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The present research has been performed for considering the effect of watching satellite serials on the living style of student ladies. The emphasis of the said research is on the student ladies (married females) of Islamic Azad University–east Tehran Brach – in the field of communications. The statistical society of the research consists of 102 of ladies who access to satellite, and due to the smallness of statistical society, total sample has been taken into consideration as a statistical society. The prepared questionnaire of this research consists of twenty three closed questions and one open question and the amount of alpha factor for evaluation is 0.87 which enjoys stability.The analysis of data has been performed in two descriptive and inferential levels. BY presenting the descriptive and inferential findings We concluded that the existence of positives senses such as unlawful sexual connection, promiscuity and treachery was obvious.Considering the test of existing theories and analysis of findings we can result in this research that the more the viewer watch satellite serials, the more the style of lady students of Islamic Azad University – East Tehran Brach – in the field of communication, is changed according to these serials.

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Today, the world is in progress in all fields such as scientific, technological, cultural, economic, social and… In the present world leading society towards modern society is considered an important factor. One of the factors that will propel the country towards development is the concept of civil society and the media are a tool that can contribute to society in its development. Civil society is one of the social relationships, including institutions that are aligned in thought and purpose, and are working in the form of parties and unions, causing that government is not intrusive. In fact, they are influential in politics and involved in all political decisions and policies.The article studied the role of television in development. Development can be studied from different aspects which in fact, this research has only considered the civil society as one of its factors. The research finding showed that with the media Relief and assistance, the community can be achieved some development indicators. It also emphasized the role of television as the pervasive and influential media.

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The internet does make it easier to circulate rumors, e-mail is a special case. People are much more likely to believe false rumors that they receive in e-mails from friends and family. we are more likely to let our defenses down when we're dealing with our friends, e-mail can have such harmful consequences.  The study involved a telephone survey of 600 Americans in November 2008, immediately after the presidential election. Participants were asked about their exposure to 10 rumors that were circulating about the two major presidential tickets. More rumors someone heard, the more they believed. The more rumors they believed, the more political e-mails they sent.People were more likely to share e-mails as belief in rumors about the opposed candidate increased. While the effect of e-mail is troubling, there are plenty of people who encounter rumors on the web every day and dismiss them.

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National mass media or international mass media can bring about solidarity or make a new tear within their programs and their messages. It can make ethical, identity, social and cultural crisis. Mass media can maintain and strengthen national unity in terms of hardware or software terms. They can also enhance the community's chances, increasing participation, competition and mobility of citizens, as well as institutionalize the internal value system and beliefs of faith and introducing mechanisms to solve the cultural and social diversity inconsistent. This paper tries to study and examine the role of mass media in national unity and solidarity which are the important factors affecting the national security.

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This article is based on a research with the aim of answering to this question “developed Medias and media Cartels in addition of Advertisement and news and photo selling are using which other ways for money earning?“ This research shows that this Medias at first are behaving like trade companies and are developing their media behave like financial developing styles, for this reason they are trying to develop their money earning styles.Also this article answer to the question of “what is the reason of progressing of reporters in BBC, CNN, Reuters, AFP and AP more than other media ?“Trying to answer to the question of “what is the difference between professional educational classes, masters and sources in Iran and EU and America?“In addition new ways in world for money earning in Medias, out sourcing of educational affairs and acting educational affairs in Media as software in media economy and using western countries experiences in media economy for using in domestic Medias and giving offers in this case are other aims of this article.This article will show that mega Medias who are in the first line of world’s media economy are using new ways for money earning in addition of selling photo and news.In this article we will say that mega Medias like Reuters, AP, and CNN are selling their media content and educational content as a new way of money earning so we will give some offers for domestic Medias to use for modern money earning if they like to use.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In this article in line with clarifying the role of internet in cultural develop ment of the university first the consept of the cultural develop ment and the whole peocess will be explained. and then the importance of cultural develop ment during the contemporary era is mentioned and by describing the internet picturing the present condition of internet in iran and the whole world . we refred to the role of internet cultural develop ment of university and at the end during the surrey being done from the professors of the university and the communication  student of Tehran shargh branch from azad university the results of the surrey were mentioned

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During several times the art of satire has been displayed in various forms. Sometimes in the form of text or picture, sometimes in the form of SMS and nowadays in the form of caricature. Humor or satire is mixed with human’s life and also is a inseparable part of it. The man laughs therefore he exists. This smiling view has been tied with his intellectual and human identity.This paper is based on the theoretical principles of semiotics emphasizing on the approach of Pierce, Maurice and tries to elaborate on the relationship between a sign and its meaning in the social context.In this survey the caricatures of 44th USA’s presidential election are studied as one of the most important and controversial elections in the world in both terms of the caricatures’ presence on the news’ websites as well as the political dimensions.In a period of six months before the election schedule, all caricatures who have supported Barak Obama, have been collected from Google search engine, sorted and then have been content analyzed by the experts in the field of art, politics and sociology.

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The purpose of this article is the effective factors on political participation of people via studying the interpersonal relationships in order to analyze the social networks.In this analysis, some hypothesis like political effectiveness hypothesis, civil commitment feeling, intellectual selection and political preferences, are concerned.In order to get the result, 260 measurement questionnaires spread among the students of Damavand unit of Azad Islamic university.Moreover, some information gathered from the members of the social network, except the information gathered from the questionnaires.The results saying that the special output, communication and structure of the network and the specialty of sociality in the case of poll behavior of network members (which actually is the obvious factor of political participation of people) show the effectiveness.Also the poll behavior of the network’s members in the case of foresighted variable has the meaningful relationship with the dependent variable.Among all cases of study, the most effectiveness belongs to the political preferences variable.The analysis of multi variable regression are telling that about 37% of differentiation between poll behaviors, are shown with the investigated variables.Thus, the investigation, is determined the place of network in order to show the poll behavior in the case of political participation, which the results concluded the effects of personal networks on polling behavior directly and via political preferences.At last this investigation, give a model on the basis of Westly and Mac model.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Not all blogs pretend to be journalistic or related to current events in the sense shared by institutional media. In fact, most blogs are mainly personal and revolve around the feelings and experiences of the author. However, any blogger can “commit journalism” when describing or analyzing an event he/she has witnessed. In addition, after blogs became a buzzword within institutional media, some individual journalists also embraced them as a new, more open way to communicate with their audience. Subsequently, media companies themselves have explored the possibilities of this format as a journalistic genre and as an open space in which web users can participate. Even if bloggers writing about current events may not feel comfortable comparing their publishing to journalism, we argue that this heterogeneous group of weblogs, some made by the public, some by journalism practitioners, and some by media houses, have something in common that justifies the label ”journalistic weblog”: Although they may not strictly follow traditional journalistic routines and conventions, these weblogs have a clear intention to collect, analyse, interpret or comment on current events to wide audiences and in this way perform the very same social function usually associated with institutionalized media.The main purpose of this study was to compare press journalists to blog journalists, according to journalists bloggers. This research method survey and questionnaire was conducted. The population comprises of all blog journalists working in newspaper portals in Tehran. We used Simple Random Sampling in this study.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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