Purpose: Adoption and diffusion of innovation is one of the indicators of community progress. Innovation is a process in which ideas and new methods are created or developed. The aim of this study was to visualize the scientific structure of innovation diffusion during 1990-2011.Method: The research method was scientometrics. During the period of 1990-2011, 3180 records were extracted in WoS and necessary analyses were performed on them.Findings: Results showed that the collaboration coefficient from 0.204 in 1990 raised to 0.508 in 2011 and the average of collaboration coefficient was 0.378 for the whole period. Due to the critical value at confidence level of 95% (0.0177> 0.8578), it can be said that the present work is in accordance with Lutka’s law. The fields of Management with 796 records (25%), Commerce with 546 records (17.2%), and Economy with 428 records (13.5%), ranked first to third respectively in order to diffusion of innovation research publishing. among 81 countries that have produced documents related to the diffusion of innovation, findings showed that over 57 percent were produced in the US and England. Iran with a production of 7 records (%2.0) in this field ranked 34th.Results: The present study revealed significant correlation existing between cumulative annual frequency of scientific outputs, and year of study. An exponential regression was applied to model the high correlation between cumulative number of documents and the year of study. Using the regression equation, it can be estimated that in 2015, the number of scientific publications on this topic will be twice of the number of publications in 2006. Finally, by the scientific mapping of innovation diffusion on a global basis (GCS), eight clusters were identified and introduced.