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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources



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Objective(s): To determine the role of pupil liaisons’ education on social discipline promotion and road traffic injury prevention.Methods: This was a before-after interventional study on 2800 pupils randomly selected from 6 different districts of Tehran, Iran. The pupils were taught about common driving offences and were asked to note and prevent offences if their parents performed offences. Data were collected by a questionnaire for childern’s performances and other demographic information. Results: Subjects were pupils 8-15 years. The mean age of participants was 11 years. Overall, 47.7 percent of pupils were boys. Non use of seat belt (39.1%), speaking with mobile while driving (31.8%) and speeding (29.8%) were major offences as noted by pupils’ liaisons. Recorded offences by traffic police before the intervention for thease families was 2789 cases. A significant differences with 17.9 percent reduction in offences were observed after intervention (2290 cases, P<0.001).  The most offences reduction were eating and drinking during driving (92.7%).Conclusion: Pupil liaisons’ program was effective on reduction of driving offences. The most reduction was eating or drinking during driving. All 9 common offences which were monitored by pupil liaisons’ were effective on reduction of offences except for mobile speaking while driving.

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Objective(s): To understand different dimensions of quality of life in renal failure patients in comparison with the general public at the same age in order to improve health-related quality of life and provide more help to make curative programs for these patients.Methods: This was a cross–sectional study and with a sample of 120 patients attending the dialysis center of Namazi hospital in Shiraz. Also 100 healthy people matched for age and sex were selected as a control group. Quality of life was assessed using SF-36 questionnaire.Data on age, sex, marriage state, and educational level, number of dialysis per week and the time of starting dialysis were also collected.Results: Comparing quality of life between patients and control groups showed that patients had worse conditions in physical functioning, role physical, bodily pain, vitality, role emotional, mental health, physical and mental components scores.Women in patients group had worse conditions in all dimensions except for general health and social function. Men in patients group had worse conditions in physical functioning, bodily pain, and vitality as compare to control. However, men in patients group had better conditions in role physical, bodily pain, vitality, social function, mental health as compare to female patient.Conclusion: The findings showed that patients with chronic renal insufficiency under dialysis, suffered from a poor health and quality of life.Indeed specific attention for different social and psychological problems of these patients is recommended.

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View 1949

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Objective(s): To assess knowledge, attitude and practice about smoking should be evaluated as their cigarette smoking may lead to smoking among teachers in Tehran, Iran.Methods: This was a cross sectional study carried out in Tehran, Iran. A random sample of teachers from 50 schools were selected. Data on knowledge, attitude and practice about smoking were recorded using a WHO based questionnaire.Results: In all 551 male teachers were took part in the study. 150 teachers reported that they smoke more then 100 cigarettes of these 80 teachers (14.5%) reported to smoke daily, 40 teachers (7.3%) smoked occasionally and 30 teachers (4.5%) have quit smoking. So their cigarette smoking prevalence was stimated to be 27.2% (CI 95%: 23.5%-31.1%).The prevalence of smoking among teachers was not different in different educational districts (P=0.13). Also, there was no statistical difference between the prevalence of smoker born in Tehran and elsewhere (P=0.18). In addition, type of employment and smoking status were not associated (P=0.25). However, the association between knowledge, attitude and practice and smoking status of teachers were found statistically significant (P<0.0001).Conclusion: Since, smoking habits among teachers was similar to general population and because the students imitate their teachers, therefore, educational tobacco control programs for teachers should be designed and implemented in order to reduce tobacco smoking in this group and finally among the students.

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Objective(s): Since the smoking reason for different smokers needs different treatment methods and special advices, it is necessary to specify these reasons. This study designed to know the main smoking causes in Iran, in order to design proper treatment methods and behavioral therapies for smoking cessation. In addition the study thought to evaluate the effects of these reasons on the quit results and the probable circumstances of these effects.Methods: This was a cross-sectional study carried out in Tehran, Iran. All people attending to smoking cessation clinics (affillated to Research Institute for Tuberclosis & Lung Diseases, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences) were invited to take part in the study in year 2006-2008. Volunteers answered 13 items of the Iranian version of the Modified Reasons for Smoking Scale (MRSS), Fagerström test and demographic characteristics. All participants have been assessed by a physician and they participated in a four-session per week program including nicotine replacement and non-nicotinic therapies and behavioral therapy. All participants were followed-up for 6 and 12 months after quiting smoking.Results: In all 822 participants including 590 men (68.7%) with mean age of 43.8±13.2 years were studied. All analyses were adjusted for sex and Fagerström test score. Pleasure to smoke was found as the principle reason for failure to smoking cessation in the end of clinical trial (P=0.004). In 6 and 12 months follow-up, failed quitting was predicted by pleasure to smoke and hand-mouth activity score (P<0.05).Conclusion: The study findings suggest that reason for smoking is associated with its quiting.

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Objective(s): To determine relationships between self-efficacy and health beliefs among type2 diabetic patients.Methods: A Health Belief Model (HBM).Results: Diabetic patient’s self-efficacy and health beliefs level are about average. There is significant relation between these tow variables. Among demographic variables it seems that education level has maximal effect on almost of models elements also with self-efficacy. Most elements are interrelated and this relation is significant. But cues to action have not significant regression with perceived benefits and perceived barriers.Conclusion: Significant relations between self-efficacy and health beliefs point out this fact that in order to patient self-care enhancement we need self-efficacy improvement via establishment of positive health beliefs. Health care professional due to continue communication with patients have specific position in positive health beliefs and self-efficacy. Results show that cues to action that indirectly related to health care personnel and Medias, have not adequate effects on enforcement of patients positive health beliefs. It is recommended more studies and measures in this field.

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Objective(s): Treatment and rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy (CP) by a professional team take long time and impose expensive costs and human resources on the family and society. So the family undertakes a lot of difficulties and family function declines. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of family function in CP children and its relation to the type of CP and severity of disability.Methods: During this (descriptive- analytic) study, 43 mothers who had 0-8 year-old children with CP under rehabilitation services in SABA clinic, related to the University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences (USWR), in Tehran, Iran, were selected as the case group. Informed consent was acquired from the mothers. Following, a data set of demographic information and Family Assessment Device were completed by them. The scores indicated the level of family function. The type of CP and the severity of disability were determined by a pediatrician and an occupational therapist respectively using GMFM, and their relation to family function were assessed. Seventy-seven mothers of normal children, serving as the control group, filled in the same questionnaires. The data was analyzed using SPSS statistical software.Results: There were not significant differences in mean of family function scores between the two groups except in roles domain (P=0.132). There were no significant differences in family function scores among the five types of CP (P=0.758). It was found that there were no statistically significant differences in family function and the severity of disability rate using Pearson correlation (R= 0.099).Conclusion: It seems the much time after diagnosis the more adaptation of parents in different domains of family function. In general, according to the results of this study, improvement of family function of children with CP is highly recommended, so we can improve the rehabilitation process and achieve better outcome in these children.

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Objective(s): Road traffic crashes are the second highest cause of mortality in Iran and risky driving behaviors among Iranian drivers are evident. In this study, the views of taxi drivers about risky driving behaviors were extracted in order to recommend the effective interventions for modifying these behaviors.Methods: This was a qualitative study carried out in Tehran, Iran. Forty-Two taxi drivers were invited to participate in four focus group discussions. Discutions on risky driving behaviors were tape recorded and were analyzed using a thematic approach.Results: Data analysis showed five main themes: the role of taxi drivers in current driving situation in Tehran, drivers' reasons for committing risky driving behaviors, actions for modifying risky driving behaviors, suitable places for implementing the recommended interventions and the best channels for communicating and persuading taxi drivers. The participants believed that developing and communicating well-developed persuasive messages for increasing their concentration during driving and reminding the message content by taxi drivers' opinion leaders can affect their driving behaviors.Conclusion: According to findings, a consumer-oriented planning model such as social marketing was recommended to modify the risky driving behaviors among taxi drivers in Tehran.

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Objective(s): To assess attitudes, self-reported and observational behaviors among taxi drivers, a large group of professional drivers, in Tehran, the capital of Iran.Methods: In this cross-sectional study, we selected two municipality district of Tehran which had the highest rate of traffic accidents among taxicabs. By using a questionnaire, we asked them about their attitudes and reports of their behaviors during driving and a checklist was used for observing their risky driving behaviors. Then, data were analysed in a descriptive fashion.Results: We found that taxi drivers in Tehran had had desired attitudes toward not driving risky and had reported their driving behavior well and non- risky. There was a significant direct relationship between their attitudes and driving history. However, we found a reverse significant relationship between self-reported behaviors and literacy level. Risky driving behavior were different based on the time of observation. Using cell phone, tailgaiting and not moving between lines were three most common observed risky driving behaviors among taxi drivers.Conclusion: Taxi drivers, as professional drivers have not desired behaviors regardless of their positive attitudes and self reports. Thus, we should design and implement the interventios based on their driving history, literacy level, common behaviors and even the time of driving.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1993

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Objective(s): Epilepsy is a common chronic disease in all ages. Quality of life in epileptic patients is of utmost importance. This study investigated the reliability and validity of the Iranian version of Quality of Life in Epilepsy Inventory-31 (QOLIE-31-P).Methods: The English version of the questionnaire was translated into Persian and then it pilot tested. The instrument includes 31 items in 7 domains. The scores range from 0-100 with higher scores indicating better conditions. The final version of the Persian questionnaire was administered to a sample of epileptic patients 18 years old and over referred to the electroencephalography ward in Sina hospital (Tehran University of Medical Sciences). Reliability was estimated using "internal consistency" (Cronbach's a) and validity was assessed using "known groups comparison".Results: In all 76 patients were studied. The mean age of the patients was 30.6 years (SD=12.2) and the mean years of their education was 9.9 (SD=4.2). The analysis showed that the domains met the minimum reliability standard, Cronbach's a coefficient ranging from 0.71-0.89 with the exception of medication effects and social functioning (a=0.51 & 0.65). Validity analysis showed that the instrument discriminated well between subgroups of patients who differed in "seizure types, frequency of epileptic attacks in previous month and last year".Conclusion: The Iranian version of the QOLIE-31-P is a reliable and valid measure of health-related quality of life in patients with epilepsy.

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Objective(s): To determine the prevalence and predictors of patient delay among patients with myocardial infarction.Methods: In this cross-sectional study, a sample of 95 admitted patients with confirmed diagnosis of myocardial infarction were included. They were asked about symptoms, the time from presentation to admission and the reason for delay, if any. Delay was defined as arrival to hospital after 3 hours from initiation of symptoms. Results: The mean age of patients was 60.4±1.1 years and mostly were male (76.8%). Half of the patients had visited the doctor 9 hours after the pain started or later (median). About 70 percent of patients had delayed seeking medical care after myocardial infarction. The risk factors for delay in the descending order of importance (OR) were: lacking sweat as a symptom, heart attack at midnight, lacking previous history of heart disease, visiting a general practitioner, gradual onset and lower educational level.Conclusion: Education of the general public especially individuals with lower educational status can lead to better recognition of symptoms and decrease patient delay.

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Objective (s): The present study explores the impact of acculturation on health status and use of health and community aged care services among elderly Iranian-born immigrants to Australia. These findings contribute to the enrichment of multicultural policy, social fairness, access, and equity for ethnic aged people.Methods: 302 Iranian immigrants aged 65 years and over who had lived in the Sydney Metropolitan area for at least six months participated. This study is crosses sectional study that done in 2005-7. The data were collected using completed and returned written survey instrument by mail, face-to-face interviews, and telephone interviews.Results: Iranian immigrants had higher levels of psychological distress, more limited physical function, greater need for help or assistance with activities of daily living, lower feelings of wellbeing, and were much less likely to use aged care services than the general population of older Australians.  Participants who did not speak English at home were more likely to experience psychological distress and had greater limitations in their physical functioning. Elderly Iranians with better English proficiency had lower levels of anxiety and depressive symptoms and reported less need for help and supervision in activities of daily living; they were also more likely to access health care services.Conclusion: Elderly Iranian immigrants experience higher levels of psychological distress and lower levels of physical function than the general population of older Australians; those with limited proficiency in English are at greatest risk.

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Objective(s): Obesity is one of the most important public health problems. During recent decades, prevalence of obesity among children has increased and this is also observed among Iranian children. This study is aimed to determine the prevalence of obesity and some related factors among students aged 7 to 12 in Semnan.Methods: This was a cross sectional study. 400 students aged between 7 to 12, were selected by randomized sampling from 20 elementary school. We measured height and weight of children and their parents to calculate BMI. They also completed a questionnaire which was designed to collect some interested variables.Results: 14.3 % of children were "obese" and 18.8 % of them were categorized as "over weight". There was a significant association between obesity and gender, so a higher rate of obesity in boys and overweight in girls was observed. Also getting older per each year, the obesity became higher 1.26 times. A significant relationship was observed between obesity of father, mother and children, so an increase of each unit of BMI their father and mother, the obesity chance in children became equal to 1.18 and 1.15 respectively. There was no significant association between obesity and other parameter studied such as consuming of fast food, watching TV and working with computer, daily commute to school, rank of birth, number of families, or parent’s educational levels.Conclusion: The prevalence of obesity during childhood is increasing, in Semnan and it correlates with obesity of parents. Therefore training of parents and also their children might be an effective way to decrease obesity among children.

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To address research questions, measuring variables are neccessary. However, every measurement is prone to different types of measurement errors. Therefore, understanding about the different types of measurement errors are a great of importance This paper presents four types of measurement errors 1) Disagreement, which is discrepancies between the results of two or more than two measuring tools or observers 2) Random error which is a none-directional gap between the true and measured values 3) Systematic error or bias which is a directional gap between the true and measured values, and finally 4) Confounding error which changes the strength of association between dependent and independent variables in analytical studies.

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