20 and analyzed via ANOVA and Chi-square tests. Results: In this study, 95(63. 3%) women and 55(36. 7%) men with the mean age of 34. 4± 0. 66 participated. The highest mean score for the causes of medication errors was related to the professional errors made by nurses (33. 93± 2. 61) and the structure of the psychiatric ward (27. 96± 5. 8). The change in Kardex during the transfer of the patient to other wards was the most significant cause of errors with a mean of 4. 35± 5. 53. The mean score of medication errors was significantly different with that of the level of education, age, work experience, and employment types. However, it was not significantly different with that of gender, marital status, nurse job position, and shift work rotation. Conclusion: Considering the incidence of the most common medication errors in the field of nursing careers and structure of psychiatric ward, we recommend that nurse managers increase the skills of medication administration through holding training courses and improve the physical conditions of the ward.

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Background: Stress during pregnancy and delivery is associated with unfavorable outcomes, which negatively affects maternal breastfeeding self-efficacy. Objectives: This study aimed to determine the relationship between perceived stress and breastfeeding selfefficacy of women in Zanjan, Iran. Methods: This descriptive-analytical study was performed on 224 pregnant women, who participated in delivery preparation classes and were selected by Poisson random sampling. The data were collected using Demoghraphic and midwifery characteristics Questionnaires, Cohen’ s perceived stress scale, and Dennis’ s breast-feeding self-efficacy scale. In addition, data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics, Pearson’ s correlation coefficient, and logistic regression model at 95% confidence interval. Results: In this study, the mean age of the participants was 26. 56± 4. 61 years. Moreover, a majority of mothers were nulliparous (81. 3%), had academic degrees (56. 7%), and were housewives (86. 6%). According to the results, there was a significant and reverse association between perceived stress and breastfeeding selfefficacy and neonatal weight at birth (P=0. 0001) (P=0. 01). While breastfeeding self-efficacy had a direct association with natural delivery, wanted pregnancy, neonatal weight, and family income level, It had a significant and reverse relationship with history of abortion (P<0. 05). Conclusion: Due to the significant and negative relationship between perceived stress and self-efficacy as well as the importance of this issue in the rate of exclusive nutrition and continuation of lactation, planning to control perceived stress in nulliparous women with a history of abortion, unwanted pregnancy, and low income levels seems necessary.

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Background: The highest prevalence of depression is observed in the elderly, and the cultural difference in each region causes a difference in the incidence of this disorder. Objectives: Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the prevalence of depression and its associated demographic factors in the elderly with electronic health records in Zanjan during 2018. Methods: A total of 400 elderly people with electronic health records participated in this descriptive crosssectional study, who were selected by the cluster random sampling method from 18 urban community health centers of Zanjan. The data were collected using a demographic questionnaire and the geriatric depression scale(. Finally, data entered the SPSS software and analyzed utilizing descriptive statistics, as well as Chisquare, ANOVA, and logistic regression tests. Results: The mean age of the elderly was 77. 7± 5. 56 and 68. 5% of them had some degrees of depression, including mild (40. 5%), moderate (19. 2%), and severe (8. 8%) depression. Mild depression was more prevalent among younger adults while moderate to severe depression was common in older adults over 75. The results revealed that depression had a significant relationship with age and educational level while not having any significant relationship with sex, marital status, and the dwelling place. Conclusion: Considering the high prevalence of depression among the elderly in Zanjan, health managers re suggested to prioritize educational programs and social support for this group of individuals and monitor the performance of supportive institutions such as insurance in this rgard. Eventually, they are recommended to pay attention to the geographical and cultural diversity of different regions of the country to reduce the elderly’ s depression level.

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Background: Hypothermia is a common complication in trauma patients. Studies show that the management of hypothermia in trauma patients in the pre-hospital phase may be underestimated. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of thermal care workshop on the staff readiness to manage hypothermia in trauma patients. Methods: This quasi-experimental study utilized convenience sampling after obtaining the approval of the Research Ethics Committee and involved 60 qualified EMS staff who were divided into two groups including: intervention group (30 technicians) and control group (30 technicians). The intervention group received the treatment in the form of a workshop. Nonetheless, the control group did not receive any educational intervention. The data were collected before, immediately after and 45 days after the workshop to determine EMS staff readiness using a validated researcher-made questionnaire. In this study, the significance level was 0. 5. Results: There was a significant difference between the posttest results of the control group and the intervention group (p<0. 001). Moreover, in the intervention group, there were significant differences between the pretest results and the two posttest results (p<0. 001). Finally, the readiness gained after the workshop lasted for 45 days. Conclusion: The thermal care workshop enhanced the readiness of emergency medical personnel. The generalization of the results of this study is restricted due to the fact that random selection and random assignment of participants were not possible in the present study. It is recommended that more robust studies be designed to evaluate, prevent and manage hypothermia in trauma patients in the pre-hospital phase.

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Background: One of the psychological complications of heart failure is anxiety, especially death anxiety, which leads to poor quality of life in patients and impaired prognosis of the disease. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to Investigating Death Anxiety and its Relationship with Some Demographic Variables in Patients with Heart Failure investigate death anxiety level and its association with some demographic variables in patients with heart failure. Methods: It was a descriptive-analytical study conducted on 80 patients with heart failure referring to Valiasr Hospital and Ayatollah Mousavi Zanjan between March 2018 and August 2018. A three-prat questionnaire was used to collect data: 1. Demographic characteristics, 2. Templer death anxiety scale 3. Beck anxiety scale (to determine patients' baseline anxiety). For analyzing the data, descriptive statistics and ANCOVA were used in SPSS v. 22 software. Results: The age range of the patients was between 27 and 98 years, with the highest age group (65 years) with 83. 8%. Fifty-two point five percent of the sample were female (n=42) and 47. 5% were male (n=38). Seventy two point five percent were married, 61% were illiterate, 40% were unemployed and 55% reported poor financial status. The mean score of death anxiety in heart failure patients was 47. 95. The highest score of death anxiety in these patients was 61 (1. 3%) and the lowest score was 30 (1. 3%). More than 90% of patients had moderate (82. 5%) and severe (11. 25%) death anxiety. The results of ANCOVA showed that the relationship between death anxiety level and employment status variable (P<0. 04) was significant. Conclusion: The results of this study indicated a high death anxiety among the majority of studied population which can be due to lack of adequate training in coping with death anxiety in patients with heart failure. Accordingly, it is suggested that more attention should be paid to mental health authorities in order to improve the mental health of these populations in this area.

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Background: Considering the increasing prevalence of psychological problems, complications, and consequences of depression in patients undergoing hemodialysis (HD), the application of complementary therapies such as meditation counseling is highly important. Objectives: Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effect of meditation on depression in patients undergoing HD. Methods: This clinical trial was conducted on 57 patients who met the inclusion criteria by the convenience sampling method. The participants were randomly allocated to intervention and control groups. Those in the intervention group attended three 15-20 minute educational practice sessions weekly offered over an eight weeks while the control group received no intervention. A validated questionnaire assessed depressive symptoms at baseline and after 4 and 8 weeks. In addition, the CONSORT statement was adhered to where possible. Finally, t-test, repeated-measures ANOVA, Fisher’ s exact test, and Chi-square tests were used to analyze data using SPSS 16. Results: The mean depression score among the patients of the intervention group decreased from 85± 1. 56 at baseline to 70± 1. 27 at 8-week follow-up (P=0. 003). Further, the mean score of depressive symptoms significantly decreased during eight weeks after the intervention (P<0. 001). Conclusion: Simple and non-expensive meditation exercises could fruitfully decrease depression symptoms in patients undergoing HD. The prevalence of depressive symptoms is high among the patients, therefore, the implementation of meditation exercises should help minimize a major problem in these groups of patients.

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ackground: Although medical students gain essential knowledge about healthy lifestyles, studies show that this group does not behave in a healthy way and no effective lifestyle courses are also available for this group. Objectives: The present study aimed to determine the health-promoting lifestyle in medical and non-medical students in Zanjan during 2016-2017. Methods: The population of this comparative-descriptive study included all students studying at the medical and non-medical universities of Zanjan Province. Census and randomized cluster sampling techniques were used for selecting medical and non-medical students, respectively. The senior students who showed their tendency could participate in the study. In addition, the data were collected by demographic information and health-promoting behavior (HPLPII) questionnaires. Finally, the data were analyzed through using descriptive (frequency, frequency percentage, mean, and standard deviation) and inferential (independent ttest and the Chi-square) statistics in SPSS 16 and P<0. 05 was considered as the significance level. Results: There was a significant difference regarding some demographic variables (sex, educational degree, dwelling place, average family income, the number of family members, along with mother’ s education and employment status) between medical and non-medical students. The mean and standard deviation of healthpromoting lifestyle score in medical and non-medical students were 2. 52± 0. 39 and 2. 53± 0. 41, respectively, indicating a moderate level. Based on independent t-test, health accountability was higher in medical students compared to non-medical students although physical activity and the nutritional habits of medical students were weaker in this group as compared to non-medical students (P<0. 05). However, no significant difference was observed between the mean of the other subgroups and the total score of the health-promoting lifestyle of the two groups (P>0. 05). Conclusion: Based on the results, more accurate reviewing and planning are necessary regarding improving the health-promoting lifestyle, especially in the field of physical activity and nutritional habits while removing health promotion lifestyle barriers among students, especially medical students.

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Background: Urinary incontinence (UI) is a health problem which can affect women's sexual function. Pelvic floor exercise (PFE) is offered as a first-line therapy to women with UI. It has been shown that PFE might improve different dimensions of sexual function; however, few data is available on the sexual function and its related factors in the women with UI treated by PFE. Objectives: The present study aimed to determine sexual function and its related factors in the women with UI treated by PFE. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study on 183 married participants with confirmed UI treated by PFE in 2015-2016 using convenience sampling method in Imam Khomeini and Mohebe Yas urogynecology clinics. Data collection tools included demographic information, the Questionnaire for UI Diagnosis (QUID), Incontinence Severity Index (ISI), the Pelvic Organ Prolapse/Urinary Incontinence Sexual Questionnaire (PISQ-12) and the Broom self-efficacy scale. Statistical analysis was run using univariate and multivariate linear regressions via STATA software. Results: The mean age of patients was 51. 43± 4. 00 years, and the mean of sexual function according to PISQ-12 scale was 23. 82± 3. 28 in women. The mean score of sexual function was less than the median of the scale score. Aging (p=0. 018), retirement of husbands (p=0. 044), being underweight (p<0. 001), the history of abortion (p=0. 036) and high self-efficacy in doing PFE (p<0. 001) were found to be effective factors in sexual function. Conclusion: Modifiable factors included being underweight and having self-efficacy in performing PFE, which can be controlled using more management strategies to increase women's self-efficacy in doing PFE.

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