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Analysis of intensity (I), density (ρ ), mean lineament trace length (μ ) and intersection (n), are the parameters used in the statistical calculations faults and fractures that are expressed per unit area. In this study, enhancement of lineaments has been done with the use of SPOT 5 image. Fractures were classified in two systematic trend northwest-southeast that are the dominant trend in the area and northeast – southwest. According to the area extention and the distribution of fractures, area is divided into 42 square network with a side length of 1. 7 kilometers. Then the fractal model of structural fractures area was calculated, the highest disribution rate in southeast and west region was obtained. The above parameters for each network was calculated separately and manual and their contour maps were drawn. The highest I and ρ in southeast, west and the highest μ and n in the northeast and southeast region were obtained respectively.

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The studied area is located in southern Khorassan province at margin of Lut platform. Kaboudeh and North Ark stratigraphic sections were measured and sampled in order to describe sedimentary facies and determine the depositional environments. Carbonate facies, terrigenous facies and mixed terrigenous-carbonate facies were recognized as three main sedimentary facies sets in both sections. Seven facies types were distinguished for Kabudeh section which are occurred in beach sand bar, lagoon, coral-coralin algal-nummulitic patch reefs and proximal foreslope sub-environments and six facies types were recognized for North Arc section in beach sand bar, lagoon, reworking sand bar, nunmulitic patch reefs and proximal foreslope sub-environmets; ranging from beach to proximal part of outer ramp settings. On the basis of the index species of larger benthic foraminifera such as: Nummulitesatacicus, Assilinaleymereie and foraminiferal assemblages: Alveolinadesipiens, Alveolinacf. ellipsoidalis, Opertorbitolitesdouvillie, Orbitolitesminimous, Nummulitesglobulus, Luckartiahaimei, Early Eocene (Yprisian) is suggested for the studied deposits. Absence of real coral reefs and replacement larger benthic foraminifera are considered as the effects of Paleocene-Eocene boundary global changes in the studied area.

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The study area is located in the north west of Malayer-Esfahan Metallogenic belt (MEMB). The MEMB is placed within the Sanandaj-Sirjan metamorphic belt in western part of Iran. Remote sensing techniques play a vital role in exploration of minerals and its capability in spectral mapping of rock units. The purpose of this research is the processing of ASTER Images for lithological mapping and especially host rock of mineralization in the region. So diagnostic spectral absorption features in rock forming minerals at ASTER thermal infrared (TIR) and visible through short wave infrared (VNIR-SWIR) region has been used for extraction of needed information foridentification and mapping of different rock units in the study area. By using ASTER TIR image two rock types including Jurassic, quartz-rich shale and sandstones and lower Cretaceous carbonate are mapped in the area. ASTER VNIR-SWIR images based on PPI metode and Matched Filter classification (MF) illustrate different kinds of rocks of the region, including Jurassic shale, clay-rich sandstone, and at the base of Early Cretaceous sandstone-dolomite unit, which is a common host rock for a number of economic minerals as well as different types of Early Cretaceous carbonate rocks such as calcite and dolomite. Therefore, using ASTER data provide image-based maps of rocks and minerals that are consistent with available geologic mapping information and field observations for the study area. Also ASTER VNIR-SWIR data offer more diverse classification and higher spatial resolution of mineral groups than the TIR data.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Garmab copper deposit located in50km of northeast Qaen, 1: 100, 000 sheet of Abiz and east Iran tectonic zone. Garmab copper deposit volcanic rocks with an age Late Paleocene-Eocene are mainly composed of lava flows (andesite, trachy-andesite, andesite-basalt and basalt) and pyroclastic rocks (various types of tuffs and agglomerate). Based on major and trace elements geochemical data, this rocks are very similar to calc-alkaline lava. They contain high Al2O3 and low Mg. All samples are metaluminous with medium-high K with calc-alkaline nature. High values of Rb, Sr, K, U, Th, Zr and Ba and high ratios of K2O/Rb and FeO/Mg indicate the similarity of this rocks area with the rocks of active continental margin magmatic arc. Garmab volcanic rocks affected by hydrothermal solutions and have been altered. The most important alteration zones are silicification, carbonatization, chloritization, argillicization, propyliticization and opacitization. Copper sulfide mineralization form influence of hydrothermalfluid action that they move in faults. The deposit is stratabound and is characterized by simple paragenesis dominated by chalcocite as the main ore mineral. The mineral association is chalcocite, digenite, covellite, bornite and chalcopyrite. In addition of sulfide minerals, native copper, oxides minerals such as cuprite-tenorite and carbonate of copper was observed. In many cases, of copper minerals intergrowth was observed. Grade of silver in mineralized samples is high (Average Ag=8. 34ppm and Cu=2. 4%), whereas free mineral of Ag wasn't recognized. Based on geological, geochemistry, alteration and mineralization the Garmab copper deposit is a Manto type deposit. Comparison between this deposit and giant deposits in the world and Iran indicate most similarities with Abbas Abad and Vorezg copper deposits (Iran) and Buena Esperanza deposit (Chile).

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Urbanization modifies fluvial systems more than other human activities. Impervious surfaces increase runoff and sediment supply. Therefore, urban stream adjust channel morphology as a consequence of urbanization. In this research, effects of urbanization on stream channels, in Nour city of Mazandaran province are studied. Aerial photographs and satellite images were used to document land cover, extent of urban areas and drainage network. Then, each stream was divided into reaches. Field surveys were achieved in 12 reaches, including measurements of channel dimension, sediment characteristics, geomorphic units, riparian vegetation and engineering structures. The streams have incised channels, very low gradients (<0. 003), width-to-depth ratios <10 and cohesive channel banks. Channel reaches in the Nour city were categorized into five channel types, including adjusting-but could recover, adjusting-unable to recover naturally, channelized-channel altered, Channelized-engineered and Channelized-culverted. Then, stream channel hazards were identified for each type of channel. Urban channel modification was described as a qualitative model. This method provides a potential framework for urban stream management by identifying hazards relating to individual reaches and consideration to suggesting possible management options.

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Identify factors controlling gully erosion and its zonation method to control is a major management tool to control this phenomenon and determing the suitable to expanding of this phenomenon. Hence, The aim of this study was to important zonation gully erosion hazard using two methods of AHP and ANP, type of comparing the performance of two models result in the plains Kahor, Fars Province. In this regard, a number of important factors affecting the development of gully erosion were digitized in GIS environment and preparat. Then gully area map using aerial photographs of the year 1995 was prepared. The zoning maps of gully erosion wing model (AHP) and (ANP) were prepared. The results showed that the lithology and slope identify as the most important factor, and land use as a second factor of importance is known. In any case, both are 100% gullies basin occurred in areas with very high sensitivity and high. Particularly on agricultural land and bare land has occurred. The results showed a smal difference between both models is ideal for zoning gully erosion.

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Managing ethnically heterogeneous structures is more difficult comparing to managing the ethnically, linguistically, and religiously homogeneous political units. The political organization of space and land use planning, nature of the theoretical and practical aspects of law, policy, economic, cultural, social, political policies need a definition to cause the final outcome in spiritual integration. Such a situation without geographical equity in various forms of sustainability will be away. Embed the above conditions of space around structures and hidden threats and challenges, would be highlighted. This paper is written with a focus on internal and external sources and descriptive-analytical methods to put it that government policies in a heterogeneous structure act like a double-edged sword (at two levels of foreign and domestic associated with a security insecurity) act. The philosophical-explanation that affecting component analysis insecurity and security in a heterogeneous structures, and the structural analysis, identify obstacles and stability sources of sustainable security and stability will provide the necessary solutions.

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