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Geomorphology units always Dynamism dynamic natural environment is connected.Any move towards Development of cities and villages with a dynamic way and Dynamism mentioned phenomena and ultimately with crosses Geomorphology. Well. Origins exposure of the belt Alpin qualification special geographical This has led to the diversity of the land get a lot Geomorphology formation am able rural City Land Development has specific forms. Geo morphology studies of the peripheral organs can be considered as exploitation Planning and variety regardless of the damaging results of natural science and socio economic, will be followed.increasing urban and rural population in recent years, especially areas containing natural potentials redound excessive exploitation of natural resources user change been followed on for environmental hazards such as erosion and flood and mass movement is to follow has had. Organizing system population settlement and activity, nomination land use (industrial, tourism, Agriculture, Forestry Urbanization, to meadow, promenade and...), especially in areas with potential environmental or major, especially at national level on for a parallel population growth more and more important to make. Khalkhal Township with exposure to western slopes of the heights being Talesh mountainous and Topography specific Geomorphology and valleys deep ghzelozan and shahrood and waterfalls impassable by several passages capabilities and limitations of many Geomorphology has created. To achieve the development of these capabilities and limitations is necessary Geomorphology that the study is trying to develop capabilities and limitations city perspective Applied Geo morphology were studied in pragmatics solution necessary planning and development to be provided.

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This research presents a spatial analysis of the distribution of population and facilities among the areas of Meybod. The research method is descriptive- analytic which has used anthropy coefficient model, standardized figures and taxonomy. The population includes 11 areas of Meybod. The population of Meybod has been 17848 in 1355 which has increased to 58872 in 1385 with a growth rate of 4.05. however, distribution of facilities has not increased as fast as the population has. The correlation coefficient among the areas and standardized scores has been -2.248 which means that there is a meaningful negative correlation between the expansion of areas and standard scores. The expansion of areas does not have a role in the distribution of urban facilities. Moreover, Pearson correlation coefficient between population concentration in areas and z-scores indicates a poor correlation between distribution of facilities and population concentration. Because this coefficient is 0.524 at 0.094 level of significance which is very different from the significance level 0.95. Therefore, there is no relation between distribution of population and facilities in the areas of Meybod.Using triangulation of models, the results show that areas 2-1-1 and 2-2-1 have rather balanced conditions and areas 1-1-2, 1-1-1 and 1-2-1 have imbalanced conditions with respect to the distribution of facilities.Therefore, it can be said that with a balanced and fair distribution of facilities among the areas of Meybod, we can attain a balance in the areas of Meybod. Thus, creating a logical and harmonized relation between distribution of population and facilities in 11 areas of Meybod seems essential to achieve sustainability.

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Although the region due to geopolitical position and its Geostrategic always been special interest in history and look superpowers has powers, but during nearly a century and sought to explore energy resources, the region has little significance, and hundreds can be said today world economy, the energy pulse causes. Despite America relations in the volatile political and security fields with the region makes efforts to move slowly and continuously in bilateral ties - economic security with the Middle East and Persian Gulf countries consolidate the structure of the solar system, but for global security policies of the new states has undergone a fundamental transformation in all actors are more or less affected. Among these "mildest" geopolitical reasons, and ideological energy effectiveness is far higher than that in Israel there acting like its sensitivity it adds. Remarks of this kind and the result of a comprehensive performance and especially in Iraq, U.S autoerotic showed that semantic development occurred in the security of the "discourse requires" to "negative discourse" within the Middle East is very serious and something on the basis of objective evidence shows the level of security considered by transforming the Middle East and tendency to negative discourse of the type in which the traditional pattern of military power, the main role in security relations Kinder play. altering the structure of planetary systems form bipolar global security in twentieth century and its tendency to imply that the structure has a hegemonic notion of security in the 21st century global range of issues greatly with "exercise power" and "settlement rule" will be associated in terms of the tendency toward global security discourse requires stop or at least will be very slow. the most important objectives of this paper a) geopolitical analysis, America's role in the Middle East b) identify obstacles and political challenges-security is the Middle East. in order that these objectives, the present study the most important challenges America in the region (Iraq, Israeli conflict - Palestinian, Islamic Republic of Iran) with the express knowledge and continue America's Middle East objectives defined in the research hypothesis that "the presence of intervening forces, including a trans including the United States because the stability in the Middle East political-the security zone will be.” Rejects.

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Increase in population and ever creasing expansion of urban areas and industrialization of communities in one way, and decrease in natural domains from the other, decrease the vegetation level and gives to soil erosion and index of surface stream. We have selected siahrood watershed basin in rasht with an area of 204.33 square kilometers, in order to examine different systems of erosion and estimate erosion intensity and sediment level by E.P.M method. We have studied named basin from the viewpoint of physiographic, climatology, hydrology, geology, Geomorphology, pedology and vegetation and have used the results to investigate and estimate erosion and sediment level, and thus classified the basin into one main region and five sub region. in this study, soil characteristics, average slope, soil sensitiveness index to erosion, land usage index, erosion index, erosion intensity index and the class of erosion intensity have been determined within the Geomorphologic fancies.We have computed the net erosion, sedimentation index, the discharge of net sediment and the discharge of total sediment in the in siahrood watershed basin.After studying the stylistics of measured discharge of sediment in sedimentometry station in behdan 18 year period, the total amount of annual sediment of siahrood was measured 25161.19 tons. When we compared the amounts of measured sediment and estimated one, by two methods, one conventional and the other developed form of E.P.M, concluded that the estimated amounts with measured amounts of sediment has a 96 percent proximity to the real amounts.

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Achievement to sustainable rural development is rural planner's most important goal.Water is recognized as most important and cramp resource in agricultural production in Iran.With attention to this point that water is an important and very limit resource in Kohins agriculture and for this reason that climatic limitations and management weakness in sustainable usage of water is a necessary work. This is in the manner that regions economy and villagers are dependent to existent water resources. In this article, is recognized the sustainability of rural water resources indicators within literature survey and on the basis of these indicators, we acted to complement the questionnaire and data analysis and then to the assessment of water resources sustainability in Kohin. Water resources unsustanability factors recognized and obstacles of authentic management surveyed and the end proposed offers.

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Public participation and use of indigenous knowledge in decision-making and urban planning in urban development is compulsory Knows the research of target, available potential and span in shakib neighborhood of zone14, sake citizens participation in city optimum management. The quest of theoretical centric under the care of psychological sights and sociological communion and base on social geography and the method of research is survey. Furthermore in this research of study used bills and evidence and library sources. The questionnaire information assemblage is the basic tool that its main question designed base on the Inez & fish bines social action theory. Base on to be gain result of research, sentiments to participate in controversy sessions in neighborhood job has up most point and subvention in municipality has least point. Indeed the people show more attitudes to dimension of participation that it has less economical and social expense for them than dimension that it has more expense. Totally that neighborhood has a good spans and potential sake participation under the care of getting result from spss & swot resolution.

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Assessment megalapoli’s impact upon peraphery center population in different level is on of the important subject in urban and region planning. This study will assessment to quatity and quality impact of theran magalapolis upon population’s change in small cities as rude hen and Bomehen. These cities are located in east of Tehran in distince 40 and 45 kilimer from Tehran. This impact have assessment with comparative and with regayd to census information and field study and excel, SPSS software. The result that with comparative study have stressed ad follow as: urban and rural population, age structure, average change age relativein20-34 year, migration, family number, read and write. The result have sow that: This impacts on the Rudehen and Bumehen are different and alternate.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Climatic condition of Iran during the ice age has been attractive for many geographers and geologists since the earlier years of the 20th century, and for geomorphologists at the end of the same century. The perspectives of these pioneers will be expressed, in this regard, in two general categories of “dry and cold weather” and “the weather colder than today with more showers.” Enormous amounts of geomorphologic evidence in the plateau of Iran indicate that it is not possible to generalize either of the two mentioned ideas to all parts of the plateau. From the other perspective, combination of these two theories, as some theorists have proposed, might not be comprehensive enough, but considering the varieties in the geomorphology of the area, five climatic conditions can be indicated for this plateau: 1. Cold and icy climate, 2. Cold climate close to the icy one, 3. Cold and rainy climate, 4. Warm and humid climate or warm and rainy one, 5. Dry and semi dry climate. In determining this expanse, not only geomorphologic shapes, but also geographical conditions, topographical states, and the direction of hillsides have had significant roles.

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The aim of this paper analyzes the failure or success factors in achieving lean production system in Iran Tire Co. have been done. To determine the rate of lean production systems, with research in books, articles, Internet resources, functions and areas initially was identified Lean Production. The results of this search, extraction and identification performance was 23 in seven areas were divided. Then, to assess and identify the current status of tire companies and determine the strengths and weaknesses and suggest some strategies for improving production systems to achieve lean production system, was attempted. In the same direction as that under this assumption eight significant difference between the current situation in the company's production system with the demands of tire lean production system, in general, and in each domain separately, there is a plan and acceptable limits for acceptance hypotheses, the average higher than 4 were selected.Using the analysis carried out on solutions and suggestions were presented each of the functions, the hope will promote the production system of lean manufacturing, especially in promoting the company's lean production system is of tire.

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