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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Human scale is one of the most important features of urban space which has an important role in creating a favorable relationship between human and space. This feature makes space more human friendly and easier to perceive. In many resources, historic towns and urban fabrics remaining from the past are perfect examples of representing and understanding the quality of human scale. Therefore this paper has analyzed Naqhshe Jahan Square in Isfahan as a specific example of historic urban spaces, from this point of view. Many resources of architecture and urban design emphasize on the good proportion between human and space in the creation of human scale. But human scale as an urban quality is obvious in Naghshe Jahan square in spite of its functional nature and its vast surface initially seems not supporting this feature. Accordingly, this article has examined what factors make this square user friendly despite its huge dimensions. In this study the analytical-descriptive approach to this issue has been handled. The results has shown that in this square, with emphasis on the perceptual aspects of space, rather than its real size and components, the quality of human scale has been strengthened.

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Micro-Raman spectroscopy is one of the methods for characterizing organic mediums The present paper aims to examine the feasibility of micro-Raman spectroscopy for identifying binding mediums used in Persian historical paintings. To do so, samples were prepared based on previous studies and the index of most popular Persian binding mediums. In the first level, three groups of pure binding mediums (5 carbohydrates, 5 proteins and 4 drying oils) and, then, all these binding mediums mixed with red lead were analyzed via micro-Raman spectroscopy. Samples were divided into three groups of carbohydrates, proteins and drying oils, and were studied in the 800-1800 cm-1 region for pure binding mediums and the 2500-3300 cm-1 region for binding mediums with pigments. Results of this research show that micro-Raman spectroscopy can be more efficient in the 2500-3500 cm-1 region as most of the pigments exhibit no Raman signal in this region. Moreover, the Raman spectrum of sarcocolla gum is provided in this article for the first time.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 656

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One of the brilliant periods of Iranian architecture art is Seljuqi period whose evidence can be found in Isfahan, the political and cultural capital of that time. Ardestan, following political and religious changes of the capital, was considered as one of the important and active centers of Isfahan and this matter caused fundamental changes in the space-frame structure of the central mosque of the city. This building was one of the masterpieces of Islamic architecture of Iran that experienced dramatic changes in its lifetime. In spite of the importance of this mosque and the variety of conducted studies, its space-frame changes have not been clearly specified yet. Therefore, the history of changes in this mosque and separation of its historical layers are the objectives of this research. The research methodology is interpretive-historical and documentary as well as comparative studies constitute the basis of this research. It is worth-mentioning that contemplating on researchers’ views and generalizing their ideas were done to remove the existent shortcomings that produced worthy results in separating the historical layers. The investigations indicate that the oldest architectural element of the mosque’s relics was some parts of the brick-shaped wall belonging to a building before the original mosque.According to comparative studies, the mosque has existed since Buid times and its major changes happened during Seljuqi and Safavid times and, after that, its formal layer changed. The research’s results decrease many ambiguities regarding the historical layers of this building, those parts which were ignored until now, to a large extent.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2243

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Leather artifacts having degradable organic structures can rarely survive through the passage of time. Study and conservation of these artifacts has a great importance to better understanding of leather making process during the time. Some leather relics have been discovered in the excavation (2006) of Ghalee Kooh-i Ghaen related to Seljuk period.The relics were discovered from buried environment and were required to appropriate structural assessment. Type and content of free fats in leather have great information about leather making procedure and fats source. Also, the information helps to technologic study of Seljuk period. Characterization of fat source of fat source is one of the main problems in leather making process. In this approach, one of discovered leather bottles has been investigated to characterization of applied fats. Firstly, free fats of leather samples were extracted by dichloromethane (DCM) or methylene chloride solvent in Soxhlet extractor apparatus. Extracted fats were analyzed by a Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR) equipped with attenuated total reflectance (ATR) accessory with ZnSe crystal plate. The spectra were evaluated with explanation of main absorbance regions and comparison with documented spectra of fats and oils. Results indicated to 4.285% fat in the leather sample. It is a high content regarding to dry environment during the time.The high content of fatty acids in the leather sample shows the application of fats for waterproofing of leather bottle. ATR-FTIR results and comparison of spectra showed that animal fat (sheep or cow tallow) has been used for lubrication of leather.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 673

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By introducing new digital fabrication techniques and robotic fabrication in the 20th century, architects were encouraged to use innovative materials and novel tools to solve the problems not only in design but also in construction. Robots allow architects to design a more complex machining process for on-site fabricating work but they are very costly and complicated as well.Because of rapid development and adoption of Augmented Reality (AR) applications, there are numerous opportunities for integrating AR and improving conventional methods used in various fields such as architecture, engineering, construction and facility management. This paper demonstrates a new method of digital fabrication based on“Augmented Reality” which can reduce construction cost using simple utilities (such as digital camera, monitor and processor) as well as providing the opportunity of constructing free-form surfaces. All codes are developed in “Processing” scripting language and the form is developed in “Grasshopper”, a graphical algorithm editor integrated with“Rhino’s” 3-D modeling tools. Finally, the efficiency of this method is studied in two examples.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Isfahan is among the cities which has unique formal features in its physical structure.Despite the comprehensive and detailed plans prepared during the recent decades, the role of city scale in controlling and guiding the development of this city has been neglected.One of the most important reasons behind such negligence is the methods used for such planning. The suggested zoning plans, which are land-use based, were not able to use the features of the physical structure as a unique property of the city to improve the quality of the urban spaces. Thus, it is necessary to use a type of zoning which is based on historical and cultural features of the city and apply those qualities during the process of city planning.Transect zoning is a new approach for city scaled zonings. It considers the components of physical structure of the city and decentralization in all aspects, which affect the formal structure of the city in urban planning. According to the above mentioned points, the goals of this study are to introduce zoning transect as a method for zoning lands and cities and to improve the transect zoning to be applied on some part of Isfahan in accordance with the local features and practical usage. The questions raised in this study are: What is transect zoning and what is the function of this method? How is it possible to make a transect zoning for Isfahan? The research method is descriptive-analytical. The results of this study show that features which describe the transect zones can be used for more efficient planning. Based on a formal point of view, these features can be used for changing the local features of the city.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 919

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The contemporary materialist culture of the West has gone astray in explicating the world and human being due to deprivation of God’s words and the tradition of the Immaculate. Consequently, a number of paradoxes in explaining the concepts, structure, stages, resources and foundations of human processes have been created which, in turn, caused numerous fallacies in various fields of humanities, philosophy of art, architecture and urban planning whenever man and his values are considered. Most of the time, such fallacies are also seen in the arguments of westoxicated intellectuals and even university scholars. These fallacies have caused the resistance of some academicians against the approach of humanities promotion and development and weak role of Ijtehad in original and Islamic theorization. In this article, the most important fallacies which are proposed especially in the fields of art, architecture and urban planning are studied in eight categories as following: 1) opposition between science and religion, 2) opposition between traditionalism and modernism, 3) negating the relationship between Islam and the works of Muslim architects, 4) opposition between eliticist and participatory approaches, 5) opposition between imitation and creativity, 6) opposition between idealism and realism, 7) opposition between humanism and theism, 8) opposition between globalism and localism.Since the validity of this research is based on reason and quotation, the analytic as well as argumentative and interpretive methods have been used for understanding the claims and explaining the views respectively. Citing religious texts and drawing on logical analysis, this research shows that such fallacies are not valid from the Islamic perspective.Such fallacies are due to wrong interpretations of one or both sides of the opposition.Moreover, this study proposes eight diagrams which work as models for resolving such oppositions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 848

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Integrity is one of the fundamental moral and philosophical aspects of conservation and restoration of cultural heritage. Although this concept has been discussed too much throughout the time in different zones of cultural heritage, it has not still been interpreted with regard to museums and museums works. However, vagueness of this notion and diverse applications exacerbate the problems. Therefore, it is important to recognize the hidden meanings of this concept and the position of "integrity" in historical process ofconservation and then define this concept toward museum art works. This issue itself demonstrates that it cannot be expected that what is known and explained as components of Integrity in other parts of cultural heritages could improve the quality of conservation of museum objects and enhance audience’s understanding of the works. Accordingly, this article has been done in descriptive-analytical method with the purpose of explaining Integrity in the field of museum works and recognition of the semantic subdivisions of this concept. This article is based on the review and analysis of documents, texts and data in three different areas such as "goals and mission of museums", "Integrated Conservation Framework" and, finally, "definition of Integrity in other parts of cultural heritage", and aims at extracting the affecting factors of Integrity. Thus, at the end, with an analysis of the data that has been obtained from these three fields and paying attention to their common denominator, seven affecting factors of Integrity such as "spatial regularity", "continuity of meanings", "intactness", "vitality", "authenticity of materials", "significance and buffer zone" and "environmental and social dynamics" are presented in order to achieve the correct understanding of Integrity. Also, this notion can be explained in the field of museum works.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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