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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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با تقابل فزاینده ژئوپلیتیک عرب -صهیونیسم از 15 می 1948 میلادی، اسرائیل دو بار در سال های 1952 و 1967، جزایر تیران و صنافیر را به همراه شبه جزیره سینا به اشغال درآورد. پس از انعقاد پیمان صلح کمپ دیوید و ماده الحاقیه آن در 1979، اسرائیل در 1982 نیروهای خود را از جزایر و شبه جزیره سینا بیرون کشید. همزمان در کنوانسیون 1982 حقوق دریاها با اطلاق عنوان «بین المللی» به تنگه تیران، حق عبور بی ضرر غیرقابل تعلیق برای اسرائیل فراهم شد. از فروردین 1395 تا دی 1965 (8 آوریل 2016 تا 16 ژانویه 2017) دو رخداد مهم حاکمیت این جزایر را تحت تاثیر قرار داد، نخست، اعطای حاکمیت جزایر تیران و صنافیر از سوی رئیس جمهور مصر به عربستان و سپس تعلیق این حکم توسط دادگاه عالی مصر. مقاله پیش رو با روش توصیفی- تحلیلی به بررسی تاریخی-حقوقی مساله حاکمیت در جزایر تیران و صنافیر پرداخته است. نتایج، نشان می دهد که جزایر به لحاظ تاریخی به کشور مصر تعلق دارند.اگر جزایر تیران و صنافیر به حاکمیت عربستان درآید، در آن صورت هر دو کشور در دریای سرزمینی تنگه تیران مشترک هستند، اما اگر جزایر در حاکمیت مصر باقی بماند، در آن صورت، تمامی تنگه در حاکمیت مصر خواهد بود. همچنین با توجه به پیمان صلح کمپ دیوید و کنوانسیون 1982، واگذاری جزایر تیران و صنافیر به عربستان و یا ابقای آن در حاکمیت مصر، تغییری در نظام حقوقی آمد و شد در تنگه تیران ایجاد نخواهد کرد.

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Introduction: Since the end of the Second World War, the development paradigm has become the dominant discourse in the world. During the more than 6 decades that the concept of development discourse has been dominant, many theoretical and practical developments have accompanied it. First, attention was solely paid on economic development and nature was considered as a facilitator of economic growth. However, it was gradually recognized that development with this economic growth approach changes the natural systems of the planet and leads to numerous environmental hazards that can threaten the economic and political systems of countries. Therefore, it is very possible for a political entity to attain the development, but sustained development will be faced with serious doubts because environmental aspects are ignored. Therefore, the concept of sustainable development replaced development...

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Introduction: As a Muslim state with a democratically elected national parliament and a political process having admitted and internalized special scope of differences of opinions, Turkey is a suitable place for the assessment of spatial dynamics and convergence of aforementioned relations through electoral geography research. In 2002, untimely elections of Turkish parliament were held in the wake of protest against the senility of the prime minister of the time that led to the resignation of over the half of the MPs. In these elections, the newly founded AKP party became victorious. After the soft coup of Turkish army against Islamist government of Necmettin Erbakan in 28 February 1998 and his resignation known as postmodern coup, AKP party under Receb Tayyib Erdogan which is a branch of Welfare and Virtue Party could get the command of power in Turkey in 2002...

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Introduction: Conferences and conventions related to law of the seas has not been successful in convincing the coastal countries all the time. Some of these failures stem from vagueness in the law such as the drawing method of straight baselines, e.g., Bay closing line, and the way in which baselines are selected. Gwadar bay, located on the northeast corner of Oman Sea, is a small bay between Iran and Pakistan. The most important goal of this study is to investigate the territoriality in the carter of Gwadar bay, the conformity of these territorialities to the seas convention law, the conformity and overlap of Iran’s baselines to those of Pakistan in carter of Gwadar bay, the drawing of the maritime boundary between Iran and Pakistan, and the location of baseline points between these two countries with regard to the maritime boundary. Finally, a suggestion will be proposed to solve any probable discord which stems from the overlap of baselines and territoriality conflicts...

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Introduction: In this paper, through studying the air pollution and environmental destruction of Tehran metropolis, as a political, social, and economic issue, we discuss the competitive discourse between the nation-state (the eleventh government in Iran, 2013-2017) and the local government (municipality of Tehran 2013-2017) in terms of the creation of meaning, hegemony, and the production of space. Generally, the purpose of analyzing the abovementioned discourses in this study is to identify the aspects that a particular discourse highlights or attempts to make some aspects absent. In Iran the local government (municipality) and the nation-state are affecting the city space through policies and management system. This paper focuses on the discourse of nation-state and local government in Tehran city...

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Introduction: The recent visit of Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz to Egypt (April 2016) under which sovereignty over the two islands of Tiran and Sanafir, located in the carter of the Gulf of Aqaba, has reportedly been transferred by Egypt to Saudi Arabia. According to the Egyptian State Information Service, this agreement was signed on 8 April 2016 by the Egyptian Prime Minister, Sherif Ismail, and Saudi Deputy Crown, Prince Mohamed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, in the presence of the Egypt’s president, Abdel Fatah al-Sisi, and Saudi King Salman. While the text of the agreement has not been disclosed yet, Egyptian officials have reportedly made available documents supporting Saudi claims over the two islands. It was reported that the Egyptian Cabinet Information and Decision Support Center (IDSC) had asserted that all documents show Tiran and Sanafir are two Saudi islands according to geographic charts…

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Introduction: The human rights is one of the most important and influential issues in international relations. The idea of human rights protecting has been considered as the fight against oppression and injustice from a long time ago. Human rights concepts can include fundamental concepts such as "the right to life, the prohibition of torture, the prohibition of slavery, the prohibition of racial discrimination, freedom of expression, opinion, religion, the employment right, etc.", each of these concepts has different interpretations in different cultures and cannot be interpreted by one state for all individuals in different societies. The right to life is the most important and the most prominent right of mankind which is supported by the different states through humanitarian intervention. In addition to the human rights debate, there are other factors influence this intervention and maybe it can be said that human rights is only the cover for this effort. Geopolitical components are among these factors. These components have encouraged countries to appear in specific spaces covered as humanitarian intervention…

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Introduction: Yemen is an ancient country with long history which is involved in many turbulences and crises such as wars with the Romans, Ethiopians, Iranian, Ottoman Turks, Portuguese, Britons, Egyptians, Saudis, etc. Especially in the twentieth century, the country has experienced many political developments, such as various wars, independence, splitting into two countries, unity, civil wars and so on that their effects are still ongoing. The present study seeks to analyze the country's recent crisis from political geography and geopolitical point of view. The geography of Yemen particularly in physical, human, economic, political, and strategic dimensions, provides facilities as well as a context for domestic and foreign interventionist forces to act, influence, and intervene. Although the main starting point of the recent crisis in Yemen were domestic issues, considering the physical, human, and strategic characteristics of the country's geography, quickly became widespread with the involvement of regional and trans-regional actors. First the method of analysis of the study is to investigate the main and important geographical effective factors in the crisis. Then, how the competing forces benefit these factors at various national, regional, and transnational levels is considered...

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