Industrialization and urbanization have both led to structural changes, as a result, family has been affected by the changes, because these two factors played an important role in reducing fertility and life expectancy. As a result of the above- mentioned issues, ground is paved for women's education and cooperation. Marriage age and giving birth to babies has gone up. As a result, individualism, enhancement of expectations from marriage, and women's income increase, has significantly contributed to increasing divorce rate. With respect to the fact that divorce, over the past decades has had a rising trend in industrial countries and many developing countries, and whereas Iran is a developing country, family organ has been subject to changes under modernization trend. The question to be answered is: «Is there a direct relationship between development and divorce in Iran? » The research is of documentary type and based on secondary analysis of headcount data of Iran's statistics centre and statistical yearbook of "Birth Registry Office" and Health Ministry information in 2006.The total number of towns in Iran was 331, in 2006.101 out of 331 towns, due to absence of divorce statistics have been omitted. All together, 230 towns selected as statistical and sample group.Development index is developed by taxonomy software, and SPSS is used to analyze the relationship between variables and divorce. With respect to the amount of correlation coefficient and level of significance (R=0.421, P<0.01), there is significant and direct relationship between development and divorce.Therefore, with respect to the direction of correlation coefficient, it can be argued that there is direct relationship between level of development and divorce.Regression analysis is used to review the simultaneous impact of independent variables on divorce. Three variables out of seven independent variables- development, ethnicity, family dimension, and fertility, marriage prematurity of women ranging from 15 to19, women employment, and women higher education- have entered regression equation which are: development, ethnicity and fertility have significant relationship with dependent variable. These three variables all together account for 25 percent of changes in dependent variable.Finally, variables of development, ethnicity and fertility have had direct impact on divorce, and share of development variable has been more than the others.Variables of women higher education and employment have been also effective on development, however their impact on divorce has been indirect.