Garmab copper deposit located in50km of northeast Qaen, 1: 100, 000 sheet of Abiz and east Iran tectonic zone. Garmab copper deposit volcanic rocks with an age Late Paleocene-Eocene are mainly composed of lava flows (andesite, trachy-andesite, andesite-basalt and basalt) and pyroclastic rocks (various types of tuffs and agglomerate). Based on major and trace elements geochemical data, this rocks are very similar to calc-alkaline lava. They contain high Al2O3 and low Mg. All samples are metaluminous with medium-high K with calc-alkaline nature. High values of Rb, Sr, K, U, Th, Zr and Ba and high ratios of K2O/Rb and FeO/Mg indicate the similarity of this rocks area with the rocks of active continental margin magmatic arc. Garmab volcanic rocks affected by hydrothermal solutions and have been altered. The most important alteration zones are silicification, carbonatization, chloritization, argillicization, propyliticization and opacitization. Copper sulfide mineralization form influence of hydrothermalfluid action that they move in faults. The deposit is stratabound and is characterized by simple paragenesis dominated by chalcocite as the main ore mineral. The mineral association is chalcocite, digenite, covellite, bornite and chalcopyrite. In addition of sulfide minerals, native copper, oxides minerals such as cuprite-tenorite and carbonate of copper was observed. In many cases, of copper minerals intergrowth was observed. Grade of silver in mineralized samples is high (Average Ag=8. 34ppm and Cu=2. 4%), whereas free mineral of Ag wasn't recognized. Based on geological, geochemistry, alteration and mineralization the Garmab copper deposit is a Manto type deposit. Comparison between this deposit and giant deposits in the world and Iran indicate most similarities with Abbas Abad and Vorezg copper deposits (Iran) and Buena Esperanza deposit (Chile).