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Although, the population of different regions of the country has a sensation of relative derivation, it is more evident in ethnic minority regions. Furthermore, every ethnic group has an ethnic identity in addition to its national identity which if reinforced against the national identity, may weaken the national integration and bring about ethnic challenges and conflicts. Baloch minority, among other ethnic groups, is located in one of the most deprived regions of the country that deprivation feeling increases rapidly especially in Zahedan, the political center of Sistan - Balochestan province, which has a certain combination of population. In this study, we have gathered written information as well as field data using descriptive-analytical and correlation method to answer the following questions: 1. How much is the sensation of relative deprivation in Zahedan? 2. How much is the tendency toward ethnic identity? 3. How is the relation between the sensation of relative deprivation and ethnic identity? Field study indicated that there is a high degree of this sensation and the tendency toward ethnic identity among Baloch people of Zahedan. In addition, there is a meaningful relation between sensation of relative deprivation and ethnic identity.

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Administrative divisions' projects and urban development programs are greatly varied. Some of them are visible and some require deep analysis. The methodology of this article is descriptive- analytical using the ecological footprint approach. The main goal of research is environmental impact assessment of administrative divisions in 2004 when new provincial project was laid down by the government and new Northern Khorassan Province was created as a new administrative part of the country. This emergence, since then, has had great impacts on the urban region of the city of Bojnord. Research results indicate that consequences of physical sprawl of Bojnord in recent years is the visible part of division while changing consumption patterns of residents and turning to heavy urban consumers, due to the injection of funds from oil revenues and increase in their income, is invisible consequence. Both of them have resulted in environmental destruction and negative ecological footprint on urban areas of Bojnord. According to calculated variables, the area's utilization of goods to satisfy current consumption is 310 times more than its original physical boundaries. The people of Bojnord have higher consumption of different resources, around 4 equal ecological footprints, than national average. It seems that what officials had in mind when decided to divide the Greater Khorassan Province into three different sectors was more affected by a linear thought in spatial planning than a long-range vision of regional development. The result is pushing Bojnord and its sphere of influence (regional support system) towards instability.

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Choosing a place with suitable characteristics and big enough for cemetery is the most important environmental issue. Functional Urban Area Compact (FUAC) of Nour - Royan- Ezadshar is located in the coastal zone of N our county in Mazandaran province. Capacities of present cemeteries in this urban area have been full, and cannot to use for few next years and possibility of development is not available. Also, environmental characteristics of this region such as forests, farming lands, change of landuse for cemetery location is difficult and limited. For emplacement regional cemetery in this FUAC, first requirement information layers such as rivers, depth of underground water, landuse, slope, roads, distance to cities and rural are supplied. Then, membership function each parameter determined with Fuzzy logic. Next, determined membership, exert for each layers in ARC GIS software. After that fuzzy operation and putting layers together, overlay of map was made. Finally, after arranging the maps, appropriate location of regional cemetery was determined.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Multivariate statistical techniques, cluster analysis (CA), principal component analysis (PCA), factor analysis (FA) and discriminant analysis (DA), were applied to evaluate of spatial variations and to investigate 13 surface water quality parameters at 22 gauging stations in the Haraz-Qharehsoo River Basin, during 5 years. Hierarchical cluster analysis grouped 22 stations into three clusters, based on the similarity of water quality characteristics. Factor analysis/principal component analysis, applied to the data sets of the three clusters obtained from cluster analysis, resulted in two, three and two factors explaining 87.3, 87.9 and 91.6% of the total variance in water quality of three clusters, respectively. The varifactors obtained from cluster analysis indicate that the parameters responsible for water quality variations are mainly related to weathering, salt leaching (natural), and organic pollution such as domestic, land use changes, and fertilizers. The results of DA showed that all surface quality parameters (13 parameters) in standard mode, 12 parameters in forward mode, except TDS factor, and cl-, SO2-4 in backward mode, were explained as effective parameters for Haraz-Gharehsoo river surface water quality changes. Thus, this study illustrates the useful of multivariate statistical techniques for analysis and interpretation of complex data sets in surface water quality assessment, identification of pollution/factors and understanding spatial variation in water quality for effective river water quality management.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1990

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Andarokh area is located on Mashhad-Kalat Naderi road (40 km N of Mashhad). Hydrogeochemical study on Karde dam's lake water and local ground water resources (Andarokh spring, wells 2 and 4), and also principal component analysis (PCA) of water samples demonstrate that the quality of surface/ground water resources considerably depends on lithology of the area. Identification of dissolved carbonate and silicate minerals using composition diagrams of Log (aCa2+/a(H+)2) v.s. Log (aMg2+/a(H+)2) for carbonate minerals and Log (aMg2+/a(H+)2) and Log (aCa2+ /a(H+)2) v.s. Log (aNa+/a(H+)2) for silicate minerals depict that the carbonate minerals (calcite and dolomite) and silicate minerals (kaolinite, laumontite and clinochlore) beside gypsum sulfate mineral are the dominate dissolved minerals in surface and ground water resources in the region. Plotting the isotopic compositions (d18O & d2H) of groundwater and surface water resources in the region on Mashhad meteoric water line shows hydraulically interaction between groundwater resources and Karde dam lake water. The isotopic results confirm that the Andarokh spring, in compare with other groundwater resources, considerably recharge from Karde dam lake water, whereas other resources are marginally interconnected to surface water resources.

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Groundwater modeling is widely used as a management tool to understand the behavior of aquifer systems under different hydrological stresses. Eyvanekey alluvial aquifer, which is 126 square kilometers flow budget boundaries, is one of the main aquifer in Semnan province. Indiscriminate exploitation of groundwater in recent years led to a water table shortage in this aquifer. In this study to acquire the aquifer hydraulic parameters, prediction the water table and the flow budget of the aquifer, the modeling approach was used by GMS interface. Model calibrated for steady state in a period of one month (Sep. 2008), and for a period of 12 months (2008-2009 water year) for the transient state, using a hydraulic load for the existing wells in plain view, and calibrating in this way, S, and K values were optimized. The verification process, confirms the validity of the results for unsteady conditions. After the model calibration and verification, water table of the pizometers to September 2013 was predicted. The results show that the current trend of declining aquifer will be continued and at the end of the forecast (Sep. 2013), the water level of the hydrograph represents nearly 898.5 m and in proportion to September 2008 will be decrease 8.3 m. The flow budget result shows that most with drawal is done by extraction wells in spring and summer. The aquifer reservoir deficit is about five million cubic meters during simulation period (87-88).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The Sirzar prospecting area is located northeast of Torbat Jam in Khorasan Razavi province. Sirzar stibnite mineralization is found both as vein and replacement within carbonate rocks (Permian). Two primary stages of mineralization are: 1) mineralization of galena ± pyrite ± chalcopyrite ± sphalerite ±sulfosalt ± Cu-Sb sulfides, quartz, and barite, 2) antimony ± pyrite ± sphalerite ± fuloppite, quartz, barite, dolomite, and calcite. Minerals which are formed due to weathering and oxidation are: valentinite, bindheimite, covellite, malachite, azurite, anglesite, cerrusite, geothite, hematite, and Sb- oxides. The first stage of mineralization contains up to 20% Pb, 1.5% Cu, 0.5% Zn, 400 ppm Ag, 1.5% Sb, and 240 ppm As. In the second stage of mineralization, geochemical variations were studied in different samples of carbonate host rock, away from mineralization, surroundig of vein, and in tunnel. The Sb content increased to 6700 ppm in carbonate host rock of surrounding of vein and it reached to more than 26% Sb in tunnel. Zinc concentration is about 0.1 %. High content of As (up to 342 ppm), Cu (up to 103 ppm), and Pb (152 ppm) occured in surrounding of vein. The Carbonate rock (host rock) altered to silicification, baritization, and dolomitization. These alterations helped as suitable processes prior to mineralization. Sirzar is an epithermal antimony mineralization. The Torbat Jam granitoid rocks located to the east could be the source of mineralization, which needed further study.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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