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Gholamali ALI


Bioethics Journal

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Background and Aim: Today, bioethics and human rights are two sets of norms, procedures, and institutions whose primary function is to regulate the relationship between biology and medicine in the light of public law. In recent years, some studies, as well as the practice of some governments, have hypothesized that the field of biological ethics has been digested and absorbed in the human rights system. In the present study, we will examine the hypothesis that international human rights have now emerged as an alternative to biological ethics. Materials and Methods: In this study, by analytical-descriptive method, the nature of biological ethics and its common principles with human rights will be discussed first. Once the status of the variable has been determined, the role of human rights in biological ethics will be considered in terms of sharing their foundations. In the third step, the hypothesis of "human rights as a substitute for biological ethics" will be tested, and finally the functions of international human rights in biological ethics will be discussed Findings: Proponents of the hypothesis of the digestion of bioethics in the human rights system believe that due to the normative and institutional weaknesses of bioethics in the international legal-politicalcultural space, international human rights instruments and institutions can digest the normative and institutional part of bioethics. The study's findings show that international human rights cannot cover all the gaps and gaps in the political science space. This is where the need for a space for biological ethics, which lacks the inherent characteristics of the world of law, and especially international human rights, is felt. Ethical Considerations: In order to organize this research, while observing the authenticity of the texts, honesty and fidelity have been observed. Conclusion: Biological ethics can play a role in cases where human rights are challenged flexibly. As a result, it is essential that not only is the field of biological ethics digested and absorbed in the human rights space, but that the two need to be completely independent of each other.

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Bioethics Journal

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Background and Aim: Paying attention to ethics in organizations is very important. Therefore the present study aimed to elucidate the mediating role of professional ethics in the relationship between organizational ethics and cyber loafing. Materials and Methods: Methodology of the research in terms of the main strategy, was quantitative, in terms of the strategy, was field, and in terms of analytical, was descriptive-correlation technique. The statistical population of this study included all staff of Universities affiliated with the Ministry of Science at four levels of international, national, regional and local levels of performance across the country. The research data were collected from 430 staff members who were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling method. The sample size according to the Kregci-Morgan model and with error α = 0/05, was considered 430 persons. To collect data Cyber Loafing Questionnaire of Bella et al (2006) (α =0/89), Professional Ethics Questionnaire of Yazdan Seta and Asadi (2016) (α =0. 79) and Organizational Ethical Climate Questionnaire of Victor and Cullen (1988) (α =0. 80) was used. Validity of the tools was confirmed by the professors of education and psychology. Data were analyzed using two software’ s SPSS 22 and lisrel. 8/50 and analyzed by structural equation modeling. Findings: The results showed that the proposed model had suitable fit (x2 /df=2/95, GFI=0/93, AGFI=0/92, CFI=0/91, NFI=0/93, RMSEA=0/81) and the component of Organizational Ethical Climate has a direct and indirect effect through the component of Professional Ethics on Cyber Loafing (P<0/05). Ethical Considerations: After explaining the purpose of the research, verbal consent was obtained from the participants. Conclusion: The organizational ethic climate and professional ethics leads to a reduction in cyber loafing behavior of employees. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to these components and their effects on the organization of human resource behavior.

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Bioethics Journal

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Background and Aim: Personalization of the learning process in educational systems is of particular importance. The aim of this study was to determine the role of professional competence and ethics in the attitude of primary school teachers toward personalization of learning. Materials and Methods: This descriptive-correlation study was conducted on 289 primary school teachers of Birjand city in the academic year of 2019-20. Sampling was performed by multi-stage clustering method. Three standard questionnaires were used to collect data: Babaei-Nejad's Professional Competence (2014), C-Petty's Professional Ethics (2000) and Prepared et al's Attitude to Personalized Learning Personalization (2018). Data were analyzed using multiple regression and Pearson correlation tests in SPSS 18. Findings: The level of teachers' attitude to personalization of learning with mean 3. 93± 0. 049, Professional competence with mean of 3. 71± 0. 032 and professional ethics with mean of 4. 46± 0. 27, was higher than the average. There was a significant relationship between the components of competence (cognitive, attitude, management) and professional ethics with the teachers' attitude toward personalization of learning (P<0. 01). 38% of variations of the teachers' attitude toward personalization of learning explained by professional competence and ethics, respectively. Professional competence also explained for 23% of variations in the teachers' professional ethics. Ethical Considerations: The objectives of the study were explained to the participants and their oral verbal satisfaction was obtained. Conclusion: The findings showed that enhancing teachers' professional competence and ethics improves their attitude toward personalization of learning. Therefore, it is recommended that teachers' attitude toward personalization of learning be improved by enhancing teachers' competency and teaching professional ethics.

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Bioethics Journal

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Background and Aim: Citizenship rights are considered as a social status in the attitude towards civil society. In order to achieve the goals of citizenship rights, in addition to the general will of society and all citizens, the will of government officials and institutions on economy, culture and politics and implement existing laws, is needed. Therefore, one of the components of achieving the goals of citizenship rights is the creation of e-government. Egovernment is considered as one of the most important goals and aspirations resulting from information technology, improving efficiency at the national, regional and local levels of the public sector and facilitating the provision of services to the people, reducing costs, and can provide economic, social, cultural and political development. Therefore, e-government is recognized as one of the top priorities of governments around the world. Materials and Methods: The method used in this study is descriptive-analytical and using library resources. Findings: In order to achieve the goals of citizenship rights and facilitate the provision of services to citizens, the establishment of e-government is a great importance. On the other hand, in order to achieve the goals of citizenship rights, just, as the obedience of citizens is important in practice, citizens must also participate in governance. It is in this context that citizenship rights are accepted and recognized. Ethical Considerations: The issues related to ethics in this research and fidelity in quoting the texts and references of the article have been fully observed. Conclusion: E-government is effective in the realization of citizenship rights and the implementation of good governance indicators through components such as freedom of information, participation and oversight. E-government has the potential to improve the way the government works internally and how it provides services to citizens. E-government has many benefits in the realization of citizenship rights, some of which require regular planning. so it is important to conduct extensive and detailed research on the obstacles that e-government faces in the realization of citizenship rights.

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Bioethics Journal

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Background and Aim: Open Source Biotechnology Legal Approach's aim is to apply open source principles in biotechnology field based on its nature and necessities. This article's aim on the one hand is to assess the consistency of bioethics principles with Islamic principles and foundations and on the other hand to prove the capability of applying this legal approach in Iranian legal system ethically. Materials and Methods: In this analytic study, firstly, we will have known open source legal approach by librarian resources and descriptive method. Secondly, after the assessment of capability of adaptability and applying bioethics principles and the necessary changes in this field, we will assess and analysis the adaptability of open source legal approach with bioethics principles. Findings: Bioethic's fourfold principle is consistent with the Islamic principles and foundations and is applicable in Iranian legal system if we apply some changes on them. The fundamental prerequisite of autonomy principle is perfect awareness. The most important elements of open source legal approach are the Facilitation of informing and the easy access and transaction of information, biomaterial and necessity tool these items with sharing procedure in aforementioned approach provides, in the most extreme level, efficient and effective procedure for obtaining the awareness of users in desired scope finally. Beside, this legal approach dissipates obstacles and restrictions which results in discrimination in the access of person to the biomaterials innovative information and necessity tools, as the most important obstacles for the autonomy principles. Along Beneficence and Nonmaleficence principles, the best method for the assessment of dangers and effects of innovation is the adaptation of information transactions tools or innovative information sharing networks, which is one of the open source legal approach. Based on the purposes and principles of open source legal approach we shall consider this approach along the fulfilment of justice principle in bioethics. Ethical Considerations: Bioethic’ s fourfold principle justifies capability of enforcement of open source approach ethically. Conclusion: Bioethics principles justify the capability of applying open source legal approach from Islamic ethic's viewpoint.

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Bioethics Journal

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Background and Aim: Investigating the factors affecting conscientiousness has always been of interest to researchers. Therefore, This study aimed to investigate the role of job dependence and ethical reasoning in the work conscience of the staff of Shahid Madani University of Azerbaijan. Materials and Methods: This research is applied in terms of purpose and terms of data collection, including descriptive-correlation research. The statistical population of the research includes all staff of Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University in the academic year 2017-18, equal to 210 people. The sample size was 145 based on the Krejcie and Morgan table. The sampling method in this study was stratified random sampling. To collect the research data, job involvement Kanungo (1982), Rest et al Moral Reasoning (1973) and conscientiousness Moghli (2004) questionnaires were used. The reliability of the questionnaire was assessed using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The coefficient of this test for job involvement was 0. 80, moral reasoning 0. 92 and conscientiousness 0. 78. Data were analyzed by Pearson correlation and regression analysis using SPSS 22. Findings: The results of the research showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between job involvement and conscientiousness (r=0. 51) and moral reasoning with conscientiousness (r=0. 41). Also, job involvement (β =0. 46) and moral reasoning (β =0. 37) can predict employees' conscientiousness. Ethical Considerations: When collecting data, all university staff were assured that all information in the questionnaires was confidential and for research purposes only. Conclusion: By creating favorable working conditions for university staff, their job dependence can be established, which in turn increases moral reasoning and work conscience.

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Bioethics Journal

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Background and Aim: Today, due to the complexity and competitive nature of workplaces, a successful organization is one which has a more committed and responsible workforce. In organizations, there are factors that make employees more accountable, this phenomenon is called social responsibility. Given the importance of social responsibility as a very important variable in organizations; the purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of professional ethics on employees' social responsibility with the mediating role of organizational socialization. Materials and Methods: This research is considered practical in terms of purpose and descriptive-procedural in terms of implementation method. The statistical population of the study consisted of all 600 employees of Urmia University. 234 people were selected as the sample using a stratified random sampling method and the morgan table. In order to collect statistical data, the standard professional ethics questionnaires Kadozir (2003), Social responsibility of Carol (2000) and the organizational socialization Taurmina (2009) were used. Data were analyzed using SPSS 16 software, mean methods, standard deviation, Pearson correlation coefficient, Skewness and stretching and LISREL 8. 80 software. Findings: The results of the research show that professional ethics has a direct effect of (β =0. 41) on social responsibility and of (β =0. 90, P≤ 0. 01) on organizational socialization. Also, organizational socialization has a direct effect of (β =0. 46, P≤ 0. 01) on social responsibility and the indirect effect of professional ethics on social responsibility is (β =0. 41, P≤ 0. 01). Ethical Considerations: Participants completed the questionnaires after being informed of the research objectives. Conclusion: Based on the results of research, professional ethics and organizational socialization have a direct effect on social responsibility. Therefore, it can be concluded that professional ethics and organizational socialization may be taken into account as one of the important factors on social responsibility.

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Bioethics Journal

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Background and Aim: Undoubtedly, pleasure is the most basic need of human beings that discussed by philosophy of ethics. Human instinctively desires pleasure and avoids suffering. The measurement of pleasure criteria was firstly discussed by the famous British philosopher Jeremy Bentham. The aim of this study is to explain the ontological features of pleasure from perspective of the teachings of revelation. Materials and Methods: In this analytic research with qualitative approach, after reviewing the theoretical literature of the research, the ontological characteristics of pleasure were extracted from verses of the Holy Qur'an and then based on them, ontological approaches were presented. Findings: The most important ontological characteristics of the pleasure extracted from the Holy Quran include stability and permanence, pure goodness, existential growth, purity, fertility and, security and culm, expansion and inclusion, certainly obtainable, satisfaction and holly life. The regulation of life based on the aforementioned ontological characteristics, creating two approaches of divine guidance and increasing human inner capacity. Ethical Considerations: In order to organize this research, while observing have been observed the authenticity of the texts, honesty and fidelity. Conclusion: The findings show that from the perspective of the Holy Quran, pleasure is not a mental and unrealistic subject, but based on revelatory teachings, it is a realistic subject and has some measurable criteria. Although most of the verses of Qur'an are mentioned in the form of advice, but these seemingly simple statements indicate an objective but hidden reality in the heart of the universe.

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Bioethics Journal

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Background and Aim: Ethics can be defined as a set of values, do's and don'ts, according to which good and bad criteria are distinguished. Considering that ethical or immoral behavior in the organization, lays the groundwork for many positive and negative consequences for the organization, and considering the current importance of tourism, it can be said that ethical behavior by tour guides can have a significant impact on public satisfaction and lead to the sustainability and development of tourism. Materials and Methods: In this study, among the variables affecting the ethical behavior of employees, the effect of their individual values has been reviewed, considering the role of Islamic religiosity, among tour guides who had a tour guide card from the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts. For this purpose, a questionnaire was designed and its validity and reliability were assessed. It was then distributed electronically to 188 tour guides. Findings: According to the significance value of t-test for all hypothesized relationships is greater than 1. 96, this indicates that all research hypotheses are confirmed at the 95% confidence level. Ethical Considerations: Participants completed the questionnaires after being informed of the research objectives. Conclusion: As the results show, there are a positive effect of personal values on ethical behavior, among which, self-control and honesty had the greatest effect and intelligence and religious values are in the next place. On the other hand, Islamic religiosity intensifies the influence of individual values on moral behavior.

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Bioethics Journal

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Background and Aim: Humans partner with work by speaking, eliminating feelings of helplessness; But when there are situations where employees do not dare to talk about issues and problems, the phenomenon of organizational silence spreads and this is considered a potential risk. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of moral literacy on organizational silence mediated by the moral climate of Ayatollah Taleghani Hospital staff in Tehran. Materials and Methods: The research method according to purpose is practical and in terms of data collection is descriptive-correlation and also in terms of data type is quantitative. The statistical population of this study was 250 persons of Ayatollah Taleghani Hospital staffs. By calculating of sample size in structural equations and Stratified sampling method 148 persons are selected as sample size. In order to data collection, three standard questionnaires, the Ethical Literacy of Steve Kovich and Begley (2017), the organizational silence of Van Dyne (2003) and the Ethical Atmosphere of Victor and Cullen (1987) are used. After collecting the questionnaires, the data description are done with SPSS 21 software and the statistical inference of the data is performed by structural equations modeling and by using Lisrel 8. 80 software. The technical characteristics of the questionnaire, including reliability and validity, are investigated. Findings: The results of the research indicate that the ethical atmosphere directly β =0. 56 affects on the ethical literacy. The ethical atmosphere directly β =0. 68 affects on the organizational silence. The organizational silence also indirectly β =0. 71 affects on the ethical literacy. In this regard, the ethical atmosphere has more power, when it is introduced as mediating variable. In other words, we can say that ethical literacy β =0. 56 with the mediating role of the ethical atmosphere β =0. 68 reduces the organizational silence β =0. 71 of the hospital staffs. Ethical Considerations: By informing to the subjects about research process such as title and objectives, complete satisfaction for performance of research obtained. Conclusion: The results indicate that ethical issues, by emphasizing the importance of human dignity and proper human relations, create a safe environment for expressing the views and opinions of employees, which consequently reduces complications and consequences of organizational silence.

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Bioethics Journal

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Background and Aim: Today, If Employees Can Easily Convey Their Ideas and Ideas About the Organization, They Will Show Better Motivation and Performance. There are powerful forces in many organizations that cause widespread withholding of information about potential problems or issues by employees. This is called organizational silence. The purpose of this study was to investigate the Effect of work ethics on Organizational Silence with the Mediating role of Social wear. Materials and Methods: The study method was descriptive and correlational with Structural Equation Method (SEM). The statistical population of the study consisted of all the staffs of sport and youth departments in northwest of Iran and 195 samples were selected using stratified random sampling. Work ethics questionnaire, social wear questionnaire and organizational silence questionnaire were used to collect the information. Content validity of questionnaires have been confirmed and their reliabilities were 0. 87, 0. 79, and 0. 82, respectively. SPSS 22 and LISREL software was utilized in order to analyze the collected data Spss software (mean, standard deviation, Pearson correlation coefficient, Skewness and stretching). Findings: In this study, 195 people (including 41 females and 154 males) from employees of the General Departments of Sports and Youth of the west of the country participated. Their average age was 35. 69, their average work experience was 7 years, and most subjects (89) had a bachelor's degree. The average work ethic was 85. 12, the average social wear was 42. 31, and the average organizational silence was 45. 19. The results indicated that Work ethic has a direct effect on organizational silence with a regression coefficient (β =-0. 44) and on social wear with a regression coefficient (β =-0. 50) (p <0. 01), social wear has a direct effect on organizational silence (β =-0. 36) (p <0. 01), also the mediating role of social wear was also significant in the relationship between work ethic and organizational silence had significant (β =-0. 36) (p <0. 01). Ethical Considerations: In compiling this research, preserving the originality of the texts, honesty and fidelity have been respected. Conclusion: Based on the results of research, work ethic and social wear have a direct effect on organizational silence, therefore, it can be concluded that work ethic and social wear may be taken into account as one of the important factors on organizational silence.

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Bioethics Journal

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Background and Aim: Artificial intelligence is a tool that has led to enormous changes in different fields such as health. But despite the many uses of this tool, there are also challenges in its operation that require legislative and executive policymaking to address them. The purpose of this study is to explain the ethical and legal challenges under the EU regulations in artificial intelligence performance in the field of health. Materials and Methods: The present qualitative research explains the legalethical challenges of artificial intelligence performance in the field of health based on the analysis of the EU General Data Protection Regulation. Findings: The most important challenges in the mechanism of performance of artificial intelligence from the ethical point of view are inequality, racial discrimination, Lack of accuracy in data processing, etc as legally include insufficient care in the protection of personal information, Lack of privacy, and liability and the mechanism of identification and division of responsibility in cases of damage caused by the operation of the tool. In this article, an attempt has been made to review each of these cases and provide appropriate solutions. Ethical Considerations: In compiling this article, all moral principles including fidelity, honesty and originality of the text have been observed. Conclusion: Despite the challenges expressed in this study, there is adequate capacity in the Iranian legal system to address some of the concerns raised, but in order to achieve a better situation, especially the apply of standards adopted in EU regulations, it is necessary to use artificial intelligence technology especially in the field of health, by legislative policy, including the adoption of efficient and executive laws on the quality of licensing organizations that produce these tools, how to compensate the damages caused by manufacturers and the rights of aggrieved party, public awareness, quality of these tools and transparency In the Iranian legal system.

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Bioethics Journal

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Background and Aim: Ethical considerations are one of the most important factors in research processes. The purpose of this study is to investigate the components of research ethics of faculty members of the humanities of Urmia University. Materials and Methods: This descriptive survey study was conducted on 73 faculty members of humanities of Urmia University. Sampling was performed by the Simple random. The data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire whose content validity was confirmed by experts and structural validity was confirmed by factor analysis. SPSS 21 statistical analysis software was used to analyze the data and research information. Findings: The results showed that the research ethics of faculty members of the humanities of Urmia University has a favorable situation (P<0. 05, M=3/07). The results also showed that the components of observer rights and intellectual property rights are in good condition (P<0. 05). However, the components of research avoidance manipulation and avoidance of relationalism in research have an unfavorable situation (P<0. 05). Ethical Considerations: in this research, all the sources used are based on the principles of research ethics and the intellectual property rights of authors and participants in the research process have been observed. Conclusion: In general, it can be concluded that the faculty members of the humanities of Urmia University observe the ethical principles in average in their research experiences.

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Bioethics Journal

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Background and Aim: Given that organizational commitment as an important variable is effective in employee behavior and organizational performance. The present study aimed to investigate the effect of social capital on organizational commitment of employees with the mediating role of ethical leadership. Materials and Methods: This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-procedural in terms of implementation method. The statistical population of the study consisted of 394 employees of all fisheries departments of the Sistan and Baluchestan province; 195 people were selected as the sample using stratified random sampling method and the Cochran formula. In order to collect statistical data, the standard questionnaires of social capital Nahapit and Goshal (1998), organizational commitment of Allen and Meyer (1974) and the moral leadership of Carlson et al. (2011) were used. To investigate the causal relationship between the variables, the structural equation modeling method was used using Smart PLS software. Findings: The results of the research show that the social capital is effective organizational commitment with the role of mediator of ethical leadership. Also, social capital is as high as 0. 145 on organizational commitments 0. 384 per ethical leadership and the ethical leadership of 0. 643affect organizational commitment. Ethical Considerations: Participants completed the questionnaires with the awareness of the research objectives. Conclusion: The orientation of social capital and the application of ethical leadership can provide the basis for enhancing organizational commitment. Therefore, to improve the status of organizational commitment, it is recommended that the managers of the organization pay particular attention to social capital capacity and ethical leadership style.

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Minaeifar Amir Abbas | SADEGHIAN NASSER | Dashty Khavidaki Mohammad Hassan


Bioethics Journal

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Background and Aim: The belief in animal rights in Europe and in scientific research is a relatively new topic and has a history of less than 300 years, while more than a thousand years ago, animal rights were recognized in Islam, this study aimed to compare the Universal Declaration and the Islamic teachings on animal rights. Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive and analytical study, based on indicators of animal welfare and safety, respect for their right to life and etc. it compares Islamic teachings with UNESCO Declaration on Animal Rights, and written based on library and network search in various valid sources on animal rights, this research done by Observe the principle of honesty and loyalty in all reports and citations. Findings: After examining the views of Western philosophers on animal rights, which showed that it took centuries for animal rights to be recognized in the West, the second part of the findings compared the content of the 10article animal rights statement published in UNESCO with the Islamic documents. Ethical Considerations: In compiling this research, preserving the originality of the texts, honesty and fidelity have been respected. Conclusion: The weakness of bioethics education will lead to bad social behaviors such as environmental degradation, animal abuse and so on. Given the rich cultural and religious background of animal rights and bioethics, there is a need to develop a comprehensive program to teach bioethics concepts at the level of educational institutions in our country.

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Bioethics Journal

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Background and Aim: Today, living in the cities requires mutual understanding of collective and urban life, mutual rights, duties of citizens and observance of citizenship ethics. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to do a meta-analysis of the factors affecting adherence to citizenship ethics among Iranian citizens. Materials and Methods: The research method is a meta-analysis and its statistical population includes articles and dissertations on the subject of citizenship ethics in Iran during 2001-11 in Iran Research Institute of Information Science and Technology database, Islamic World Science Citation Database, Iranian Publications Database and Information Center of Jahad Dneshgahi. The sampling was conducted after passing the phases of Identification, screening, competency and inclusion and finally 20 studies were selected as sample of the study. After coding and systematic review, Comprehensive meta-analysis software (CMA2) was used to analyze the collected information. Findings: Lack of standard scales, using different and diverse components to measure citizenship ethics, non-measuring the creditability of the structures of the designed scales, providing general, vague and non-practical solutions are identified as the most important weaknesses of the research in this field. The most important variables affecting individuals' adherence to citizenship ethics includes citizens' perceptions of their usefulness, social commitment, adherence to the normative system, social capital, education, individual perceptions of collective monitoring, mass media and citizenship education. Ethical Considerations: By referring to the researches, scientific fidelity has been observed. Conclusion: To increase the items like citizenship ethics, social commitment, adherence to the normative and value system of society, promotion of social capital, citizens' perception of their usefulness, individual perception of collective monitoring and citizenship education should be considered by the planners and policymakers.

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Gorji Azandriani Ali Akbar | Falsafizadeh Haghighi 2 Seyed Aboozar


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Background and Aim: Moral principles have a Special Connection with the Issue of Justice itself is one of the most important moral principles and even the fundamental principle of human Social life, and ignoring it is the Source of many Conflicts and individual and Public immoralities. The aim of the present Study is to investigate the place of justice in the realization of moral principles in the of John Rawls, A contempororary political and moral philosopher. Materials and Methods: The method present Study is descriptive-analyitical Which has been Written by using the main works of john Rawls in the field of moral principle of justice anf other moral principles. In addition to these Sources, other Scientific texts and articles, Persian and Latin books and Sources have also been used. Findings: The principles of justice, as the foundation of moral order, lays the groundwork for the establishment of Social morality and the improvement of contemporary human life, which seeks to alleviate human suufering. Ethical Considerations: The article is Written in accordance with the principles of referral and fiduciary and is Considered as independent and free Writing. Conclusion: According to Rawls, moral principles are not only dependent on govermemt decisions and policies, but people anr the foundation of a moral Society that arises from their public conscience and Social cooperation. For rhis reasen, a moral Society is formed on the basis of the real participation of the people in varios Spheres, Which is Clearly beyond the boundaries drawn by goverments. Rawls "Society of The People" is based on the benefit of the deprived of Society from Economic Conditions, Which is followed by a kind of government patrticipation and helping the depreved to establish Social morality by expanding justic.

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Background and Aim: In this study, the concept "service quality of supply chain management" is introduced in electronic customs and its aspects and its relationship with the elevation of the attentions to the ethical principles in respect to customers will be investigated so as to reach maximal recognition of this concept and the position that it can have in developing the electronic customs. The present study aims at evaluation of the attentions to the ethical principles in respect to the customers as well as the effect of the service quality in the electronic customs’ supply chain during the last quarter of 2018. Materials and Methods: This study is a correlational, survey and applied research. The study population included the individuals who have referred to customs so it is unlimited; the study sample volume was calculated equal to 384 individuals based on Cochran formula. The data were investigated using SPSS 21 and PLS software and the goodness of fit indices were computed. Findings: The findings signified that four key factors have been identified for assessing the supply chain; four key factors for assessing the attentions to the ethical principles in respect to the customers and also four factors for assessing the quality of services; the study’ s model was eventually proposed accordingly. The proposed model was confirmed using such techniques as factor analysis and structural equation modeling. Ethical Considerations: Principles like honesty and trustworthiness have been observed from the beginning to the end of the article. Conclusion: The results indicated that not only the supply chain management directly influences the attentions to the ethical principles in respect to the customers but also the intermediary effect of the service quality has been confirmed. There was also found a positive and significant relationship between the supply chain management and attention to the ethical principles in respect to the customers as well as between the supply chain management, service quality and attention to ethical principles in respect to customers (P>0. 05). This way, the customers can be also made satisfied. As for the observance of the ethical principles, it can be expressed that there are ethical codes and standards like SA8000 and ISO26000 that can be instructed or outsourced from the well-qualified international firms. The companies are required to get familiar with these codes and take advantage of the business sustainability.

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Background and Aim: The revenue of world's medical tourism industry has recently increased by 20% annually. Hence, investing in this sector is not only seen as a means of increasing revenue but also it is accompanied by some positive consequences including the improved services, the creation of a more favorable trade balance and increased tourism. The aim of this study was to codify and evaluate the policy indexes and medical tourism rules in Iran in moving towards expanding the health villages. Materials and Methods: In this study, the combination of qualitative and quantitative methods was used. In the first stage, the content analysis was selected as a research strategy and MAXQDA 18 software was used for data analysis. Collected through questionnaire and interview, the obtained data were submitted to the expert’ s panel to be analyzed. In this way, the indicators were finalized. In the second stage, the quantitative evaluation of indexes was done by using multi-criteria decision-making techniques. Findings: The results of this study indicated that as far as the development of medical tourism based on health village expansion approach is concerned, the indicators relating to health insurance rules, the medical errors rules, advertising policies, the required and new rules and regulations and supportive policies are the most important indicators in the field of laws and policy-making in terms of priority. Ethical Considerations: In this study, ethical considerations such as Knowledge competence and expertise of the Statistics Community have been considered. Conclusion: This research revealed that it is a necessity for the respective authorities to pay particular attention to the development, design and implementation of long-term and short-term strategies proportionate to the proposed indicators in an integrated manner with special emphasis on prioritization realized for the health system in moving towards medical tourism promotion.

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Background and Aim: Professional ethics and personality traits are of considerable importance to the coaches who train, and to their job motivation. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate the effect of personality traits on professional ethics with the mediating role of job motivation. Materials and Methods: The research method is descriptive-correlation of structural equation type based on structural equation modeling. The statistical population of this study included all instructors of swimming pools in Ardabil province. Based on Morgan table and using stratified random sampling method in proportion to the sample size, 175 people were selected as the statistical sample. To collect data from the standardized Neo Personality Traits Questionnaire Professional ethics (Kadozir) and job motivation (Laudel and Witcher) were used. Data were analyzed using SPSS 24 and LISREL 8. 8 statistical software. Findings: The results showed that the direct effect of personality traits and professional ethics with beta (3. 96) and (t=0. 37), the direct effect of job motivation and professional ethics with beta (5. 28) and (60. 60) T=0 and the direct effect of personality traits on job motivation with beta (5. 80) and (t=0. 57) is significant. Also, the indirect effect coefficient of personality traits on professional ethics through job motivation (0. 34) shows that the role of job motivation in the relationship between personality traits and professional ethics is significant. Ethical Considerations: The objectives of the research were explained to the participants and they answered the questionnaires while maintaining the originality of the texts, honesty and trustworthiness. Conclusion: The results show a high impact of personality traits on professional ethics and the role of job motivation in the impact of personality traits on professional ethics is confirmed. Therefore, these results can help coaches to provide a platform to improve their performance by observing professional ethics in the job and also consider the personality dimensions.

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Background and Aim: The presence of ethics in university teachers causes the growth of students. In this regard, the purpose of this study was to assessment of the Teaching professional ethics of teachers at farhangian university. Materials and Methods: In this study, descriptive-survey method was used. The statistical population was 477 students of farhangian university of fars. The sample size was 216 according to Cochran's formula, which was extracted from the statistical population using stratified random sampling. The instrument used for datas collection was the Heidary et al Questionnaires. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire were confirmed by experts and Cronbach's alpha was 0. 93. Findings: The results showed that the mean scores of students in all components of the Teaching professional ethics of teachers were above average, but it is far from optimal situation (P<0. 0001, M=3. 42). Ethical Considerations: Necessary explanations were given about the objectives of the research, the reason for data collection, confidentiality of information and the identity of the respondents. Their informed consent was obtained to participate in the study. Conclusion: Planning and paying more attention to the Teaching professional ethics should be considered by university administrators.

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Background and Aim: Academic enthusiasm refers to the amount of attention, curiosity, interest, optimism and enthusiasm that students show when learning or teaching. the purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating role of classroom climate in the relationship between classroom management style and academic engagement in university of medical sciences students. Materials and Methods: The present research method is descriptive and correlation type. the study population was 11300, male and female student at the university of medical sciences and 385 professors from the professors of medical sciences at the 1398-99 SH academic year. among them 372 people (students and professors) were selected from stratified random sampling method (students) and sampling of available sampling (professors) and they responded to the study questionnaires, class management style and academic enthusiasm. the data were analyzed by descriptive statistics indices, pearson correlation coefficient and structural equation model using SPSS 25 and 8. 8 Lisrel. Findings: There was a significant correlation between research variables (p<0. 001). The direct effect of classroom management style on academic achievement is 0. 84, classroom management style on classroom atmosphere, 0. 44, classroom atmosphere on academic achievement is 0. 16 and the indirect effect of classroom management style on academic achievement mediated by classroom atmosphere is 0. 13. In general, the model has a good fit (X2/df=2/47). Ethical Considerations: Participants completed the questionnaires after knowing the objectives of the research. Conclusion: In terms of the role of class management style and class atmosphere in anticipation of the educational enthusiasm of school workshops, education workshops are proposed by the educational institutions to inform teachers with how to manage their class and its psychological climate.

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Background and Aim: Considering environmental crime due to its many bio-damages, the main focus of green cultural criminology studies is to identify environmental crime and bio-harm prevention guidelines in this criminology measure. This study is essential to the realization of the goals of bioethics, as one of the important principles of bioethics is the important principle of harm prevention. Materials and Methods: This descriptive-analytical study will examine the views of contemporary critical green criminologists on environmental crime and the prevention of its damages. Findings: The main demand of cultural criminology for green criminology is to pay attention to the component of culture and the important demand of green criminology for cultural criminology; it is important to note that the environmental damage and catastrophe committed by governments and corporations should not be forgotten. The combination of these two criminology offers a great deal of help in preventing bio-damage, as green cultural criminology relies on the components of culture and education with minimal amount of criminal intervention, which can be effective in non-criminal bioethics. Ethical Considerations: Issues related to research ethics and fiduciary have been considered in the citations of the article. Conclusion: The combination of cultural criminology and green criminology makes it possible to pay attention to two important components of culture and governmental environmental damage. Preventing environmental damage is also possible in this integrationist approach, by properly institutionalizing and cultivating environmental protection.

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Background and Aim: Demanding organizattions to act responsibly twoards society, is an issue that has been intensified by increasingly expansion of their influence on constituent axes of sustainable development, has been led to appear the consept named Corporate Social Responsibility in the management world. This study aims to investigate how firm's corporate social responsibility practices affect brand preference, considering the mediating role of brand attitude and self-brand connection in Shiraz Namazi Hospital. Materials and Methods: The present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey nature in terms of data collection method. The data of this study were collected by distributing a standard questionnaire among a sample of 200 patients in Namazi Hospital, selected by available sampling method and examining the relationships between variables done by structural equation modeling. Findings: Results revealed customers' PCSR had a significant impacts on their brand attitudes, self-brand connection and brand preference. The mediation effect was detected between PCSR and brand preference only by brand attitudes, but the mediating role of self-brand connecton in this relationship was not supported. Ethical Considerations: Participants completed the questionnaires with the awareness of the research objectives. Conclusion: Promoting and expanding organizational social responsibility activities in Namazi Hospital and other similar hospitals and service centers can play a positive and significant role in improving patients' attitudes and evaluations toward the hospital brand, strengthening their Self-brand connection with the brand and prefer the hospital brand by them.

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Background and Aim: Studies about the establishment of International Peace have so far been extensively focused either on the extreme role of the state and political institutions or, if focused on the role of the individual, on environmental factors affecting human activism. However, every human action is also influenced by genetic factors that affect his personality. in the context of the severe lack of interdisciplinary research in international relations and political science, this article raises the question of "What effect will the presence of genetic disorders, including the dysfunction of the Monoamine Oxidase-A (MAOA) Gene in the Genetic Nature of political actors, have on international peace? ". Materials and Methods: This paper by Qualitative Analysis of the content by Library Resources, using the Oscar-Mccartney (1983) Gene-Environmental Correlation (rGE) Model. Findings: Given that the regulation of Monoamine Oxidases is important in maintaining mood, its deficiency leads to a wide range of violent and antisocial behaviors; if the dysfunction of the Gene Encoding Monoamine Oxidases leads to its low expression, the individual's behavior is accompanied by some degree of violence and aggression. Ethical Considerations: All ethical principles of research, including fidelity, honesty and originality of the text have been observed in the process of writing this article. Conclusion: If, in the Genetic Nature of any of the officials and political leaders, there is a disorder of the expression of the Monoamine Oxidase-A (MAOA) Gene, by making their actions violent, leads to such violence by their counterparts and the desire to find or build communities or violent structures for Interaction and coalition will become violent, thus, the establishment of international peace fails.

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Background and Aim: Given the importance of providing views, constructive suggestions and positive attitudes in ethics-oriented organizations and the role that organizational creativity and virtue has in the sense of responsibility and trust among teachers, this study aims to Investigating the role of professional ethics on teachers' organizational voice mediated by organizational virtue and team work was done among primary school teachers in Ardabil. Materials and Methods: The research method is descriptive-correlation. The statistical population of this study included all primary school teachers in Ardabil with 3850 people, of which 350 people were selected as a statistical sample of the research based on Cochran's formula and using multi-stage cluster random sampling method to collect data. Standard questionnaires of professional ethics, organizational virtue, team work blanche and organizational voice were used to collect data. The statistical method used is also structural equations. Findings: The results showed that organizational virtue has a positive and significant direct effect on organizational voice (0. 49). Organizational virtue has a direct positive and significant effect on teamwork (0. 61). team work on professional ethics (0. 57) Has a positive and significant direct effect. Organizational voice has a positive and significant direct effect on professional ethics (0. 43). Organizational virtue has a positive and significant indirect effect on professional ethics (0. 21) through organizational voice. Organizational virtue through team work has an indirect and significant effect on professional ethics (0. 34). Ethical Considerations: After explaining the objectives of the study and reassuring the participants about the confidentiality of information and their oral satisfaction, questionnaires were distributed among the participants. Conclusion: According to the research findings, the managers of educational organizations can promote ethics and support constructive suggestions in schools, and thus help to cultivate organizational and cardinal virtues among teachers.

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Background and Aim: Job involvement is one of the most important methods to increase employee effectiveness, which can be explored through the components of the moral atmosphere and workplace spirituality. On the other hand, job involvement helps employees to be more committed to their work. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of ethical climate and spirituality on job involvement of employees of Lorestan Education Department. Materials and Methods: The research method according to purpose is practical and the type of descriptive-correlation and stepwise regression. Among 292 employees of the general department of education of Lorestan Province, 169 people were selected by relative stratified random sampling. In order to collect data, three questionnaires of ethical climate, spirituality in the work and job involvement was used. To analyze data, descriptive statistical methods and pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise regression, with SPSS 16 software was used. Findings: The results showed that ethical climate and spirituality in the workplace have a positive and significant relationship with job involvement. 21/3 percent of employees job involvement variance is affected by 3 aspects "independence", "instrumentality" and "procedures" from ethical climate aspects. Also 31/1 percent of it, is affected by 2 aspects "meaningful work" and "feeling of soilidarity" from spirituality aspects in the workplace. Ethical Considerations: Honesty, integrity and authenticity of the texts are observed in this article. Conclusion: Based on research results, ethical climate and spirituality in the workplace have an impact on job involvement and are considered as important variables associated with it.

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Background and Aim: Food scarcity, climate change and other factors have led to the production of genetically modified crops (transgenic crops) since the 1990s. The production of these plants, as they had hoped to eliminate hunger, also raised concerns about the potential impact on the environment. The purpose of this study is to examine the Governments' Environmental Obligations on Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) in the light of the International Environmetal Law, European Union and Iran. Materials and Methods: The present paper is descriptive-analytical paper and firstly examines the aforementioned principles of international environmental law in order to understand what is the environmental commitment and obligation of governments in the process of cultivation and supply for transgenic products from the perspective of international law. Then, it examines and applies the EU-specific approach and finally reviews this situation in Iran. Findings: The European Union, unlike United States, has taken a cautious approach to consumer and environmental protection. This approach is rooted in the general principles of international environmental law. Principles such as sustainable development, precautionary principle and the principle of notification that bring together the interests of governments in achieving development, improvement and environmental protection, while in Iran, It has not been enacted environmental laws effectively on the GMO or in some cases the environment and its protection have been neglected. Ethical Considerations: In order to organize this research, while observing the authenticity of the texts, honesty and fidelity have been observed. Conclusion: The results show that governments are committed to adhering to the general or customary principles of sustainable development, precautionary principle and the principle of notification in the process of cultivating and supplying for Genetically Modified Organism (GMO), and adhering to these principles is the best way to safeguard consumer rights.

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Background and Aim: Familiarity with ethical points plays a very important and necessary role in human life and society, since it is with proper training and education that a society can attain the desired perfection. The main purpose of the present study is to investigate the components of relative or absolute Ethics in Saadi's works which have gained a significate status and position both in Persian literature and the world literature. Materials and Methods: The research approach is descriptiveanalytical, which has been done based on a qualitative method. For this purpose, the research has extracted and analyzed the components of relative or absolute ethics in in Saadi's works. Findings: In two chapters of Golestan and Bustan, Saadi has stated some absolute (Fixed ethics) and perpetual principles of human ethics as well as some variable behavioral principles of human beingalong with several examples. This famous poet has paid special attention to the ethical issues in the form of short and pleasant stories and often with special reference to the Quran and religious teachings. That is why today he is referred to in several societies and communities as a role model of thoughts. Ethical Considerations: In order to organize this research, while observing the authenticity of the texts, honesty and fidelity have been observed. Conclusion: Studying Saadi's works helps the reader to reach to perfection, to think rationally, to behave wisely and to worship God and to act based on fairness and justice in society. Golestan's book is an expression of facts and truths while Bustan is the utopia of Saadi. He was an ethical poet and his teachings in the form of poems and anecdotes invite human societies to altruism, love, justice, truthful behavior, and so on. The results of this study show that Sheikh Ajal has mostly behaved based on the absolute and perpetual fixed and stable ethics of the positive type.

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Background and Aim: Organizational envy, being one of the negative aspects of staff relationships in organizations, implicitly affects both productivity and efficiency of the organization and brings about numerous problems for the staffs and the organization. Thus, the purpose of this study was to identify the factors affecting the organizational envy among the staffs of Farhangian University (Northwest Provinces of the Country). Materials and Methods: In this qualitative research, with interpretive phenomenological approach, 24 informants and experts were selected from Farhangian Universities in Northwest Provinces of the Country using purposive sampling. The data were collected through interviews. After transcribing the data, they were analyzed using Dieckelman’ s approach. Findings: The findings of this study showed that the factors affecting the organizational envy among the staffs of Farhangian University were: anticitizenship behaviors, organizational culture, personality traits, the existence of a gap between the manager and the staff (exchange of leadermember) undesirable organizational climate, organizational learning capabilities and spiritual leadership. Ethical Considerations: In compiling this research, preserving the originality of the texts, honesty and fidelity have been respected. Conclusion: On the basis of research findings, it is concluded that the university administration can promote the organization by identifying the negative affective factors, creating suitable organizational climate, improving the relationship among the staffs and spiritual leadership.

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Radpour Aliakbar


Bioethics Journal

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Background and Aim: Moral life is one of the main challenges in the contemporary world. The traditional and modern worlds are very different in terms of moral life. In this regard, in the present article, an attempt is made to study the moral life components in the Persian poetry book (Divan) of Shahriyar (the prominent poet of the present time). Materials and Methods: The approach of this research is descriptiveanalytical and has been done with a qualitative method of documentary type. Thus, Shahriyar Persian Poetry Divan has been studied according to the moral life components considered by social theorists and philosophers, and poems related to these components have been selected and analyzed. Findings: The results indicate that friendship and loyalty, justice and equality, honesty and integrity, piety and freedom, which are the most important moral life components, have been prominent in Shahriyar Persian poems. The findings also indicate that Shahriar considers the present world as a world of moral contradictions. He describes the real human beings as moral, justice-oriented, committed, pious, honest, trustworthy, and alien human as flattering, deceitful and untrustworthy and expresses his deep concerns about the morality of society, believing that the only way of moral life is religiosity and humanity. Ethical Considerations: In conducting this research, the condition of fidelity, honesty and fairness has been observed. Conclusion: Studying Shahriyar Persian poems (Divan) causes man to be more moral in his life and to observe moral values more than before. From the viewpoint of Shahriar, friendship and justice are complementary, without them veracity and rectitude will not make sense. In the shadow of friendship, justice, and veracity, the piety and purity are strengthened and provide the ground for living free and liberty.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Bioethics Journal

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Background and Aim: This study was conducted in relation to moral and social supports for victims and their physical and psychological alleviation. It also aimed to explain the theory of co-compensation of crime victims and analyze its normative foundations. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive study, after the purposeful search and review of resources, the theory of co-compensation was explained and its normative foundations were analyzed. Findings: One of the most important concerns of legal systems is to compensate for all damages and losses incurred by the crime in the shortest time and the most convenient manner outside the process of criminal court proceedings irrespective of the prosecution or punishment of offender his ability or inability to compensate for damages. This issue will be possible when a Co-compensation system is governed. The corner stone of this theory is that the Government or NGOs will compensate the harms and then sue the offender to receive paid remedies. The normative foundations of this policy are justice, social solidarity and the necessity of supporting victims of crime. This theory involves the restoration of material, emotional and even medical damages. Ethical Considerations: Honesty and confidentiality have been observed. Conclusion: In Iranian criminal system, except for the notion of Zeman Aghele that is an exceptional institution derived from criminal jurisprudence, there is no specific regulation and judicial procedure related to collective compensation for losses outside the judicial system. It is recommended the principle of Collective Compensation be established by the criminal policy makers.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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