The private area (Privacy) is a humanitarian issue and one of the concepts of developed lawful systems which is closely related to human dignity. Therefore, supporting and protecting the individuals' personalities and the citizens' rights requires protection of privacy, which leads to human signification. Privacy is not clearly and meaningfully supported, in Iranian law. Like the position of Islamic legal system, the position of Iranian legislation toward the privacy, is explicitly expressed. The rights and freedoms, under the title of privacy, are protected imperfectly, implicitly and in the context of other Iranian legal rules. The Islamic principles of Iranian legal system, the constitution, the Islamic Punishment Law. The Penal Code, the civil code, the laws and regulations for postal, telephone, communications, and the press code, are some of the laws and regulations that have protected some examples of privacy, sometimes implicitly explicitly of course. Contrary to the constitutions of those countries that protect the privacy explicitly and in the form of specific article (s), there is no specific text in Iranian Constitution that protects the privacy under the very same title.