Growth of B. japonicum isolates at different concentrations of herbicide used insoybean was studied as factorial experiment arranged in a completely randomized design with three replications. Isolates B1, B6, B43 and 0, 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8and 16 folded of the recommended doses of trifluralin, metribuzin and imazethapyrherbicides were considered as factors. Isolates population trends over time and colony forming unit (CFU) data at different herbicide concentrations were fitted using the Gompertz and four parameters logistic models, respectively. Results showed that Max. B1, B6 and B43 isolates population grown in YMB at 28 C were 4.77×109, 4.54×109 and 4.43×109 cell/ml, respectively. In addition to, isolatespopulation doubled during 10.76, 11.55 and 12.51 hours and reached to their midlog phase in 26.14, 25.72 and 27.20 hours after incubation at 28 C. Using fourparameters dose - response logistic models revealed metribuzin>trifluralin>andimazethapyr herbicides order affecting on B. japonicum population isolates. Meanestimated EC50 values for metribuzin, trifluralin and imazethapyr herbicides were13, 7 and 4 mg.L-1 which were 6 to 10 times more than herbicides recommended doses.