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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Undoubtedly, Achamenid architecture is one of remarkable periods of Iranian architecture, which is apparent in their three cities of Susa, Pasargadae, and Persepolis. Differently, some of the structures have especial labels in inscriptions in Achamenid period. There are considerable numbers of "Tachar" and "Hadish" in Susa and Persepolis, where Achamenid kings characteristically used to call some structures. There have been various researches to recognize the architecture of that era, with burdens of linguists to understand ancient Persian; however, there have not been appropriate answers to raised questions, for which researchers have explained varieties of reasons and definitions. Some functionally involved in the problem as such, while the others only regard planning patterns. One of the researchers knows "Tachar" predecessor of "Tazar" of modern Persian, while reasons southward plan of the structure accordingly; another one consider "Tachar" as a single object and equals it to palace, at the same time, the other one knows it closet or next house. Several researchers know "Hadish" as residence or home, while the others believe it as predecessor of "Khadish" as dame or queen. However, there is lack comprehensive reasoning on the subject, which is because of the lack of independent and holistic research. Here, there is an attempt to investigate architectural plan of the structures in order to compare the structures to their labels, and then investigate comprehensively the reason of naming. Methodologically, the paper involves historically and descriptively in whatever data collected bibliographically. The basic question is what is reasoned relation between function and label of the structures? Conclusions indicate that buildings with "Tachar" in their inscriptions are structurally interiorized. However, structural plan is unknown, in some cases, or with ambiguities, they have common structural features. Several scholars suggest a seasonal function for the structures, but it is doubtful while locating in the same climate, they face to north, south, and east. Few dictionaries suggest "treasure" for the structures, which is compatible to interiority of the structure. "Hadish" is the ancient Persian form of "Khadish" in Dari Persian as Deam or queen, which functionally is equal to Tachar, accordingly, they usually come one after another in inscriptions. Hadish means residence or seraglio, while Tachar means treasure or closet; they have similar implication and function. That is the reason that both used in labeling structures that were residences or courts. Hadish is functionally against Apadana; present paper suggests seraglio or sanctuary as the same function. They were specially used for seclusion of kings or queens of the period, at the same time; it was probably especial residence of the queen mother. Present paper indicates that northern half of the Susa and Persepolis complexes worked as exterior and public part, while structure at southern half, especially at western part of Persepolis, and several buildings of southern district worked as seraglio for Achaemenid kings.

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Some historical monuments are considered as the heritage of universal value due to their exceptional features. The industrial heritage as part of world heritage is a new phenomenon and the result of the world's industrialization. They have entered the global culture due to having hidden material and spiritual values. Global measures are required to preserve these valuable heritages. Note that industrial architectural heritage is only a part of the overall concept of industrial heritage. Knowing the values and position in the regional architectural identity is a prerequisite to preserve. Dealing with the industrial buildings and monuments, as the remnants of the industrial era, is a new raised concept in developing countries. In Iran, it is essential to research in this field due to the historical background of industry entry to Iran and unique industrial building. This has something to do with the fact that Iranian architectural-industrial heritage, as part of a forgotten heritage, is in danger of destruction and if ignored, we will certainly lose these valuable remnants. Therefore, identifying and evaluating the hidden features and values of industrial heritage can be the first step to preserve. Due to the necessity of knowing the status quo of industrialarchitectural heritage in the world, this article aimed to study and analyze the industrial heritage inscribed on the List of World. In this regard, the concepts on the World Heritage criteria, taken into account in registering monuments, were analyzed. The results are used for more familiarity and a more tangible understanding of the capabilities and features of generalizability of World Heritage criteria in the field of industrial architectural heritage.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Human always in interaction with their social environment, have consider some degree of privacy with different purposes, for themselves, the people around them and carry out their activities. Creating privacy depends on two elements; subjective meanings that ruling the creation of privacy, and the second sentence are person available facilities. Privacy is not seen, heard, smelled and availability of things that find objectivity with respect to spatial and temporal distances in the living environment. The main issue of this research is to inquire about the nature of privacy in residential areas, and its purpose is to understand the reasons for the formation of privacy in residential areas. The significance and necessity of this research can be expressed in a definition of the dwelling in such a way that the dwelling is the center of everyday human activities, which these activities are separated from each other by privacies. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the nature of these privacies, which defines the external credibility of the research in order to redefine this feature in the design of residential environments. The present research has been based on the observation and description of manmade environment, with reasons argues to the characteristics of privacy types, its origins and how it deals with the physical environment, which is adorned with objective evidence of Qashqai tribe living environment. The findings of this study show that the subjective meanings ruling on the creation of privacy in case study residential environments are affected by things such as "social situation" and "family social status", and facilities that are used in the environment to ensure privacy, are spatial and temporal characteristics in man-made environments. Spatial characteristics with aspects such as "spatial distance" and "forward / backward" afford privacy in the physical environment, and temporal characteristics get the aspects such as "temporal distance" and " temporal sequence of settings", that have rooted in respect smelling, hearing and visual distances in different cultures. The results of this research help to understand how human use of the environment affordances for interaction with their social environment.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Excessive and hasty development of the preparation plans by the urban management or public organizations of large and average cities of the country over the past few decades have caused the formation of modern textures, in the vicinity of cities, therefore it caused the displacement of residents and also urban uses to the modern area. The process of unplanned developments of the yards of old neighborhoods like "Bagh Melli", "Agha", "Hakim Nasirollah", "Shadmand", and "Shahid Yazdani" neighborhoods, which have been selected to be studied in this paper, are considered as the worn-out textures of the country. The statistical population of this research includes households living in the neighborhoods in Shahreza being studied, which according to the census of 2011 includes 10568 people. In order to select the sample size, Cochran formula was used, and 120 households were chosen. This paper is functional and is done by descriptive-analytical method. To collect the information, field studies such as interview and questionnaire were applied. Using QSPM-AHP-SWOT models, the results of the study indicate that the lack of facilities, urban services, and infrastructural installations has gradually caused the native inhabitants' displacement into other areas of the city, and also the mentioned preparation developments of the area. The hope is that in the future, the problems of the worn-out textures will be solved by appropriate strategies and solutions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Sarooj is one of the oldest materials consumed in Iran and countries that have a history of strong architecture; a detailed history since the beginning of the use of this mortar is not available but in many ancient constructions can be found using the Sarooj. One of the most important properties of Sarooj is the low permeability of this mortar. In this research, Sarooj mortar mix was collected in 13 written sources and it was determined after collecting 5 similar mixing designs to test, review and study. Each of the designs made once with the goat hair with 2 cm and once with 2 mm polypropylene. Ash used in this research is the wind ash from Isfahan, other mix designs with microsilica with 99 percent silica. Four cubic samples from each mix design were built in 5 centimeters district. Then four samples were made in dimensions 10 × 50 × 50 mm and four sales in dimensions 5 × 50 × 50 mm. It is observed that by reducing the thickness of the mortar, the rate of shrinkage is appreciably reduced. One cube sample with 5 centimeters dimension made with egg whites and Hydrated lime, another sample with egg whites and Hydrated lime, one cube sample made with egg whites and micronized lime. The last cubic sample made with egg yolks and micronized lime. In a summary of the findings of this 2-year study, the main reason for the use of a Sarooj for moisture was the fact that it was too late due to the lateness and fine grain content of the mortar, it was regularly peeled for several days, and Vertebral column causes the surface of the pores and surfaces to disappear and a glassy surface.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The fast growth of urbanism in Iran throughout the last half-century resulted in upholding the expansion of cities as well as the promotion of constructions thereof. Of significant problems and challenges Iran’ s cities and metropolises, in particular, are exposed to, is the failure of urban development plans in control of city height and density. A matter which has led to 100% expansion of the city area with a population density about 100 individuals in each acre of Isfahan metropolis, in a way that is far beyond the urban predicted developing plans in surrounding areas and mostly agriculture fields. As for the existence of about 2500 acres approved archaic fabric as well as similar disapproved archaic fabric in comparison with the 21000-acre area of the city, it has been ineffective regarding the renovation and development of inner fabrics. There are multiple books and studies about the performance of these plans mostly on impressibility of these plans from external factors such as economic, social, politic conditions and the evaluation of their implementation level under their influence. What is discoverable in this study in a descriptive-analytic way and in the scale of one district out of 15 districts of Isfahan is the exploration of two residential fabric physical factors, i. e., segmentation and passage network patterns on attested heights by-law for district-4 for the evaluation of implementation level of predicted height and density in its last urban development plan, that is, comprehensive plan revision enacted in 2014. According to the records and maps achieved from the present study, the height plan implementable in district 4 is in contrast with attested height plan; likewise, the 24% density predicted in its perspective is not accessible.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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