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The western symbolism that characterized in France at the late nineteenth century invaded the Arabic modem literature and had great effect on development of its forms and genres especially on the theater. Actors arose in Arab world take principles of symbolism in their productions among them Ali Oqla Orsan who is truly master of writing, presenting and criticism of theater in Syria. His symbolic theaters include "al-Sheikh wa al-Tariq", "Zowar al-Lail" and "Tahawolat Azef al-Nai". In this research we try to analyze symbolic aspects of "Zowar al-Lail". This theater tells us about psychological conflict that suffers Ahmad, hero of theater, and drags him to suicide for he was committed bad works to his beloved (Hend). She loved him and trusted in him but he leaved her alone before her achy fate. From this viewpoint we extracted the symbols and analyzed modality of its inspiration from its title and thought and then its characters, time and place. At the end and by reliance on technical method we conclude that Orsan in this theater and in its semantic employment, try to talk about human psychological conflict that arises with his sins during his life.

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Undoubtedly the founder of any knowledge is who laid the cornerstone of that. On the base of many narratives, Imam Ali (AS) is the founder of Arabic grammar who directed Abul Asvad Addoali to expand Arabic grammar. But some of modem scholars imitated some orientalists and on the base of a few narratives denied that the founder of Arabic grammar is Imam Ali (AS). They also refused to accept the ability of the early Arabs and Muslims to establish a science. Through responding to these deniers, this paper shows weaknesses of their opinions. The authors of this paper have also showed that the Arabic grammar has not been influenced by other languages.

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Motif is a literary device that is usually used to enrich a text. It has not only to do with any recurring element within a literary work but with the creation of certain effects on the reader. The contemporary Iraqi poet, Yahya Samavi, has used motif not only as a decorative device but as a means to convey ideas dominant in his poetry. One of these dominant motives which reflect his life and mood has to do with the recurrent of charismatic characters who own extraordinary characteristics. This motif which plays a significant role in his poetry deviates from its ordinary function to develop new meaning and point of view. In this descriptive study which focuses on characters from history and their reflexes in the Samavi’s poetry, characters such as Moatasem, Salah al-Din al-Ayyoobi, and Reghal, and characters from Islam such as Imam Hossein and Abi Dzar al-Ghefari are emphasized. And the poet has found a great power in bringing about these characters to enrich his feelings and images in his works. These well-known charismatic characters are the embodiment of the poet's feelings and thoughts, concerning the problems of Islamic, Arab world. Samavi perseveres to encourage his addressee to be strong in will, to be patient and to show resistance.

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Narcissism is one of the poetic techniques in which the poet boasts about and glorifies his/her own people's merits and achievements. This style can be seen in most of Arab poets in different eras. Narcissism is classified into various kinds such as congenital, literary, political and religious narcissism and so the like. As it was liked a lot in the past, composing this style was very common. But it diminishes from Jahilid (Pre-Islamic times) to Islamic age and from the Omowian dynasty to the Abbasi dynasty by degrees. This poetic technique in the Mamloki period had less opportunity and it was during this period that literary narcissism emerged. The outstanding Egyptian poet Jamalladin lbn Nubata living in the Mamloki period attempted this style. Although no part of his Diwan (collected poems of a poet) is allocated to narcissism. Most of his is literary narcissism in which he brags about his poems. In this essay descriptive methods have been used to analyze the concept of lbn Nubata's literary narcissism.

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Irony is a tool that implicitly treats social realities by drawing upon wit. Such wit is backed up with silent thought and contemplation that would quietly yet effectively shriek man out of his slumber of oblivion. Thus, irony is a means to an end and a weapon aimed at certain individuals or groups of people. Among the features of Ibrahim Touqan’s poetry is the sincere and passionate obsession of the poet with patriotic concerns as a Palestinian. Since Touqan was not practically capable of reforming and improving the harsh realities of Palestinian existence, he resorted to the weapons of irony and sarcasm to expose and alert his fellow countrymen of the treachery and deceit that has compromised his motherland. The piercing impression of his style is the outcome of his implementation of the imperative and interrogative, the dialectical, the paradoxical, queer realism, coinage, dislocated conclusions, and admonishing address, among others. This article employs a descriptive-analytical approach to the subject of irony and sarcasm and analyzes its origin and practice in Ibrahim Touqan’s poetry.

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The life of Ibn Hani can be divided into two parts: the first period under the Umayyad rule in Andalusia, where he spends nearly three decades of his life in his homeland in obscurity without referring scholars in his life to the poem or literary pieces, and the second period is in Moroccan area, proven in His Divan, after his sun has raised and shone commonly mentioned there. The study in the poems of Ibn Hani guide us to a special module in epithets and descriptions of those been praised, it differs from the ordinary where poets entered the empty compliments and comparisons filled with exaggeration and sputter words to gain money and foremost What is characterized by Ibn Hani from other poets are in religious faith and a strong political trends related to the Fatimid Imam attached automatically, and it seeks in the Fatimid Caliph and tells its staff believed the imamate al-Moez and praises him according to what he believes Ismailia from an ideological perspective stems from the doctrine of the faith. He sees the Caliph as an imam imposed obey him and described in terms of the description of religious history, governance and descent, and proud his governors and leaders of the same idea.

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Ibn Baabak is a poet who is not known as he deserves. We do not find many things about or from him except some imitative repeated phrases and so here we have talked about him briefly at a glance. Noting his life, poems, faith, and connection to the issue of relation between a poet to his contemporary authors and poets as well as speaking about literary movement and his role in its dynamics, manifested along the phrases quoted from his poetic book or other references, we see a literary and poetic endeavor from him, concerning the literary process of his lifetime or his contemporary writers, for example: to quote poems and news of poets, to bring out the blinding verses (Matrooha) or to propose verses about others including Bin al-Munajjim or literary and poetic letters and dialogues like those occurred between himself and Bin Faris, or to praise or insult them, of which some examples are clear for us in the literary collections of his age.

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One of the most outstanding authors and poets of Algeria is Kateb Yasin who revealed his unfortunate country's condition toward people. He has several trace of writing to French language in novel, poem and scenario fields. But spirit based on his work, mixing with Islamic culture, is Arabic spirit originated from Aljazeera culture. The most important of his novels, which is a new experience in the form of the novel, is [Najmah]. Because of the use of modem techniques, this novel has gained wide acceptance by the public and became prominent. The novel consists of several secretes of Algerian status and people coming from Aljazeera, and the author gives subtle description using the secrets of his country's shameful truth. The novel has a lovely themes and its subject is poetic. Then the novel [Najmah] is slender and very stable and strong novel which shows the high ability of author in writing novel. The text is provided to estimate the symbols of [Najmah] at first, we going to express brief of Kateb Yasin's life and the novel [Najmah] then mention various ideas about symbolic novel of [Najmah] and finally address the most important symbols of this novel.

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Complaint poetry is a natural expression of human grief, pain, dissatisfaction, or resentment arising from life's different problems. Complaint poetry regarded as a kind of lyric poem in which the speaker faces the cruelty of a faithless lover or the advent of some misfortune like poverty, exile, injustice, in which the poet laments or protests or tells of those miseries. The complaint poetry considered as one of the old form of Arabic poetry. Death and Time, love and separation, imprisonment, aging, sickness and guilt and tragedies of life are regarded as the most important concerns of self-complaint in the first century of hegira. Complaint poetry in this century remained in extension of what was prevalent in the pre-Islamic poetry in terms of rhyme, form and poetic images. Nevertheless with the appearance of Islam, many aspects of life changed and this matter had a great impact on the viewpoint of the people; so that the complaint of poverty and death, and different problems of human life dropped. But n the other hand there have been a lot of complaint about the parting of sons and relatives who immigrated to different countries to spread Islam in other countries. The complaint poetry in the first century of hegira is characterized by the similarity of styles and overlapping of meanings and self-experiments while artistic and technical illustrations and images were different among poets.

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This essay deals with Hadith and Qur'anic views of an Islamic movement called "Qur'anists". This movement has emerged in India and then transferred to Egypt and the Arab World. The followers of this trend believe that Qur'an- that comprises all religion matters- is the sole source of legislation in Islam and they reject the competence of "Sunnah" as a source of legislation for two reasons: first because it is not a divine revelation and second it had been exposed to forgery because of the delay in writing it. They call for Quran modernization and religious reformation and as a result they interpreted Quran intellectually depending on contemplation and individual reasoning. This kind of thinking leads them to think of the supernatural facts as realistic natural phenomena and deny the role of the "Sunnah" in the identification and interpretation of Quran. They also believe that Quran does not need any explanation because it is obvious not ambiguous and just needs some contemplation. Quranists do not consider any role neither for the "sunnah" nor for the narrators and collectors of "hadith". Unfortunately, most of their logic depends on fallacies. The essay also aims to analyze the historical roots of this trend and defines the most popular communities of the Qur'anists, their leaders and their intellectual and ideological attitudes.

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The signs of sadness, concern and losing one's thought balance are among the varieties of the manifestation of loneliness in human beings. The contemporary Arab poet is a sensitive, bright minded man, living under the dominance of colonialism or anti-freedom organizations, suffering from different forms of loneliness. Such a condition will cause that poet to lose his life balance and peaceful behavior with the society or even with himself! Sayeed Qotb is such an Arab poet who had a long struggle with the imperialistic powers from one hand, and with himself and his own society from the other. This study aims at discovering the manifestation of loneliness in his verses to provide the readers with an understanding of his personality and thought directions before his inclination toward Islamic issues.

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Prophet Mohammad (P) was at the peak of eloquence and rhetoric at the height of the comprehensively statement and spoke with every tribe in their language. To express the whole of word, we review the metaphor of prophet's words in order to demonstrate a piece of his rhetoric and eloquence. This paper seeks to examine the art of metaphor and expressions of the Holy Prophet (P). Our method of discussion is choosing several Hadiths in every type of metaphor, and then performing them to Hadiths and also investigating different types of metaphor by expressing some evidences from prophetic Hadiths. To proof our findings, we presented a number of books on ancient rhetoric. What we are trying to prove is illustrating different aspects of the rhetoric in the word of Prophet.

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